At the same time, this change is not just a change in data.

As far as Zhao Cheng felt, the sword in his hand suddenly "lived" at this moment, and he seemed to be able to feel the rhythm and breath of the sword.

Not only that, recalling the swordsmanship he had practiced before, Zhao Cheng only felt that his every move was so stupid, like a question whose answer could be seen at a glance. Going around east and west makes the simple complicated.

As for this, Zhao Cheng's answer at this moment is, breathe, and then swing the sword!

There is no need to visualize breathing in advance to adjust the state, or in other words, thinking of breathing and swordsmanship are integrated into one by Zhao Cheng at this moment.

It should be said that the two are originally one, and it is only because of the limitation of personal talent that they are divided into two abruptly.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng just returned to his original appearance!

For the time being, Zhao Cheng didn't want to worry about why there was no sun here, and he didn't want to explore around. He just wanted to correct his previous "unsightly" swordsmanship.

Different from the numerical changes in the game, in reality, any change will affect the whole body.

On the panel, it seems that only the upper limit of the skill level has been raised, and the required proficiency has been reduced, just a little data change.

But reflected in the reality, it is the explosive growth of learning ability, innovation ability, comprehension, kendo wisdom, and so on.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng felt his own changes, or "evolution", and realized more deeply the gold content of the red talent of the sword species.

The upper limit of his swordsmanship level has only increased by 8 levels, and that's it. If it increases by 30 levels, it is simply unimaginable.

As for the effect of the sword type described later, he is even more difficult to think about.


The long sword pierced through the air, as if cutting off the breeze. This was not an illusion, but the air flow that was blowing was really cut off by Zhao Cheng's sword path.

This is not some exquisite swordsmanship, but a wonderful induction that is almost instinctive.

Zhao Cheng seems to be waving it in vain, but in fact, the illusory "wind" has turned into his enemy at this moment!

His current swordsmanship talent is enough to support him, swinging the sword to break the wind!

At the same time, the column of Zhao Cheng's panel log is also being refreshed rapidly:

The seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship six-order proficiency +8

The seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship six-order proficiency +7

The seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship six-order proficiency +9

The seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship six edition level +1

The seventeenth set...


Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship level skyrocketed at this moment.

The sudden huge increase in kendo talent made Zhao Cheng fall into a state almost enlightened. In this state, Zhao Cheng's learning ability, innovation ability, understanding, kendo wisdom, and so on, all entered A state of overreach.

Such a "peak" is destined not to last, but even if the time is short, it is enough for Zhao Cheng to gain a huge harvest.

You know, in such a state, there are countless kendo practitioners who will never meet in a lifetime.

If you want to meet, you need chance and understanding.

The improvement of Jianxin's talent in the way of swordsmanship seems inconspicuous, but at this time, its effect is revealed.

I don't know how long it has passed, the long sword in Zhao Cheng's hand stopped suddenly, and what followed immediately was a kind of fatigue that surged like a landslide. He only felt like he was struggling to even breathe. there is none left.

Without hesitation, Zhao Cheng condensed his last effort, opened the store directly, exchanged for the comprehensive recovery potion, and chose to use it. With the warm current surging, he immediately felt that his energy suddenly changed from exhaustion to fullness.

Only then did Zhao Cheng have the strength to let out a long breath of foul air.

As for the result, it is naturally gratifying.

Zhao Cheng looked at the panel, the skill column.

Skills: The seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship six-order version lv7 (lv16) (56/60) (Zhanfeng Yizhong)

In a short period of time, his swordsmanship has directly improved from lv4 to lv7, and he is not far from lv8.

Such an increase in speed is simply astounding, and it is almost impossible to replicate.

After all, that is the state of enlightenment.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that once enlightened to the Tao, one will ascend to the Tao. Although this is an exaggeration, it can also be seen that the magical effect of enlightenment and the rarity of enlightenment.

And lv7's swordsmanship has already entered the level of proficiency, from proficiency to proficiency, this is already an almost qualitative leap.

Only when the swordsmanship is pure and pure can it be refined and mastered. Purifying swordsmanship should have been a long process, but Zhao Cheng did it almost overnight.

At the same time, the proficiency required to upgrade from lv7 to lv8 only needs 60 points. Even if you upgrade from lv7 to lv10, you only need 220 points in total.

The proficiency required is not as high as Zhao Cheng's previous upgrade from lv4 to lv5.

The gap between them is really too huge.

As for the last chopping wind, it is a kind of sublimation of swordsmanship that is unique to him after he has raised his swordsmanship to a certain level and had a certain encounter.

There is no invincible swordsmanship, only invincible people. In the hands of the strong, even the most basic basic swordsmanship can produce various special effects.

As for the mediocre, even if they practice swordsmanship to a very high level by relying on water grinding, it is still difficult to comprehend the special effects.

And chopping the wind is Zhao Cheng's unique swordsmanship special effect. His swordsmanship is now so subtle that it can cut even the illusory wind.

And with Zhao Cheng's improvement in swordsmanship, this special effect can also continue to grow.

Now it can only cut off the breeze, but one day, it may not be impossible to cut off the storm!

Now it is just a seed, but in the future, there are infinite possibilities!

"This sword is indeed, as I guessed, the embodiment of some kind of power in my own super-dimensional body. If it weren't for this, it would be difficult for me to have this opportunity."

Zhao Cheng stroked the sword with his hand, and what he felt was not some kind of flesh and blood connection, but just felt that it was his own body.

At the same time, because the target of Zhao Cheng's daily visualization is a wooden sword, this unnamed weapon exchanged for one source point is the form of the wooden sword he was most familiar with.

However, as his swordsmanship ushered in a leap at this moment, the shape of the long sword in his hand also underwent a slight change, corresponding to the change in his mental image.

In other words, this sword is the embodiment of his mental image!

Zhao Cheng looked at the panel, and the attributes of the long sword had already appeared.

Unnamed long sword (white)

Evolution: 0%

Durability: 100/100 (can consume vitality recovery)

Sharpness: 1

Toughness: 1

Hardness: 1

Special Effects: Heart to Heart

The attribute is very simple and not high, but in Zhao Cheng's feeling, no matter the sharpness, toughness, or hardness, it surpasses the high-quality weapons in some weapon shops in reality.

And this is just the most basic whiteboard weapon. If it is evolved or strengthened, it is hard to imagine what it will be like by then.

Caressing, the first real sword in his life, Zhao Cheng felt turmoil in his heart.

"I use this sword to kill and attack, to kill and protect the way, so it's called Kong Jie!"

"This is my fate, I don't know whose calamity it is!"

Zhao Cheng said to himself, and at the same time, the panel also changed. The long sword was not named, but changed into the word "Kongjie" in white.

Zhao Cheng's name is taken from the Buddhist concept of "Cheng Zhu Bad Kong", which tells about the birth and death of the universe. He is Cheng, so his sword occupies the space.

The sword of empty robbery came here!

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