After the strong wind dissipated, the whole forest was silent. The zombies that had been standing there were now gone. They were all swept into the strong wind brought by the arrow and torn to pieces easily.

The four-meter-tall big guy was a high-level zombie, and his skin was harder than steel.

Ordinary artillery fire could hardly affect its body.

But now, the bull was just hit by the wind of the arrow and exploded directly.

Lin Fei took a look and saw that the fruit tree was still there. Maybe when it blooms and bears fruit next time, someone will meet it.

"Did you get the fruit?" The girl couldn't help asking.

Lin Fei nodded and smiled, "Don't worry about me."

Then he took out two crystal clear supernatural fruits from his backpack, washed them with mineral water, handed one to the girl, and ate the other himself.

"Thank you."

The girl happily took the supernatural fruit.

Lin Fei took a bite of the fruit, which was fresh and juicy, and tasted similar to peaches. Does this fruit contain a lot of superpowers?

He took another bite, but felt nothing.

"Maybe I'm too inexperienced." Lin Fei thought, and ate the fruit in a few bites, and then...


He burped.



Just at this moment, he heard a strange sound from the girl next to him. When he looked sideways, Lin Fei found that there was a faint blue light flowing on the girl's body.

"Hmm?" Lin Fei looked curiously.

The blue fluorescence was cold, and there were snowflakes falling around the girl.

He saw that the girl had evolved again.

"Does this fruit really contain a lot of superpowers?" Lin Fei really believed it this time, but he just couldn't feel it.

This should be the reason why he is not a superpower.

The cold breath was dissipating, and Lin Fei found that the girl seemed to have changed a lot. She was cute before, but now she was cute with a hint of indifference.

The soft and beautiful hair that reached her waist had turned a light blue at the end.

"If she becomes stronger, will her hair turn completely blue?" Lin Fei guessed.

At this time, the girl's evolution was over.

She immediately shared the result with Lin Fei happily: "I seem to have become stronger. Before, I would feel a little dizzy after releasing it once. Now I think I can release it four or five times in a row."

"Too strong." Lin Fei said: "I'm so envious."

Hearing this, the girl rolled her eyes at Lin Fei: "Perfunctory."

"You are much stronger than me, what is there to envy." She said.

"This is the truth. Anyway, I am very envious." Lin Fei said, took out his mobile phone and took a look. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

I spent too much time at the bridge in the morning.

Then it took a lot of time to find this supernatural fruit in the wild. At this time, the sky was a little gloomy, and it would be completely dark soon.

"Hurry up and find a place to sleep, otherwise we will be out in the open at night." Lin Fei said, and picked up the girl.

After the two flew for a distance, the girl suddenly found something.

"There is another village below." The girl said: "There are lights inside, and it seems that there are people!"

"Go down and take a look." Lin Fei said.

He found that the sky in this world seemed to get dark a little faster. It was only a little after five o'clock, and the stars could be seen.

The two landed at the entrance of the village and did not see anyone nearby, but there were indeed lights shining in the village.

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