The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

The group of people looked at Lin Haoran greedily with a fake smile on their faces, and said to Lin Haoran:

"Brother... we were just joking, don't mind it."

"You are a game player, hurry up and summon your ghosts, otherwise everyone will die."

"We can break out together, how about you lead us!?"

The crowd said to Lin Haoran flatteringly with a grin,

In fact, they had already thought about it in their hearts,

When they escape from here, they will find a chance to destroy Lin Haoran, and then control him,

Let his ghosts obey their orders.

Lin Haoran slowly opened his eyes.

The terrifying ghost eyes made everyone tremble in their hearts,

and a sense of terror rose.

Lin Haoran glanced at these people lightly, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips,

finally spoke,

"You... make me feel sick."

"So please don't talk, okay!?"


A cold and piercing word suddenly sounded,

The man closest to Lin Haoran was instantly hit in the head by Lin Haoran's punch,

Red and white things immediately splashed around,

The faces of the people behind him were covered with blood and brain matter.


The group of people immediately let out a terrified scream,

looking at you and Lin Haoran with fear, and retreating madly,

"Run quickly... This guy is not a human, he is a ghost!!"

"Ahhh, wait for me, go open the door."

When everyone saw the headless body of their companion lying in a pool of blood, and then saw Lin Haoran's creepy ghost eyes,

there was no courage in their hearts anymore,

they just opened the door crying and wanted to run away.


But when they opened the door, ugly and terrifying faces appeared in front of everyone,

Low-level ghost, ugly-faced male ghost!!

The whole body was dry, as thin as a thin dog, with long arms dragging on the ground, and the ugly face made people vomit last night's food.


A series of terrified screams rang out again,

This group of people were instantly thrown to the ground by the ugly-faced male ghost, who grinned and started biting them,

"Ahh, help me, don't bite me!"

"Save me... Please save me."

"I can be your dog, save me."

The big men who were bitten madly by the ugly-faced male ghost screamed heartbreakingly,

They all looked at Lin Haoran,

begging Lin Haoran to save them.

But Lin Haoran's eyes were cold, and he watched these people being eaten by ghosts,

From the stomach, internal organs, brain...

In the end, only bloody skeletons were left! !


After the ugly-faced male ghosts had eaten the flesh and blood of these people, their mouths were full of blood and minced meat.

They showed a satisfied smile on their faces, and then looked at Lin Haoran.

They immediately grinned,

There is still a piece of fat meat here!


The ugly-faced male ghosts grinned grimly and pounced on Lin Haoran.

Lin Haoran had no expression on his face, and suddenly a trace of the breath of the reincarnation ghost master appeared on his body.

"Buzz buzz..."

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure emanated from Lin Haoran.

The ugly-faced male ghosts' eyes instantly showed a trace of fear, and their bodies seemed to be pressed down by Mount Tai.

Boom boom boom! !

These ugly-faced male ghosts suddenly knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, and trembled with fear.

Some of them even lost control of their bladders.

This is the absolute suppression of high-level ghosts over low-level ghosts! !

"Tap, tap, tap..."

Lin Haoran walked slowly towards the door,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Every time he passed an ugly-faced male ghost, its body was like being squeezed by an invisible big hand,

and it burst into a pool of blood.

When Lin Haoran walked out of the room, all the ugly-faced male ghosts inside had turned into pools of blood,

the whole

The room was like hell.

Blood stained the ground, and the bloody skeletons and broken flesh told others,

What a terrible thing happened here,

But maybe, no one would come here.


Lin Haoran walked to the bottom of the hotel. At this time, the place was already bloody and corpses could be seen everywhere.

There were also various ghosts wandering on the street.

Lin Haoran casually dealt with a few ghosts that blocked the way, and then walked towards the Magic City Museum.

His first goal was the Simuwu Ding in the Magic City Museum! !

It might be absorbing ghost energy now, and it would be bred into an SSS-level ghost.

Because to form a high-level ghost, the more ghost energy you need to absorb,

the longer it will take.


Lin Haoran was walking on the street so recklessly that he was definitely conspicuous.

He soon attracted the attention of a powerful ghost.

This was a 3-meter-tall Cyclops holding a mace and wearing animal skins.

The dark one-eyed giant flashed a violent look.

The mace in his hand was stained with blood and minced meat, and some clothes were hanging from his hideous mouth.

It was obvious that he had just had a big meal.

When the Cyclops saw Lin Haoran, he immediately let out an angry roar,

raised the mace in his hand,

and rushed towards Lin Haoran.

Lin Haoran looked at the Cyclops running towards him, and a glimmer of light flashed in his left eye.

A message instantly appeared in his mind:

[Name: Cyclops Little Giant Ghost (Elite)]

[Qualification: B]

[Type: Physical]

[Level: 15]


[Worm Club]: The Cyclops Little Giant Ghost swings the mace in his hand with all his strength, causing terrible damage to the enemy.

[Ghost Information]: A member of the Cyclops clan, it is still in its infancy. After adulthood, its body becomes more swollen. After death, it is catalyzed into a ghost with extremely strong power.

[Description: It is still a child, please let it go, 嘤嘤嘤!! ]


PS: Family members, can you give me a five-star rating?

Don't force me to kneel down and play with you, 呜呜~

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