Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1638: Wolf king now

This is a mutant beast shaped like a wolf, but it is covered with scales instead of fur. Only a bunch of blue hair grows from the top of the head to the back. The whole body is streamlined, and the limbs are strong and powerful. A mutant beast that is very good at running.

"Wind Wolf: Bloodline Level: d, Talent Skill: Swiftness; Strengthening Level: Tier 1 Level 1, Skills: Bite, Different Space Mutant Beasts, like to live in groups, speed comes and goes like wind, extremely cruel and cunning!"

Di Ping's detection skills swept the grass and the mutant beast information had already appeared in front of Congren, and he began to worry about these people. This kind of speed mutant was the most difficult to deal with.

They found the wind wolves, and the wind wolves also found them. Immediately, the wind wolves let out a wolf roar, and the mutant wind wolves wandering around also stood up one after another, looking fiercely at this side, showing a sharp sharp point. Ya, let out a low roar!

Yang Yantai suddenly shouted with a finger, "Good chance, there are only more than 30 now, do it quickly, the spirit grass is behind them!"

Everyone looked at the direction of his fingers when they heard the words. Sure enough, there was a cluster of gladiolus-shaped spirit grass behind this group of mutant beasts. Flames burst into everyone's eyes. There were definitely more than a hundred plants in this cluster. It looked very gratifying!


Master Dezheng suddenly raised his sword and shouted.

At this moment, he was a little peaceful before, completely like a glaring King Kong!

After a roar, he rushed out first, and the Xingzhi few people also rushed out. The remaining parties took the lead for a moment, and then they screamed and rushed up. More than two hundred people charged at the same time. .

There are only 30 wind wolves, and there are fifty or sixty awakened people here, everyone thinks that the wind wolves must be unstoppable, but once they are slow, this spirit grass is snatched by others!


When Feng Lang saw the people here rushing, his eyes were fierce, and they roared and launched a charge.

This movement still scared many people. The wind wolves ran like the wind, and the cyan brown hair was drawn into a straight line by the wind. The momentum of the 30 wind wolves was no less than two or three hundred people.

Two or three hundred meters, the two sides collided in almost a few seconds, boom! The battle entered its most intense state as soon as it touched.

Master Zhengde took the lead, as if an arrow plunged into the wind wolf pack, hitting a wind wolf head-on, he yelled, holding a golden sword in both hands and slashed across it.


The sword of Zhengde came out like a rainbow, and Feng Lang wanted to hide and was struck by a sword. Feng Lang flew out in a whimper, and the blood poured over Zhengde's entire face.

But Zhengde didn't care about the blood on his face at all, and rushed to the other wind wolf again with a roar, a **** mad demon.

Zhengde is not slow, nor is Xingzhi slow. The heavy steel baton in his hand slammed down at a wind wolf, and the long stick hung on the wind with howling wind.


The wind wolf did not expect the stick to come so fast, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, trying to hide but unable to hide, a muffled sound, the steel rod was hitting the wind wolf's head, and the wind wolf roared, and the whole head was smashed by the steel rod. Blood spattered.

The three lunatic senior brothers, one by one, were extraordinary in strength, and they swung their steel rods together to solve the opposite Fenglang.

Di Ping was in the second echelon, and he hadn't even had his turn to shoot. He still had time to watch the battlefield. He looked at Hua Qingyang.

This Hua Qingyang is not weak, and he is wielding a long and narrow sword to fight Wind Wolf fiercely. Wind Wolf is fast, and this Hua Qing Yang obviously knows how to do his work, cutting like the wind with a knife, and hitting one head in a single encounter. Feng Lang had three swords, but his sword was obviously not good enough. Three deep marks were cut out on Feng Lang's body, causing Feng Lang to roar.

However, Di Ping could see that he didn't take much effort to solve the wind wolf. He turned his gaze to Shi Yande, and he turned away after just one glance.

This Shi Yanwu went down and smashed the opposite Feng Lang to his head, which was not weaker than Xing Chi.

He turned to Yang Yantai again, and saw Yang Yantai also wielding a steel spear, and with one shot, the Wind Wolf was picked up and flew out. Then he waved his hand and threw a water arrow to nail the Wind Wolf to the ground. The Wind Wolf let out a whine and then he got up again. Not coming!

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