However, seeing the serious look of the girl, Lin Fei was naturally happy.

"Well, you go take a shower first."

The girl nodded, got up and left.

The three of them looked at the scene in front of them for a long time without saying anything, and Shuilong remembered all these words in his heart.

The next day, Lin Fei slept until he woke up naturally.

Finally, no one came to disturb his sleep, which was a bit refreshing.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the girl in his arms had left, but he could still feel the temperature of the bed, as if she had just left not long ago.

"I kind of like this kind of life. I have to find a way to trick this girl home and introduce her to my parents." Lin Fei thought in his heart.

When he brushed his teeth and came out, the girl came back.

"It's time for breakfast. I cooked noodles." She smiled, "But it's instant noodles."

Lin Fei nodded, thinking, it's great to be a salted fish.

The girl made a pot of noodles, enough for five people.

But while eating breakfast, the other three people found that Lin Fei turned out a poached egg from the bowl!

"And eggs?"

The three of them brightened up and turned over their bowls.

However, they had nothing but noodles.

"Life is bitter." They sighed, but the three of them were not stupid. Even if they were blind, they could see that the girl had other feelings for Lin Fei.

As for the sister?

They never believed it from the beginning.

After breakfast, it was time to get going. Lin Fei asked directly: "Where is the meeting? I'll take you there."

"Over there." Shuilong pointed Lin Fei in a direction.

"Reliable." Lin Fei said, jumping down from the second-floor restaurant and finding a car on the road.

"Get in the car." He said to the people who came.

Shuilong and the other two didn't know what Lin Fei meant, but they got in obediently.

"I won't get in." The girl refused.

"Then I'll carry you on my back." Lin Fei said, and the girl's little thoughts were very simple to see.

"Hehe." The girl laughed triumphantly.

The three people in the car were curious.

"What is he going to do?" Heitan felt strange.

Shunfenger guessed: "He might want to throw us over."

Then Heitan and Shuilong were both startled.

The next moment.


The car shook, and they felt as if the car was flying.

When they opened the car window, they were all shocked.

"He can actually fly!"

This time, their minds were blank.

First time seeing a flying human?

And you still say you are not a god!

Following the direction indicated by Shuilong, Lin Fei flew for a minute and saw the gathering. A hundred miles away, it was just a blink of an eye at super speed.

"We're here."

When the three saw the gathering, they were all happy.


When they were still some distance away from the gathering, Lin Fei landed on the ground and put the car down.

"Let's go over there next." Lin Fei said.

The three did not refuse and got out of the car immediately.

"We have to say goodbye here." Lin Fei smiled and said, "I wish you all the best."

The three of them were stunned.

On second thought, yes, Lin Fei is so powerful, and he is not from the same world as them, and they will be separated sooner or later.

But they still feel reluctant.

After all, he is a lifesaver.

I had a hot meal and a hot shower yesterday. This kind of life is so comfortable that it makes people doubt that this is not the end of the world.

"You are so strong, you can join the army. They must need you very much." Shuilong said.

"No." Lin Fei shook his head.

"I still have a lot of things to do."

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