They all thought that the vibration in the supermarket was caused by the bull.

After all, only the bull has such power.


In the supermarket.

The ground cracked, and the shelves fell down row after row. Countless zombies fell to the ground and could no longer stand up.

Lin Fei jumped up and jumped to the second floor with the super jump function.

The zombies on the first floor had been cleared by him, and now he started to clear the second floor.

His physical strength and endurance were unlimited, so he would not get tired. He picked up a long knife from the tableware area and chopped it down with one knife. The knife wind swept ninety meters.

There was a clear knife mark on the ground, and all the zombies along the way were split in two.

The huge supermarket, ten floors, Lin Fei cleaned it all up in ten minutes, and there was no one left standing.

He took some kitchen utensils and tableware, then walked around the food area, took a lot of food, and walked out of the supermarket.

It was dark outside, all zombies.


He closed the door of the supermarket and faced thousands of zombies alone.

There was silence in the supermarket.

The vibration stopped at some point, and the trembling people finally became curious.

"What's going on outside?"

"Why is it so quiet all of a sudden?"

"I'll go out and take a look."

Finally, a man mustered up the courage, slowly walked to the door, and opened a small crack.

With just this glance, he froze in place.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Hao asked him nervously.

"Come and see!" The man excitedly opened the door and shouted, "All the zombies, all!"

Everyone else saw it.

The zombies on the ground were all motionless, because they were all dead!

"How is it possible!"

Chen Hao stood up excitedly and ran out to see. Although the stench was overwhelming, he was extremely happy that they were saved!

"Who is it?"

He suddenly remembered Lin Feilai.

"Boss, there is medicine here!" Suddenly, a shocked cry came from the door.

Turning around, he saw a few boxes of medicine by the door.

"It's him!"

"He knows we are all hiding in the bathroom!"

Chen Hao shouted excitedly: "Let's go to the underground warehouse!"

Then they saw the pierced body of the wild bull, the cracked wall, and the bodies of rats.

In the huge supermarket, only a few of them were still standing.

Chen Hao happily hugged Daniu and said: "Daniu, we are saved!"

"It's him, he saved us, all the zombies were defeated by him!"

Then he regretted it again.

"We blamed him wrongly."

When he thought of what he had said to Lin Fei before, he regretted it in his heart. If he could travel back in time, he must choose to believe Lin Fei.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

"Take the food!"

He came back to his senses and said seriously: "This is our chance to survive."

When they walked through the huge supermarket, they once again realized how powerful Lin Fei was. How many zombies were there on the ground?

"How did he do it?"

"Is Superman still alive?"

However, the greater shock came after they opened the door of the supermarket.

There was no zombie left standing in the entire block!

The people who saw this scene all felt pale in their heads. This...

Is this still something a human can do?

They clearly remembered that among the tens of thousands of zombies, there were many high-level zombies, which were invincible!

"Thank you!"

Chen Hao took two steps forward and shouted excitedly: "Although I don't know your name, I really thank you for saving us!"

"We will never forget your great kindness!"

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