Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

A small country,

"Prime Minister..........Look at the sky, it's dark!!"

"Report to the Prime Minister, something bad has happened."

"All of our advanced combat weapon systems have failed, Two small nuclear bombs exploded for unknown reasons, and more than 100,000 people have died so far. "

"Prime Minister... a huge tsunami has occurred on the coast, engulfing our coastal area, and the death toll is incalculable." "Prime Minister........An earthquake occurred in the central region, and the death toll is currently unknown."

"Prime Minister......A volcano has erupted, let's leave quickly, my hometown The cherry blossoms are blooming."

"Oh no... The Prime Minister has died. Come on, save the Prime Minister!"

............. ............................

Similar situations are happening in countries around the world.

Because of the influence of ghost energy and ghost continent,

The world is about to In the chaotic era, the high-tech weapons that humans were proud of were all paralyzed, and the electronic systems were the same. Mobile phones, the Internet, satellite phones, positioning, magnetic fields, etc., have all become ineffective.

Of course...pistols, sniper rifles, cannons, bombs and other weapons can still be used.

It is precisely because these weapons can still be used that

Humanity In the early stage, they can still fight against the ghosts in the ghost continent. However, as the time of integration between the ghost continent and reality becomes longer and longer, the level of ghosts that appear becomes higher and higher. These weapons are simply unable to deal with powerful ghosts. Cause fatal damage,

In the end, it is still necessary to kill ghosts with ghosts! !

Humans who contract ghosts are the future of mankind.

Countless players who contract powerful ghosts rise up and occupy the land as kings.

Since ancient times, heroes emerge in troubled times,

Everyone has the dream of being an emperor ! !

Gatherings are springing up like bamboo shoots in this new world of ghosts,

to become the king and dominate! !


At this moment, the real world is in complete chaos

Robbing food, taking materials, killing people, raping women, etc.,

These things are happening all over the world.

For a bag of rice,

you can stab several people to death with a knife.

Some thugs directly break into the homes of rich people and

kill people , raped women!!

Explosions, cries, shouts of killing..........

All kinds of mixed sounds,

Playing the beginning of the end of the world,

The name is: Doomsday March!!!

.. .............................................

At the same time, the magic All,

The hotel where Lin Haoran was staying was completely out of control, with all kinds of looting and smashing sounds,

Because it was a high-end hotel, it became the target of many people, looting supplies, smashing things,

Quilts, food, towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes... .....

Everything was snatched, the hotel security had already escaped and even joined the snatching team.

"Brothers... it's almost the end of the world, don't worry about anything, let's have fun."

"Grab everything... smash it!"

" We couldn't afford to stay in this hotel before, even the dogs here are more noble than us, now is the chance. "

"Kill those dogs.........The people living in the hotel are all rich, Break all three legs of the men, and let's go after the pretty women together, hehehehehe! ! "

In the hotel lobby, a group of people rushed into the hotel, holding machetes and iron bars, aggressively,

One of the middle-aged men with a big belly shouted excitedly ,

"Ha ha ha ha.....so cool, so cool!!"

"You dog.....were you very fierce before!?"

"You always bark at me, I I will beat you to death today."

Two dogs in the hall were surrounded by a group of people and beaten with iron bars.

"Awoo awoo awoo awoo...... ”

The two dogs were beaten to a bloody mess, barking miserably, and died soon after.

And these people are still not satisfied,

they have ferocious faces and perverted smiles,

they won't let the dog go even if it dies

, smashed into pieces.

"Hurry, hurry... Let's go into the hotel rooms and search them one by one, don't let those people run away."

The goal of these people is obvious, hatred of the rich! !

The end is coming soon, why not enjoy yourself now and wait for death! ?

Not only do they want to kill rich people,

they also want to play with rich people's girls.

As these people poured into the hotel room, inhumane scenes suddenly occurred.

"Who are you... Don't come over, I have called the police, and the police will be here soon."

A couple in their thirties hugged each other in the room, looking at the group of people who broke into the room with fear on their faces.

The man held a wooden stick and said to the group of people with a slight tremor.


The group of people laughed loudly upon hearing this, looking at the man as if he were a fool,

and said jokingly:

"Stupid...now there is no signal on your phone?"

"What are you going to call the police with!?"

"Besides, there are riots and looting outside, police? Are they busy enough to come over!?"

"You rich people are so comfortable...this hotel costs thousands of dollars a night."

"You are comfortable...now it's our turn to be comfortable, you won't refuse, right!?"


The group of people slowly approached the couple and looked at the beautifully dressed woman,

with greedy eyes.

"You...what do you want to do!?"

"Don't mess around, it's not the end of the world yet, it's still a society ruled by law, you will be shot if you do this."

The man hugged the trembling woman tightly, and shouted at the group of people with a panicked face,

They have been forced into a corner, with no way to retreat.

"Brothers... You haven't tried such a beautiful young woman, have you?!"

"What are you waiting for?!"

"Break the man's limbs... Don't let him die, let him see with his own eyes how we love his wife."


One of the men showed a lewd smile and shouted to the crowd,

"Hehehe... So perverted, I like it!"

"It's exciting just to think about it... Brothers, can you let me go first!"

"Okay, okay... Let you, I'll be the second one, hahaha."

"Ha ha ha... What doomsday!? This is simply heaven, I love it so much!!"

"Wuhu... Cheers to the doomsday, to heaven!!"


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