The dead body was covered with blood, and the dead body was covered with blood.

In the Magic City Museum,

In the huge exhibition hall, the ground was stained with blood, and there were several human corpses that were bitten to death.

The eyes were closed until death, staring with a strong fear.

And near these human corpses, there were actually several ghost corpses,

Their bodies were covered with claw marks, and they seemed to have been killed by other ghosts.

At this time, hundreds of people gathered in the exhibition hall.

These people were old and young, male and female.

At this time, they all looked at the gate with horror, listening to the sound of ghosts and monsters ramming it roughly.

"Boom boom boom..."

There were also countless ghosts and monsters roaring,

making everyone inside tremble with fear, looking at the gate in horror,

fearing that the gate would be broken, and those man-eating ghosts would rush in, then they would be dead! !

"Don't be afraid, everyone. The gate and walls of our Magic City Museum are made of special metal, and even artillery shells can't get in."

"It is absolutely impossible for those ghosts to break through the metal gate."

At this time, an old man wearing glasses and looking like a scholar stood up,

trembling slightly, and said to comfort everyone.

He is the person in charge and owner of the Magic City Museum, named: Hua Tianming.

He is a famous historian in China,

and has a high reputation.

Among the crowd, there were staff members of the Magic City Museum and tourists who came to see the cultural relics.

All of them knew the old man. After hearing what Hua Tianming said,

they were slightly relieved from their fear, and a glimmer of hope appeared in their eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes... Mr. Hua is right. This is the Magic City Museum, a national first-class museum. It must be very safe. Don't be afraid."

"Hoo, hoo, hoo... I was scared to death. So many ghosts suddenly appeared. I thought I was going to die."

"Fortunately, Mr. Hua reacted quickly and ordered people to activate the emergency closure mode and close the museum."

"Yes, yes... Thank you so much, Mr. Hua."

"But I also want to thank that young man. If he hadn't summoned the ghosts and killed those ghosts, we might have died too."

"Why thank him? ! ? He was wearing the uniform of a museum security guard, just guarding the door, and it was his duty to protect our safety. "

"That's right... Damn, a stinky security guard turned out to be a legendary game player, damn lucky, I would have bought a gaming helmet earlier."


These people were talking about it,

They were grateful to Mr. Hua,

Some people glanced at a man in his thirties wearing a security uniform,

There was a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

Because he is a game player!!

After the Ghost Continent merged with the Earth,

Countless ghosts descended, and a group of ghosts also poured into the museum,

carried out an inhumane massacre,

Everyone in the museum was also scared,

and they all ran away,

Hua Tianming was a man who acted decisively,

Immediately turned on the emergency closure mode of the museum and closed the entire Magic City Museum.

But there are still several ghosts in the museum.

This is simply a turtle in a jar.

These ghosts killed several people in succession, and everyone was completely scared.

When they thought they were all going to be killed,

a man in his thirties wearing security uniforms suddenly appeared and released four scary ghosts.

He showed a very scary strength and killed all the ghosts in a few rounds.

He successfully saved everyone.


When the security man heard the discussion of these people, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

But his face was still expressionless. He should be a very cunning person.

His name is: Li Xin.

If Lin Haoran was here, he would definitely recognize him. He is one of the famous top players in the future.

He is called: Medicine Ghost King, Li Xin!!

That's right... He is the player who got the SSS-level ghost Simuwu Ding.


Under the heaven-defying effect of the S-level ghost Simuwu Ding,

he raised the qualifications of one of his ghosts to SSS level,

and his other ghosts are also S and SS level, which can be said to be a powerful group.

How can you, a player, compare with the drug-taking players! ?

He is a drug-taking player,

he is simply taking drugs and cheating,

rising step by step from the doomsday,

becoming one of the strongest players.

Drug Ghost King: Li Xin!!

"Captain.........this group of conscienceless people, not only don't thank you, but also say bad things."

"I can't stand it anymore, I want to teach them a lesson."

"Yes, yes, yes...Captain, it may be the doomsday now, and the country can't care so much."

At this time, the seven or eight security guards following Li Xin couldn't stand it anymore,

held security sticks, came to Li Xin angrily, and said to Li Xin.

Li Xin is the captain of the security team of the Magic City Museum. He is also very kind to the security team members.

These members admire this captain who is calm and decisive in dealing with things.

Now the captain they admire is insulted.

How can they tolerate it! ?

"Don't... He didn't say anything wrong. We are indeed security guards and have the responsibility to protect their safety."

A gleam of light flashed in Li Xin's eyes. He stopped these people and spoke to them.

But I don't know what he thought in his heart.


"You are too kind. You are a game player now and have absolute power."

"What are you afraid of!?"

When the team members saw Li Xin's appearance, they were a little anxious and couldn't help but said in a hurry,

Li Xin narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard it, but soon suppressed the beast in his heart,

He smiled and said to everyone:

"What is my little power in front of the country!?"

"Okay.........Don't argue, have a good rest, and wait for the country to rescue."

Li Xin patted the shoulders of the team members and comforted them.

Li Xin knew that the Magic City Museum was an important exhibition hall of the country, and there were famous scholars like Mr. Hua,

The country would definitely send people to rescue.

This is also the reason why he has been forbearing! !

Compared to the behemoth of the country,

his current power is still too small.

Now the safest thing is to preserve the strength and take one step at a time.

Stability has always been his motto! !

"It's not the time to act yet... Li Xin, wait a little longer, wait another day, if the country's rescue hasn't arrived yet."

"That proves that the country can no longer save itself!!"

"Then these people are useless... No, they can still be used as bait!!"

Li Xin glanced at the people who were talking, a piercing cold light flashed across his eyes,

revealing a disdainful smile.


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