Chapter 318: Rebuilt? Are there new weapons? (2/3)

Ten Ying, Three Vegetables and Two Soups!

This can be said to be very rich before the end!

Of course, they also want to make more vegetarian dishes, but vegetables, etc., among the materials collected these days, there is not at all, including so many materials from the Ministry of War, and none of them have seen any vegetables!

In addition, there are not many vegetables stored in their fresh-keeping warehouse, so they made three.

Although there are quite a few, but compared with Ping Cai, there is still some gap.

Jiang Cheng also understands this. After all, he just came over from the fresh-keeping warehouse, and there are really not many ingredients for vegetarian dishes.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have to rely on those vegetables until they find the next batch of vegetables.

And if you want to find the next batch of vegetables, in the current situation, you can only rely on planting!

Planting is a long way to go, and it is not possible to harvest vegetables in a short time.

For this, nature is very clear, so when it comes to cooking, it is also very measured, Jiang Cheng does not need to say much.

Half an hour later, several people finished their sumptuous dinner.

They came to the police villa together and chose to look at the starry sky, blow the evening breeze, and digest food.

“Jiang Cheng, you are 09 and said that in the next few days, we will act separately and lead the team to search for supplies alone, right?”

Under the night sky, while taking a walk and digesting food, Jiang Cheng also told the three girls about the plan for the next few days, and as soon as he heard it, Liu Yuqing’s eyes widened, thinking he heard it wrong, he confirmed.

“That’s right, all act alone, so that the efficiency can continue to be maximized.” Jiang Cheng nodded, then looked at her and asked, “What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”


In the past, although the strength of the three women was not bad, the situation in Xishan City was changing rapidly, and it was not appropriate for them to act alone.

But now it is different. The three girls basically have the mentality of a strong man, and they will not panic when encountering special circumstances.

At the same time, the strength has also been significantly improved compared to before. Even tiger-level zombies have the power of a battle, and they have the ability to escape 100%. As for wolf-level zombies, not to mention, unless they are caught Surrounded by level, otherwise there can be no accident!

What’s more, the situation in Xishan City has stabilized now. Not only are there no tiger-level zombies, but there are not many wolf-level zombies, and now that they have all been upgraded to LV3, they can even resist the attacks of tiger-level zombies. Armored vehicles are there, so there is nothing to worry about.

After all, even if you can’t beat it, you can still hide in the armored vehicle and evacuate.

“Great! Finally being able to act alone!

In this regard, Liu Yuqing naturally had no problem, but was very excited.

Because since Jilai from Daxi Street Supermarket, he has been living under the big tree Jiang Cheng, and he has never really worked hard for Jiang Cheng, and at most it has not been a hindrance.

This opportunity finally came, how could she let it go?

Of course, she also wanted to move freely and feel her strength.

As for Ye Lingxian and Zhao Zhirou, they have similar ideas. After all, they have always been protected by Jiang Cheng’s wings, so that’s not a problem, and it is impossible to fully grow up and help Jiang Cheng.

“I remind you that you are free to act alone, but if you get carried away and delay the business, I will punish you.”

Jiang Cheng saw their expressions in his eyes, and was not surprised, just beware that they were overexcited, delayed business, or even capsized in the gutter, which would be bad.

“Don’t worry, we understand.

After getting along with Jiang Cheng for so many days, his character and the three daughters are still very clear. It’s business to go back to business and play to play. If playing delays business, the punishment is really punishment.

Immediately, he straightened his face, looked at him, and agreed seriously in unison.

“Right, in order to make it easier for you to act alone in the next few days, I have rebuilt your weapons, and there are also some new weapons, all of which are placed on the second floor of the LV5 armored vehicle, your respective arsenals, Go back and see for yourself.

“Rebuilt? And new weapons?”

The eyes of the three girls suddenly lit up, looking forward to Xiao.

After all, Jiang Cheng said so, that rebuilt weapon is definitely not ordinary!

The three girls were even a little impatient, and were ready to go to the LV5 armored vehicle to take a look on the spot.

In this regard, Jiang Cheng did not stop it, and left a sentence, “If you want to watch it now, go ahead and have a rest after watching it.”

He continued to walk into the distance, and he was going to look at the fence again.


When the three women heard it, they looked at each other and couldn’t hold back their expectations. After nodding and agreeing, they rushed to the LV5 armored vehicle parked at the gate of the police villa together.

“It’s so fast, Jarvis, it’s been over a week since we’ve been here? 9

On the fence, looking at the zombies under the fence, which were only killed by the red queen with a dark spear, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little emotional.

“Yes, sir, but strictly speaking, today is the ninth day here.

In the Bluetooth headset, Jarvis’ gentleman’s voice rang out and replied.

“Nine Heavens, there have been so many wolf-level and tiger-level births in this Western Mountain, and even by chance, I encountered a ghost-level, and the occupation rate has also risen sharply in the past few days, reaching 100%. more than eighty.

Jiang Cheng recalled what he had done in the past few days and couldn’t help shaking his head.

Although the acceleration of the occupation rate has nothing to do with him, even if he is not there, once the ghosts emerge from the air raid shelter, and the wolf-level zombie army of tiger-level zombies in Anyang District forms, the consequences will be even greater. Incredible!

At that time, not only 893, but Xishan City’s occupation rate may be accelerated, and even several neighboring cities may suffer!

After all, tiger-level zombies are terrifying, and their resilience is amazing, and they can be called undead ghosts, but they are not something that ordinary people can deal with!

Of course, the most important thing is that the intelligence of ghost-level zombies has reached the level of animals, and they can feel the threat!

What does it mean to feel threatened?

That means that before the nuclear weapons may come, the ghost class discovered it first, and then slipped away in advance!

In this way, the threat of nuclear weapons to it is greatly reduced!

And when it leaves Xishan City, isn’t that the sea is wide and the land is wide to let it go?

Therefore, after doing so much, it is unavoidable that the fall of Xishan City will accelerate. If you want to change to the person above, I am afraid that the moment you know that there is a ghost in Xishan City, you will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons to level Xishan City. right?

As for the survivors, to the people above, they just lost their cars to keep their handsome, how could the ghosts pose a great threat to them?

Therefore, he did not take this issue to heart.

“Sir, it’s getting late, it’s time to go back.

Just as Jiang Cheng looked up at the starry sky in a daze, recalling some of the things that happened these days, he didn’t know how long it took when Jarvis’ voice suddenly came, pulling his thoughts back.

When Jiang Cheng looked at the time, it was already eleven o’clock at night!

“It’s time to go back!

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