Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1379: The second level has female combat

"The first level, pass the trial level, test whether the disciple enters the next level!"

Di Ping just calmed down, and the previous voice sounded in the hall again.


Di Ping said.

"Enter the second level, speed test!"

The sound rang, and then I saw the test stone slowly sinking, revealing a channel, and there was light in the channel, but I didn't know where it was.

Di Ping had no way to retreat at this time and could only move forward. He gritted his teeth and walked towards the passage.


As soon as he walked into the passage, the test stone behind him suddenly shut down, and the whole behind became a black wall with no gap in sight.

At this moment, a green light swept over, and Di Ping was swept by the green before he could dodge, and then a voice sounded.

"Level one, level nine, passage 100 meters, passing speed of four seconds is the standard, the shorter the time, the higher the rating! Please try the disciples and start the test!"

Di Ping was secretly delighted when he heard this, and there was no problem with passing the level at his own speed. Now it is up to him what grade he wants to achieve.

Di Ping thought for a while and decided to proceed with the best results. He happened to have to test his own details so that he knew what he knew.

Standing in front of the starting line, Di Ping slowly calmed his breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a while, adjusting his state to the best. Then he opened his eyes suddenly, and then shot out like a cheetah, as fast as lightning.

Since he decided to test his own strength, Di Ping used his speed at full speed. Apart from the use of no collision, he really launched a snake walk with all his strength, and really drifted across the channel like a smoke and appeared on the 100-meter termination line.


A breath of turbid air spurted out, and Di Pingyuan's unsteady breathing at this moment completely calmed down. He believed that his speed was definitely not slow.

"The test is complete: the whole process takes two to three seconds, breaking the previous record of the same level of the channel, evaluating as the first class, and successfully advancing to the next level!"

Hearing this news, Di Ping nodded slightly. This time his speed was basically fully utilized. He actually reached a speed of more than two hundred meters, which was similar to his previous judgment.

Di Ping originally thought that there would be some traps in this passage, bows and so on. He didn't expect that this passage was not dangerous at all, it was just a test.

"The second level, pass the speed test level, test whether the disciples enter the next level!"

At this time, the voice sounded in Di Ping's mind in time.


Di Ping said lightly.

"Enter the third level, resilience!"

The old voice in his mind sounded again.


As the sound fell, the end of a dead-end passage suddenly opened, and an iron door slowly opened, revealing a passage.

Di Ping stepped in, and he didn't even glance at the door that suddenly closed behind him. He had already experienced it before and was not surprised.

This is a small room with a small area and at most a hundred square meters. There is a mysterious rune carved on the dark walls. There are more runes than the previous room, and it also shows a regular arrangement. Except for this, there is nothing in the room empty.

Di Ping was a little puzzled, what kind of level it was to test resilience, unexpectedly in such a strange little room.

At this moment, another green swept across. He did not hide anymore, but waited quietly. Sure enough, a few seconds later, the previous voice sounded again!

"Level one, level nine, holding the gravity chamber under three times the gravity for half an hour is to meet the standard. The longer the holding time, the higher the force of gravity and the higher the rating obtained! Please try the disciples and start the trial!"

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