The ghost world refers to the world of the doomsday weird game. When the ghost world and the real world begin to merge, random cracks will appear. They are called: ghost world cracks! Ghost world cracks will appear randomly in the real world. In the ghost world cracks, ghosts in the game world will appear in the real world. It is also possible to stimulate the birth of ghosts and ghosts in the real world, and even ghost treasures. Game players also have the power in the game in the ghost world cracks. Only game players have the opportunity to survive in these random ghost world cracks. There are many dangers in the ghost world cracks, but you may also pick up a powerful ghost or ghost treasure and fly into the sky. In a word, the ghost world cracks are high-risk, but there may be zero returns or high returns.

The main point is that opportunities need to be obtained by people with great luck.


"The end of the world is finally coming!!"

Lin Haoran licked his lips and showed an inexplicable smile.

"I'm really looking forward to it............."

Then he continued to eat the delicious food.

Even if the end of the world is coming now, he still has to eat.

This is the professional ethics of a person who eats! !

At this time, the guests in the hotel saw these shocking missing persons incidents,

where was their appetite for food, and they immediately talked about it in horror:

"What's going on... How could such news suddenly appear, is it true or false!?"

"Really... I checked on the Internet, and these mysterious disappearances are being reported all over the country, even the world."

"Hiss... All over the world!? Isn't this the end of the world!?"

"It's fake... How could these news not be blocked? Isn't the country afraid of causing panic!?"

"With so many missing people, can the country keep it secret? The main thing is that these incidents appeared too suddenly."

"This... Is it really the end of the world?"

"It's over, are we going to die!?"


The people in the hotel were panicked, and even the chef and the boss in the kitchen ran outside to watch the news.

They were all talking in panic,

Everyone's face was not good, slightly pale, and it was obvious that they were a little scared.

Anyone who suddenly sees this news will be scared and panic. From this moment on, the world has become restless and chaotic. There are many theories on the Internet, some say it is the end of the world, some say it is another world, some say it is ghosts, and so on.......... Suddenly, the real world became chaotic, and cases of rape, murder, arson, robbery, etc. occurred frequently. It is a paradise for the evil and a hell for the good!! After Lin Haoran finished his meal, he called Wang Defa, and soon two cars came to pick him up. It was Wang Defa!! "Master... please get in the car." Wang Defa got out of the car and said respectfully to Lin Haoran. He had just learned about these mysterious disappearances on the Internet. Wang Defa immediately thought of Lin Haoran's mysterious power, and the intuition of a tomb robber made him feel that Lin Haoran might have some relationship with these cases. Wang Defa's awe of Lin Haoran became stronger. Lin Haoran got into the car without any nonsense and said calmly:

"Let's go... go directly to them!!"

"Yes... Master!!"

Wang Defa immediately asked the driver to drive, and then took his brothers to the base of another group of tomb robbers.

Lin Haoran closed his eyes in the car, thinking about his next plan,

"Boss... Look, why is there black fog in the sky!?"

At this moment, a brother in the car suddenly exclaimed and pointed out the window.

"It's really... so strange, why is there black fog in the middle of the night!?"

"It's a bit weird... unlucky!!"

The other brothers in the car discussed

Talking about it.

Lin Haoran suddenly opened his eyes and looked out the window. Under the moonlight and lights,

the sky was filled with strange black fog,

like a huge mouth of the abyss, opening its bloody mouth towards the world, wanting to swallow people up.

"Ghost world crack!!"

A gloomy look flashed in Lin Haoran's eyes, and he muttered to himself in his heart.

"In the last life, there was no crack in the ghost world here. There are too many variables!?"

Lin Haoran looked at the increasingly dense black fog in the sky, a gleam of light flashed, and then he looked at Wang Defa and shouted:

"Drive faster........."

"Yes, yes, did you hear me? Speed ​​up."

Wang Defa immediately shouted to the driver,

He had been observing Lin Haoran's face, and when he saw the black fog outside,

his face changed obviously, which made Wang Defa's heart sink, and the news on the Internet appeared in his mind,

"Black fog!?"

"It seems that the Internet also said that black fog appeared!?"

"Could it be............."

Wang Defa's eyes flashed with light, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

Wang Defa is indeed a smart man,

and he thought of everything at once.

No matter what, he still has Lin Haoran by his side, which makes Wang Defa feel a little safe.

The car soon arrived at the destination,

This is a small pier.

Lin Haoran and others got off the car.

Lin Haoran looked up at the sky.

The black fog had completely covered the earth, and the moonlight had been completely blocked.

Lin Haoran clearly felt the presence of ghost energy.

The rift in the ghost world is finally coming!!

"Crack, crack.............."

At this moment, the black fog in the sky suddenly flashed with lightning and thunder.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Gusts of cold wind blew, like ghosts howling.

If someone looked down from the sky, they could clearly see that the whole town was shrouded in black fog.


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