Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1745: Shy

Standing for a while in front of the training room where De Feiya was, Di Ping walked out of the main tower.

As soon as he came out, a fluffy head immediately stretched out, and the big cat arched his entire head on him as if he hadn’t seen Di Ping for a long time, and there was a flattering moan in his mouth. Like a pet dog, extremely well-behaved.

Seeing the big cat Di Ping, who had grown bigger again, was also happy in his heart. He rubbed his head vigorously and smiled and said, "Big cat, you can fight side by side with me often in the future!"


The big cat whimpered excitedly when he heard the words, and a big long tail swayed quickly like a puppy behind him, but its movement swept away several flowers and trees in the garden.

"Stop..." Di Ping hurriedly said, "You will live a little better! There will be no tree in my garden when I shake it down!"


The big cat hurried to the ground, whimpering in a grievance, and a pair of big golden eyes was humane with a trace of pitiful expression.

"Okay, you have become a fine, pretending to be pitiful!"

Di Ping angrily patted its already high head, and smiled and cursed.

The big cat immediately stretched out his head and wanted to sweet Di Pin’s face, but Di Pinnaken asked him to lick it. His tongue was covered with cone-like barbs. A sweet bit could lick the whole face away, although he believed the big cat He didn't dare to hurt himself, but he didn't want to. The big cat eats mutant beasts every day and never cleans it. He doesn't want to smell the stench.

"Okay, you'd better enter the petting beast space! I'll take you out in a while!"

Di Ping patted the big cat's head, and then with a thought, the big cat suddenly exploded all of his hair, his eyes flashed with panic, but before it could react, he disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at the disappearing big cat, Di Ping also felt a little bit interesting. His mind moved and his thoughts connected to the pet space. He found a vast white space in the space. The big cat lying on the ground seemed to fall asleep, and the surrounding air was thin. The fine energy is slowly being injected into the cat's body. Although the process is slow, it is much faster than outside.

At this moment, a message came, and Di Ping realized that the petting beast space actually had extraordinary benefits.

First, it can promote the evolution of the pet beast, which is twice as fast as the outside speed. Second, the space has the ability to cultivate and heal injuries. No matter the multiple injuries, as long as the pet beast enters the space, it will slowly be repaired.

It was that Di Ping wanted to enter this space all of a sudden. Not only could he heal his injuries, but he could also gradually level up without moving. It was not too good.

Di Ping was relieved to see the big cat lying soundly asleep in it. He was also afraid that the boring space would suffocate the big cat. It seems that the power of the system is reflected again.

Seeing that there is nothing wrong with the big cat, Di Ping hurried to the restaurant. He was hungry on his chest and his back. Now the restaurant Barton has a dedicated chef for Di Ping. Yes, Di Ping's treatment is getting higher and higher now.

One person kills ten catties of mutant beast meat, and kills two bowls of Linggu, which is considered to be full!

Linggu has been harvested once, and now it can be supplied, but not many people can enjoy it now. The city guards are also in limited supply. Linggu is different from ordinary food and contains rich energy. It is not only useful for the awakened, but also common for ordinary people. Eating can also change physical fitness.

Linggu is now one of the necessary sources of energy intake for the awakened. After all, it is not possible to eat meat every day!

Now the agricultural sector is looking for more mutated edible crops from outside plants to enrich food sources.

So far, many edible spiritual plants have been discovered, and they have begun to try planting and cultivation, and I believe that new results will appear soon.

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