Chapter 369: This is too slow, help them and add fire! (1/3)

“Sir, according to the investigation, their 30 helicopters combined have attracted more than 800,000 corpses. It is estimated that they can reach their target of 2 million in two hours.”

Jarvis took a little longer this time, two minutes, but it was acceptable.

“An estimated two hours? So slow?”

Liu Yuqing was speechless.

At the beginning, they only had five Avengers transport planes, and they easily attracted the tide of millions of corpses. As a result, their 30 helicopters were almost two hours apart, and the gaps attracted so much!

At this time, Jarvis relayed the live footage to let them understand at once.

“It’s actually air-dropping speakers? Isn’t it directly dangling the speakers to attract? No wonder the speed is so slow.

“They don’t have the defense like our transport aircraft, and they dare not hang the speakers all the time to attract them, otherwise they will attract a large number of flying zombies, and they will be cold. 99

“But if you can think of this way, they are also human gaps. 99

Hearing the conversation between the three women in his ear, Jiang Cheng shook his head, “Two hours is too slow, help them, or if we keep going at this speed, it may not end tomorrow.”

“Send Avengers transport planes to help them attract zombies?” Liu Yuqing guessed.

Jiang Cheng nodded, and then directly ordered, “Jarvis, send two Avengers transport planes to attract some zombies.

OK “, sir.”


Jarvis agreed, and immediately controlled the two transport planes to leave the team and lowered their height.

bang bang bang one

When they were two hundred meters above the ground, the two Avengers immediately activated their turrets and bombarded the ground.

“Puff, a little…”


The huge explosion, mixed with the roar of the two Avengers transport planes, immediately attracted the attention of the nearby zombies, who roared and swooped in their direction.

After seeing the successful attraction, the two Avengers immediately turned around and flew away from two different sides.

Along the way, the machine turrets fired machine shells, constantly attacking the zombies on the ground to attract their attention.

And this huge movement, not only the zombies noticed, but also the survivors who were hiding and lingering!

However, seeing that there were only two of them, and they were attracting zombies, the survivors sighed in relief and quickly hid, not daring to make a sound.

Compared with these survivors, the mixed black forces are different.

Thirty helicopters cast a sound from multiple directions, attracting those nearby and those who followed behind to gather together.

The survivors and small forces near the direct-level audio system were completely dead, and the survivors who saw this scene from a distance, and some other small forces, shivered directly.

“Such a big battle, and such a weapon, must be a mixed black force, right…”

Some small forces even recognized them immediately.

“But what are they doing? Are they trying to attract zombies together?”

“It goes without saying that I definitely want to move the other two forces!”

“It is possible that there are only so many supplies in Sanjiang District, and the people of the black forces definitely don’t want the police to come and grab them!

“After destroying those two forces, it is very likely that it will be our turn!

“Then what should we do? Why don’t we leave Sanjiang District?”

“Leaving Sanjiang District? Where to go? Which urban area does not have survivor forces? Which urban area does not have limited supplies? If you go, people will agree?

For a time, many small forces fell into silence, but the next second, the expressions of all of them changed.

The helicopter with the sound hanging in the sky flew straight towards them!

“Not good! Hide quickly! 99

“Close the door! Quickly close the door!

“the vast horizon is my love..”

“Qingqing, a little bit…”

“Hush hush,”

“Ah.. help! 97

“I’m still a virgin, and I don’t want to die!

“Damn, Laozi won’t let you go!”

“Laozi is fighting with you!


boom boom —

When the helicopter passed by, it could be said that some people screamed, some were angry, some were unwilling, and some were desperately shot.

But after some exchange of fire, not only did the helicopter fail to shoot down, but also failed to destroy the sound, it attracted the attention of the zombies, and it was swallowed and destroyed at an accelerated rate.

this is the truth!

Under the apocalypse, small forces and survivors will only be crushed in front of the big forces with powerful military power!

There is no resistance at all!

The combat teams on the 30 helicopters of the black forces also know about the survivors and small forces who have suffered on the ground.

But they didn’t care at all, they didn’t even look at it!

“The mother-in-law, it’s so slow, I also said that the reading in Nancheng will take three hours.

|| At this rate, four hours is probably enough. ”

“If I knew earlier, I wouldn’t take this errand, and I’m on standby with them.”

“Hey, this errand is something you don’t want to take, so you won’t take it?”

“Yes, this is a plan led by Brother Wu, do you dare to contradict Brother Wu?

“Brother Wu. Forget it, I just heard this morning that there was a guy who completed the task last night, but he didn’t even get the reward and was shot dead by him.

“Look, what is that?”

At this time, someone noticed the sky in the distance, and it seemed that something was rapidly approaching them. What was even more shocking was that below the thing…

“What? Damn it! Transporter? What a big transporter, is he from the Ministry of War?”

“It’s not for you to see the transport plane, it’s for you to see the rear of it!

“f*ck! So many zombies! It’s about the same number as we put together, right?

“Quick! Find a way to attract those zombies!”

(Promise is good) “Let’s think about it first, how can we keep our zombies from being attracted by it! 22

“Isn’t it? If so, it will be miserable! It’s hard to attract.

“Is it the enemy?”

Seeing that there were no weapons on the transport plane before, they tacitly assumed that the other party was no longer a threat, but now they have discovered that its threat is the ability to attract zombies!

However, just as they were nervously trying to find a way to prevent the zombies they attracted from being led away by the other party, while preventing the other party from being the enemy.

The transport plane in their eyes, but after coming to their side, it hovered down and did nothing.

“It didn’t even attack us? Was it a helper sent from above?

They were thinking about this when Wu Ming’s voice came from the communication equipment.

“The transport plane borrowed from the Ministry of War will help you attract zombies. Be sure to trigger the zombie tide to attack the fitness forces and security forces within an hour!”

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