The distance gap at the beginning will be equalized in less than half a minute, and then people will have no choice but to die.

Everyone lowered their heads, and no one wanted to die.

"I know."

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "But now, if no one stands up, we will all die."

Still no one moved.

The whole room was dead silent.

The middle-aged man looked down at the little boy beside him. This was his son, who was already starving to death.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I will go this time. After I lead the wild bull away, you will take food and water away as soon as possible."

Several people raised their heads and looked at the middle-aged man.

Although they were reluctant, they did not dissuade him.

The middle-aged man did not complain about anything. No one was wrong. It was unfortunate to be born in the end of the world. Everyone wanted to survive.

But if he did not go out today, his son would starve to death.


The door blocked by a pile of debris slowly opened a small gap, and the thin middle-aged man flashed out sideways, looked around, and saw no other zombies.

He swallowed hard and strode towards the small supermarket across the road.

When he crossed the road and was ten meters away from the small supermarket, his pace slowed down. More than a dozen people in the hotel leaned on the window to look at the middle-aged man.

Not only the middle-aged man was nervous, but they were also nervous.

Because this also concerned their lives.


The small supermarket suddenly vibrated slightly.

"Here it comes!"

Someone in the hotel whispered, and everyone held their breath.

The man in front of the supermarket turned and ran.


The door of the small supermarket exploded, and a figure nearly three meters tall stood in front of everyone.

It was burly, with arms thicker than human thighs, dark all over, and red eyes. Every step it took on the ground would cause a slight vibration.

This is the bull!

Among the zombies, they are all extremely powerful!

Its red eyes stared at the middle-aged man who was running wildly, and with a roar, it rushed out.

At this moment, the bull was like a mad tank. With a flick of its hand, the car in front of it flew out and directly knocked the wall away.


The bull used its hands and feet to chase quickly.

Hearing the sound getting closer and closer behind him, the middle-aged man's heart was pounding!

"Turn ahead!"

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, because he saw that there was a turn at the intersection ahead. The bull was running rampant, and the turning speed must be very slow.

But when he turned, he suddenly hit something.

The middle-aged man rolled on the ground for four or five times before stopping. He fell at the speed of a 50-meter sprint, which was enough to make people stupid.

He still remembered that he was being chased.

Just when he wanted to get up, he saw what he had just hit, and his face suddenly turned as white as thin paper.

It was a zombie!

"Damn it, it just happened at this time!"

He tried to get up from the ground in a panic, but suddenly there was a heart-wrenching pain in his knee.

He looked down and saw blood on his knee, which was obviously broken by the fall just now.

Looking at the zombies getting closer and closer, the middle-aged man was instantly disheartened and crawled back subconsciously.

"Don't come over here!"

He shouted loudly: "I beg you, don't come over here! Don't touch me!"

But the zombies didn't understand him.

The middle-aged man saw the green sticky liquid dripping from the zombies' mouths, and his heart finally collapsed.

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