Lin Fei looked at the two of them with envy. It was great. They were both A-level, the same level as the girl next to him.

"Ye Yuxue, A-level." The girl was not to be outdone: "Control ice and snow."

"What about this brother?"

Ye Wuyue and Lin Lan's eyes fell on Lin Fei for a moment.

"My name is Lin Fei. As for the level, it's just superficial." Lin Fei smiled and said, "So it doesn't matter what level I am. Don't worry about it."

Ye Wuyue understood instantly. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "You told us not to care. Is your level too low?"

"B-level? C-level?" He smiled and said, "Is it D-level?"

"You are all wrong." Lin Fei sighed and said, "I am only E-level. Don't embarrass me like this."


Ye Wuyue and Lin Lan were both slightly stunned, and said in surprise, "Is there still an E-level?"


Lin Fei felt as if his heart was stabbed by a sword again.

Maybe this is a strong man.

I didn't take the E-level seriously at all.

Life is not easy, Lin Fei sighed.

"Let's not talk about this for now." After learning that Lin Fei was only an E-level, Ye Wuyue smiled and said, "We have accepted this task, so please go back."

"Why?" The girl frowned slightly.

She only has 4,000 points now. If she wants to exchange for a gun, she must get the 1,000 points of the leader today.


Ye Wuyue smiled faintly: "Just because we are stronger."

"We have two A-levels, and you only have one." Lin Lan said bluntly.

"Who is stronger and who is weaker, you will know after fighting." The girl stood next to Lin Fei and said coldly: "Level doesn't mean anything, it's just a decoration."

She is still worried about Lin Fei's level.

As she spoke, the air here had become cold.

"I am willing to accompany you." Lin Lan said, her right hand had already grasped the hilt of the sword, and a cold light flashed when she pulled it lightly.

"This sword is not simple." Lin Fei saw it at a glance.


At this time, Ye Wuyue called Lin Lan and said, "Our common enemy now is the leader. It is very stupid to kill each other before the battle. Put away the sword."

Lin Lan sheathed the cold sword.

"Let's cooperate." Ye Wuyue said to the girl.

Because the girl's level is A-level, he thinks that the girl is the leader of the two, and he only needs to ask the girl's opinion.

As for the E-level next to him, he is just an ordinary person, what's the use?

However, at this time, the girl looked at Lin Fei and asked for his opinion.

Ye Wuyue narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The relationship between these two people is probably not that simple." He guessed that the girl liked Lin Fei.

Or maybe before the mutation, the two were in a relationship.

"Cooperate." Lin Fei nodded. Anyway, he didn't care as long as he could get points.

"Happy cooperation." Ye Wuyue shook hands with Lin Fei.

So the four of them walked slowly into the restaurant.

Because it was getting dark, there were many zombies hiding in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity to move. When someone walked in, they suddenly jumped out.


Swish, swish, swish——

A flash of cold light passed by.

The long sword in Lin Lan's hand had been sheathed. Looking at the three zombies next to her, they had lost their heads.

At this time, they were frozen in place because she drew her sword too quickly, so fast that the zombies couldn't react!

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