The old man was in trouble.

“Ding Dong.........”

“The village defense mission is starting!!”

“Ding Dong.........”

“The ghost scoreboard is starting!”

“Players can get corresponding points by killing ghosts. The higher the level of the ghost, the more points. After completing the village defense mission, you can use the points to exchange for precious items from the village chief. The highest can be exchanged for SS-level ghosts, SS-level ghosts, and even precious ghost treasures and other special items.”

“Ding Dong.....Those who kill the ghost king can get mysterious special precious rewards and high points!!”

“Please go all out in the novice village No. 4 Go all out, and work with the village to resist the attack of the ghost king and the ghost army! ! "

"Ding Dong......................."

"The special hidden mission of the novice village: the attacking ghost king, officially begins! ! "

"The ghost king and the ghost army will arrive at the village wall in one hour, please be ready! ! "

"Wish all the players good luck! ! "


A series of system prompts sounded like thunder above the heads of all players,

After all the players in the novice village heard it,

They fell into silence!!

Everyone's face showed a look of four points of confusion and six points of shock,

Everyone's head was buzzing, as if a hundred thousand grasses were running past,

What the hell is going on!?

I'm killing monsters well,

Now I'm being robbed by the ghost king's troops!?

After the novice village is breached, the data will be permanently deleted!?

Isn't this just deleting the account!?

At this moment, the entire Novice Village No. 4 was blown up. Both individual players and guild players rushed to the village. The chat channel of Novice Village No. 4 exploded, causing a fierce commotion. "What the hell... What's going on? How could there be a ghost king attacking the village?!" "How the hell do I know this... I just asked the world chat channel, and other Novice Villages don't have it at all." "Fuck you... Why does our Novice Village have this task? If the village is attacked, we have to delete the account. Isn't this going to kill us? " "Yes... Now everyone knows that ghosts have appeared in the real world. Without game data, we can only become food for ghosts like ordinary people." "What should I do... ..I don't want to be eaten by ghosts."

"What to do! ? Of course, we have to defend the village. Let's go back quickly. There should be powerful ghost chariot NPCs in the village. I also saw guards."

"Yes, yes, yes... and there is Liu Dao, who killed tens of thousands of ghosts by himself."


At this time, everyone remembered that there were NPCs in the village, and even more remembered Liu Dao, the abnormal player who killed thousands of enemies by himself.

Everyone's hanging hearts were slightly relieved, and then they rushed to the village desperately.


In a valley,

The people of the Yama Palace Guild were leveling up at this time,

Yan Wang was also among them. After a period of low-key behavior, the Yama Palace Guild had basically recovered its strength.

There were three powerful ghosts standing on Yan Wang's body. Because of his money,

He bought two S-level ghosts at a high price. Now he has three S-level ghosts,

The strength is strong and the level has reached level 8.

Of course, these ghosts were purchased before the cracks in the ghost world appeared.

Otherwise, who would sell ghosts now! ?

Now ghosts with high qualifications are life! !

No one would be stupid enough to sell them.

"President...what's going on? The ghost king attacked the village and deleted the data permanently. If the village is destroyed, wouldn't all our efforts be in vain?!"

A guild member was shocked and asked the King of Hell in disbelief.

"Efforts in vain!? We're all dead...without game data, if ghosts appear in the real world, we'll be dead."

Another guild member shouted in panic.

This caused panic among the crowd.

"Shut up!"

The King of Hell, who had originally looked ugly, looked even gloomier at this moment. He shouted at the crowd.

Everyone stopped talking immediately after hearing what the King of Hell said.

The prestige of the King of Hell was still very high.

"What are you arguing about!"

"The village hasn't been breached yet, and you're already thinking about the future!"

"Go back to the village.........We must defend the village!"

The King of Hell waved his hand and

ran back to the village first.

He would never allow the village to be breached.

He had three S-level ghosts. Even if the ghosts invaded the earth, he had absolute strength.

He was not afraid of anyone, except...Six Paths! !

"Six Paths...wait for me, sooner or later, you will die in my hands."

"All your ghosts are mine............"

The King of Hell had a cold light in his eyes, and he muttered to himself.


This scene was frequently staged in the No. 4 Novice Village.

Whether it was other guilds or ghost groups,

they all hurried to the village. If someone looked down from the sky,

they would see the dense crowds of people rushing back to the Novice Village like ants.

On the other side, the ghosts were surging,

countless ghosts were dancing, and they were also rushing towards the Novice Village.

The battle between ghosts and humans is about to start! !


PS: My dears, please give me a five-star rating with your little fingers!

You can also give me a small flower (⊙o⊙) Wow.

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