Chapter 312: Why did you go early? And let us lay down our weapons? Does this mean we should surrender obediently? (2/3)

Gone! All gone!

The millions of zombies in the intelligence are all gone!

Moreover, the ground in the military base was as if it had been repeatedly dried dozens of times. Not only the cement laid on the playground, but almost none of the bombs were intact.

Even the soil under the cement was turned over, and a thick layer was spread on the playground inside the military base!

In it, you can vaguely see some corpses, broken arms, and black rotten blood!

As for the wreckage of the exoskeleton armor in the intelligence, as well as the wreckage of those tanks and armored vehicles, some can be seen, but they are also covered with a layer of soil.

And none of this made their pupils shrink.

What really made their pupils shrink was the five Falconer tanks and 23 weapons that were neatly parked not far from the entrance of the cave. armored car.

In addition, there are five strangely shaped armored vehicles they have never seen before!

“How can there be tanks and armored vehicles in a destroyed military base?”

“Could it be that there are survivors who do not know whether to live or die, and have made the idea of ​​​​the Ministry of War supplies?

Seeing that the other party didn’t seem to notice them, the soldiers in the trilemma immediately crouched down to reveal their bodies, concealed their bodies, and began to talk in a low voice.

As soon as Li Jun heard this, he directly ordered in the headset, “Where’s the scout? Find out the situation immediately!


The reconnaissance team did not dare to hesitate, and immediately agreed, took off the reconnaissance equipment on the back of the exoskeleton armor, quickly assembled and started, and began to investigate.

Unfortunately, those Falcon tanks and infantry fighting vehicles are controlled by Jarvis and do not need to be driven at all.

Therefore, after some exploration, naturally there is nothing to support.

Immediately, they reported the investigation results to Li Jun.

“What? There is no one in those tanks and armored vehicles? Did everyone enter the military base and search for supplies?”

Li Jun frowned tightly. While feeling puzzled, he was also worried about fraud, so he confirmed to his subordinates, “Are you sure that the instrument settings are wrong? The probe results are correct?”

“Captain, this is the most advanced detection instrument, there will never be any mistakes, even if there are mistakes, unless it is more advanced than it and has an instrument that blocks its detection, but that kind of instrument has not been researched in the world at all. Ah, what’s more, there is nothing unusual about the detection of thermal imaging.33

The members of the investigation team, worried that Li Jun was to blame, hurriedly explained.

“Okay! Since no one is there, it’s easy to handle.” Seeing them say so, Li Jun didn’t say more, but kept a silent mind in his heart, and ordered to the headset, “The third team dispatches some people, go to the Those tank-type armored vehicles are under control!


The captain of the three teams who led the first person agreed, and immediately called out a hundred people, carefully descended the fence, and approached the tank armored vehicle.

At the same time, Li Jun and the others also fell directly from the wall.

“This group of people is really stupid enough to leave the tanks and armored vehicles empty here, and they are not afraid of being stolen.”

“Actually, it’s normal. Their force is so powerful that even the zombies in the military base have been killed by them, and they are even more alert to ordinary survivors.

“Unfortunately, they didn’t expect that when they found out that the Ministry of War was destroyed last night, they sent us over overnight? 11

“Haha, in this case, they can only be captured.

A group of soldiers followed Li Jun, talking in a low voice while approaching the entrance of Lushan Cave.

In such a situation, they had done so many missions, and it was the first time they had seen it, so it was inevitable that they would be a little excited.

However, what excites them even more is the materials in this Ministry of War!

According to the regulations above, those who perform tasks will receive a part of the materials!

And now that the supplies are still here, isn’t it just how they squander it?

Thinking of this, some people’s saliva is about to flow down.

“Look at your unpromising appearance, isn’t it just the supplies of a military base, no matter how much you can get there.”

“You know what, I heard that the team stationed here has moved most of the supplies in the entire city! Think about it, how long has it been since you had a good drink?”

Just as the soldiers were excitedly discussing in a low voice, a report suddenly sounded from everyone’s headsets.

“Report! Colonel Li, these tanks and armored vehicles are a little strange, all the doors can’t be opened!

“Can’t open?”

Li Jun stopped, “Something’s wrong! 99

As soon as his mind changed, he immediately ordered, “Everyone immediately formed a defensive formation, and immediately shouted to me, so that the people inside would come out and surrender obediently!

It’s best if they don’t rush in before they find out about each other’s situation!

Otherwise, you are likely to be ambushed!

And now this method, although old-fashioned, is very practical, after all, the opponent’s tanks and armored vehicles are parked outside.

He didn’t believe that the survivors with guns in the mere can compare with them with exoskeleton armor!

“Yes! Captain!

When the subordinates heard it, they all acted immediately.

I saw the soldiers in the three-dilemma exoskeleton armor suddenly walked out of more than 500 people and came first.

Then, the face was gray, like the skin that was forcibly grabbed from the defense zombies, and the explosion-proof shield made of it was erected in front of them.

At the same time, the soldiers behind them, the Gatling machine guns on the exoskeleton armor, also all started, aiming at the entrance of the cave, ready to fight.

After all the preparations were made, one person took out a loudspeaker and shouted to the cave, “The people in the cave listen! All put down their weapons, we are the people sent to the rescue by the Ministry of War, please ask us ! All immediately put down their weapons and leave the cave!

“Repeat! People in the cave, listen! 0.2 All put down their weapons, we are the people sent to the rescue by the Ministry of War, please ask us! All put down their weapons immediately and leave the cave!”

“I didn’t expect that this set is used here, but they don’t know that it is not the past, is it the end?

In the LV5 armored vehicle, Jiang Cheng, who watched all the scenes outside through the live broadcast of the drone, couldn’t help shaking his head and laughing when he saw this.

The Ministry of War “sent to rescue? Why did you go so early? Also asked us to lay down our weapons? Does this mean that we should surrender obediently? 93

After Liu Yuqing heard it, she was furious.

“It seems that the visitor is not good.” Ye Lingxian shrugged.

“There’s nothing to say about that. 22 Zhao Zhirou smiled and shook her head.

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