The deepest part of the ravine was a dark figure flapping its wings and slowly flying out of the ravine.

A head of snow-white hair reaching his waist, a mysterious black eye with six white circles on his left eye,

Mysterious ghost patterns appeared on his face,

He held a heavy black dragon scale shield in his left hand and a thunder dragon spear in his right hand.

If this isn't Lin Haoran, who else could it be! ?

Lin Haoran's clothes were a little tattered, and the clothes on his left hand had been torn,

revealing Bai Jie's bloody arm.


Lin Haoran was panting,

with a hint of lingering fear in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the last moment, when I asked my wife, the Ghost Emperor, to transfer her power to me, and took out the SS-level ghost dragon scale ghost shield, and used the dragon spirit protection skill to resist the terrifying attack of the giant elephant devil BOSS, I would have almost died.

It was really a close call!!

"I still underestimated a legendary BOSS with SS-level qualifications. I almost capsized in the gutter..."

"It's my turn next!!"

Lin Haoran's eyes were cold, like a thousand-year-old glacier, coldly looking at the giant elephant devil BOSS who was standing there.

The giant elephant devil BOSS was really confused at this time,

staring, with one eye looking at Lin Haoran flying in the sky with a look of disbelief.

How is this possible! ?

This ant is not dead yet! ?

What are you doing to me! ?

This is a blow that I used all my strength to hit, but I can't kill an ant! ?

The giant elephant devil BOSS was completely shocked!!

Staring with eyes like copper bells,

For a moment, he was stunned.


"Impossible.........How can he still be alive?"

"This guy is not a human at all!!"

"He.....He is cheating, he definitely has a blood lock cheat, an immortal cheat."

On the rooftop,

The evil dragon's eyes were full of bloodshot, like a mad dog, roaring in a hoarse voice.

This terrifying blow,

Even ghosts and gods must die!!

How could Liudao still be alive,

How could he still be alive! ?

The huge gap made the evil dragon want to go crazy.

King Kong and Wild Cat also looked very ugly, looking at each other, their eyes flickering, and I don't know what they were thinking.


On the other side,

Yan Hou Ghost Emperor looked a little pale,

and came out of the shadows.

She temporarily gave all her strength to Lin Haoran, and now she is very weak.



At this time, Ghost Sword Immortal, Little Lei Ming, Xiao Xue and other ghosts came to the side of the Ghost Emperor Yan Hou in an instant.

Ghost Sword Immortal supported the Ghost Emperor Yan Hou,

A trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Sister... I'm fine, just take a rest."

The Ghost Emperor Yan Hou showed a pale smile to the Ghost Sword Immortal, indicating that they don't need to worry.

"Mother... this big guy is so powerful. If that attack just now had come at me, I feel like I would have died."

Xiaoxue supported the other side of the Ghost Emperor Yanhou, and looked at the giant elephant devil with lingering fear in her eyes, and said with some fear:

"Father... can he really defeat this long-nosed man alone!?"

"Don't worry... your father is the man who will become the strongest ghost emperor in the future. How could such an ugly guy be your father's opponent?"

The Ghost Emperor Yanhou smiled at Xiaoxue and spoke to her,

The tone was full of trust in Lin Haoran,

Maybe this is love brain.

"Sister... don't say such things in the future, father will not lose, and it is impossible to lose!!"

Little Leiming held the Dark Sword, exuding a strong ghost aura, and said to Xiaoxue,

"Okay... you are fierce to me!!"

Xiaoxue's ice-blue eyes suddenly flashed with tears, staring at Xiao Leiming, and said angrily.

Little Lei Ming:


Little Lei Ming was speechless. Is this called being mean to you!?

But seeing the tears in Xiao Xue's eyes, his heart could not be hardened at all, and he sighed slightly.

Being a brother is too difficult~

I am not afraid of having a sister, but I am most afraid of a sister who is cute and can cry.

"Little Lei Ming... Did you grow horns and harden them?!"

"How dare you be mean to your sister!?"

"I will spank you..."

The Queen Ghost Emperor glared at Little Lei Ming and raised his hand to spank Little Lei Ming.

"Mother... There are still many people watching here, can you not spank her?"

"No... It is natural for a mother to spank her son."

Xiao Ying was like Lao Liu on the side,

hiding in the dark, watching the scene of his mother chasing his brother and spanking him,

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a lovely smile.

"I didn't expect such a cool brother to have this side."


At the same time, Lin Haoran in the sky,

glanced in the direction of the Yanhou Ghost Emperor, and saw that he was supported by his other ghosts,

and he breathed a sigh of relief,

then looked seriously at the giant elephant devil in front of him,

with a faint smile on his face, he slowly said:

"'s your turn to take my attack!!"

Lin Haoran's eyes suddenly burst into a sharp light, grinned, and said lightly.

"Minglei Susano........"

"Condensate for me!!!"


PS: Thank you for the gifts from my family,

Thank you for the reward, love you!!


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