The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Six... Six Paths!?"

"You said... You are Six Paths!?"


"Absolutely impossible............"

Li Xin's pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a look of disbelief, and he stepped back repeatedly,

He shouted at Lin Haoran with a low roar.

Longguo is so big, with a population of 2 billion,

How could he possibly meet the strongest player in the world! ?

Isn't this dozens of times lower than the probability of buying a lottery ticket?

So Li Xin's first reaction was to not believe it.

Lin Haoran just smiled faintly and continued to approach Li Xin, with a gleam in his eyes.

He continued to say to Li Xin:

"I don't care whether you believe me or not~"

"Because I don't like to leave hidden dangers........."

"So.........please die."

Lin Haoran had a smile on his face, but the words he said made Li Xin's whole body cold and piercing.

It was like falling into a thousand-year-old glacier.

The fear of death made him secrete a lot of saliva in his mouth, and he couldn't help swallowing saliva.


Lin Haoran had already sentenced Li Xin to death in his heart.

I robbed his SSS-level ghost tripod, and this guy must have hated me to death in his heart.

The most feared thing in the doomsday is this kind of person with great luck. If he doesn't kill Li Xin, Lin Haoran is really a little uneasy.

He won't be as stupid as the villain in the novel, who keeps the protagonist alive,

and finally grows up with the protagonist,

and then kills him.

He felt that these villains were really stupid and deserved to be killed.

Cut the grass and root it out.

This has always been Lin Haoran's principle of doing things! !

So.........Li Xin,

He must kill him.


Li Xin's face was full of fear. He had nowhere to retreat. He retreated to a high platform.

Looking at Lin Haoran walking towards him,

Li Xin suddenly showed a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth and grinned at Lin Haoran.

There was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.


At this moment,

A hissing sound suddenly sounded from the wall of a pillar behind Lin Haoran.

A lizard ghost disguised as a wall and looking like a horned chameleon suddenly appeared.

It was Li Xin's last ghost,

Level 10, A-level ghost:

Disguised lizard dragon ghost! !

The blood-red eyes flashed a violent look at Lin Haoran's back,

opened his bloody mouth,

revealed two rows of sharp teeth, shed disgusting saliva, dripped on the ground, made a hissing sound,

suddenly bit Lin Haoran's head.


"Die for me..."

"Want to kill me!?"

"You want to kill me?"

"Too young!!"

"Today I will teach you one thing, you will pay the price of your life if you underestimate the enemy."


Li Xin showed a wild smile on his face, roaring viciously in his heart,

He kept retreating,

Do you really think he was afraid to run away! ?

All this was just an illusion,

The disguised lizard dragon ghost had already been lurking on the wall, he only had to paralyze Lin Haoran,

and then attract Lin Haoran to approach the disguised lizard dragon ghost.

Although killing Lin Haoran might not allow him to obtain the SSS-level ghost tripod,

but compared to his own life,

it seems not very important.

Li Xin is also a man of strong will, and he can actually cut off the temptation of SSS-level ghosts.

He chose to kill Lin Haoran, even if the ghost tripod did not explode, it didn't matter, his life was the most important! !


At this moment,

Lin Haoran's mouth corners slightly raised, and he also revealed a smile, and a chill gushed out of his body.

"Crack, crack..."

Under the horrified gaze of the disguised lizard dragon ghost behind him, his body was instantly wrapped in cold air.

, forming an ice sculpture,

emitting a faint cold air,

The camouflaged lizard dragon ghost in the ice was motionless, and the luster in his eyes full of fear slowly faded,

Frozen to death alive!!


The arrogant smile on Li Xin's face instantly turned into a horrified expression,

showing an expression of disbelief,

letting out a heart-wrenching cry.

This plot is wrong, he never thought that Lin Haoran's strength was really so strong,

Level 10 A-level ghosts were killed by him in seconds,

Could this guy really be the Six Paths! ?

Li Xin's heart was filled with fear and resentment,

his ghosts were all dead!!

This camouflaged lizard dragon ghost was an A-level ghost that he had contracted with after spending a lot of effort,

Now they are all dead, all dead.

Li Xin's eyes were full of bloodshot, like a demon crawling out of hell,

The hatred for Lin Haoran in his heart was higher than the sky,

and thicker than the earth! !


Li Xin suddenly knelt on his knees, knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Haoran, begging:

"Boss.........please let me go."

"Just treat me as a dog, let me go."

"I promise........I, Li Xin, am your most loyal servant, please let me go."

A deep vicious look flashed across Li Xin's eyes, but tears and snot were streaming down his face.

He kept kowtowing to Lin Haoran for mercy,

his forehead was broken.


At this moment,

Li Xin suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then he saw a huge headless body kneeling on the ground,

it seemed a little familiar,

Is this his body! ?

Li Xin's pupils suddenly shrank, and the last thought flashed through his mind.

"Bang bang..."

Li Xin's head rolled to the ground, and he died completely.

Li Xin, the famous Medicine Ghost King in the previous life, died on the first day of the doomsday outbreak.

It must be said that Li Xin was indeed a bit tragic.

From then on, this world lost a Medicine Ghost King, but gained a Ghost Emperor who suppressed an era.

All people in this world are destined to be dimmed and turned into green leaves under the glory of Lin Haoran.


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