Chapter 371 : Why do you want to leave? How can they endure this? (3/3)

Five kilometers away from the shipyard is a steelmaking plant with more than 20 workshops.

At this time, the security forces used countless tires to block all the roads leading to the shipyard in this steel plant.

The surrounding ground thorns, mines, oil drums, and various explosive traps covered the ground.

Looking at more than 20, on the roof of the huge factory building more than ten meters high, 500 soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor and holding various weapons, and the dilemma younger brother, lined up.

“f*ck, they attracted so many zombies! How did you do it?

“According to the intelligence, don’t they have at least an hour or two to go around? How can it be so fast! 93

“Damn, this number is at least a million! Evolution zombies are at least 10,000 better! 9)

“Look, there are quite a few wolf-level zombies inside, at least ten!”

This is the first time they have seen such a huge battle, who have survived for a month in the apocalypse.

For a time, I was shocked by the strong impact of the picture-!

Fortunately, they, as veterans, faced the surging and astonishing millions of zombies, and after the initial shock, they quickly adjusted with their super psychological qualities.

Without hesitation, he raised the weapon in his hand and attacked the corpse tide that had already entered the attack range.


bang bang bang one

For a time, the machine guns, rifles, mortars, and rocket launchers all burst into flames, smashing the zombies who were at the forefront of the corpse tide.

At the same time, the nearby speakers were also destroyed by them for the first time.

It’s a pity that at the moment when their guns sounded, whether the sound existed or not was meaningless!

“Boss, those gangsters want to run away!

At this moment, one person noticed that the remaining fourteen helicopters in the sky, which had just finished the sound, were raising their altitudes, turning their sides, and trying to escape.

“Hit! Hit Laozi hard! Beat all the mothers! All the policemen let go!”

Come and want to go?

How can they endure this?

Without hesitation, he gave the order to attack.

bang bang bang one

Suddenly, an anti-aircraft gun, as well as the anti-aircraft guns exchanged from the Ministry of War, all aimed at them, and then shot without any hesitation!

This time, the people who mix with the black forces are miserable.

Originally, with their exoskeleton armor, they could also deal with flying zombies in the air, and at the same time, the height was four or five hundred meters, and the zombies on the ground could not be hit.

But now encountering this anti-aircraft artillery gun with a range of at least several kilometers, there is no chance to stretch the height to escape the range.

Can only rely on driving skills, do evasive actions, trying to avoid the shells coming from the ground.

“Damn! Damn! Damn!

Originally, according to the plan, when they came for a sneak attack, they only needed to lure the zombies over, then quietly turn off the sound, and then directly raise the height, and they could basically evacuate safely.

Even if there is any accident, they will only lose a little at most, and they will not be wiped out.

The result is now from a sneak attack to a frontal attack, making them have to face the fierce artillery fire of the enemy.

Of course, if only the enemy’s artillery fire, they still have a chance.

But they also attract millions of corpses!

Is this a joke?

At this moment, the flying zombies that were originally suppressed by the exoskeleton armored soldiers on the helicopter and could not get close, came from a distance, and they attacked again.

So that they not only need to avoid the fierce artillery fire of the enemy, but also avoid the attack of flying zombies!

And as time goes by, there are more and more flying zombies.

“Captain, what should I do, if this goes on, the helicopter will lose control!

“Yeah, the artillery fire is too fierce, it’s impossible to dodge it at all!

“And these flying zombies, there are more and more!”

The combat squads on the fourteen helicopters that were swaying from side to side in the air and evading the attack were all panicked and used the communicator to ask the captain, waiting for their response strategy.

But what can he do about it?

Who would have thought that such a perfect plan would turn into such a situation?

And it seems that the other party seems to have long known that they are coming, and has arranged everything, just wait for them to come?

0… ask for flowers 0..

The captain roared, “What to do! What to do! I want to know what to do too!?”

“Captain, why don’t we jump down, with our fourteen squads, we can definitely break through the horde of millions of corpses!”

“Yeah, even though we lost a team, we still have 280 people in total, and all of them have exoskeleton armor, I don’t believe it, and I can’t cut it! 99

“Or we control the rockets of the armed helicopters, counterattack them, and keep evading like this, it is definitely not a way!

Seeing that the captain was also in trouble, all the younger brothers opened their mouths and made up their minds.

Among them, the most talked about is undoubtedly jumping off the helicopter, taking advantage of the number of people, and breaking out from the tide of millions of corpses!

“It’s decided! All teams, fight back immediately!

“Control the helicopter cannon to attack the enemy! Control two seven-battery rocket launchers at the same time, aiming at their anti-aircraft guns! Others prevent the flying zombies from approaching!

The captain was sweating coldly on his forehead, and after a brief struggle, he immediately issued an order.

“Yes! Captain!”

After receiving the order, all the younger brothers immediately stabilized their mentality, so that the helicopter swaying in the air quickly stabilized, and while continuing to avoid the anti-aircraft guns of the security forces, they started a counterattack!

However, in this short period of time, they lost three more helicopters!

Their team is downsized again!



at the same time.

The tide of corpses on the ground attacking the security forces was actually blocked by the traps they had already laid, and they could no longer approach the steelmaking plant for a while!

And such a chain reaction directly caused the security forces to mobilize more people to deal with the helicopters in the sky.

Such changes in the situation directly made the situation of the helicopter team that was just preparing to counterattack even more difficult.

However, compared to the power of the fitness club on the other side, their situation is actually better.

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