Chapter 17 The Dark Shadow under the Night (1/2)

After making arrangements for Wang Gui, Qin Lang left the mall in his RV and patrolled the area.

Why drive instead of ride a Will-O-Wisp?

The reason is very simple. Firstly, Lin Wan'er has used a lot of talent cards now, and her combat power is not weak anymore, which can be of great help in battle. Secondly, Qin Lang did not completely trust Wang Gui's group. If they betrayed him, wouldn't he have to lose RV and Lin Wan'er as his helpers?

Qin Lang never hesitates to speculate on the worst side of people's hearts, even though he knows that the probability of Wang Gui and the others' betrayal is really low.

After driving around the surrounding streets for a few times, Qin Lang discovered that it was obvious that someone had been nearby. Otherwise, the blood heart that had been dropped just yesterday afternoon would not have been cleaned up so cleanly. Moreover, he had not even found a single survivor along the way. Not seen.

"You mean there's a strong community nearby?" ?.????.??

After following Qin Lang for a long time, Lin Wan'er learned a lot of knowledge and made her own judgment.

"I don't know if they are strong or not, but there must be a lot of people."

Qin Lang withdrew his gaze from the bloody corpses scattered in front of him, "Try to avoid encountering them and go back first."

"If there are really many people in that community and their strength is not weak, then if we stick together, our survival rate will be greatly improved." Lin Waner asked simply. Of course, she knew that Qin Lang couldn't stay here. He was going to rush there. Looking for someone in Haicheng.

Qin Lang shook his head when he heard this, "The more people there are, the greater the consumption. The more than 30 people Wang Gui brought will have to pay a hundred white cards every day. The consumption is high, which means they have to pay for supplies." Continuously killing blood zombies is not a long-term solution. Based on the current situation, it is most reasonable for the community or team to keep the number of people below ten. "

"That's it." Lin Wan'er blinked her eyes. God knows if she understood.

Since there was such a strong community nearby, there were no blood corpses and blood hearts for them to kill. Qin Lang had nothing to do during the whole day and simply fell asleep.

In the evening, when the sky was getting dark, Qin Lang called Wang Gui and others to set off.


After last night's experience, this group of community residents are no longer so afraid of the dark. When they encounter bloody corpses along the way, they often come forward to kill them without Lin Wan'er taking action.

This is all thanks to Wang Gui. He divided more than 30 people into different teams, ensuring that each team has both melee and long-range attack methods. In addition, there are also special protections for the head and tail of the convoy, with ten people A mobile team of young men.

"I didn't expect to pick up a treasure and come back. This Wang Gui is a talent."

Qin Lang took a panoramic view of everything and secretly approved in his heart. If Wang Gui's next performance can still be so outstanding, he won't mind creating another tool man.

The convoy traveled north for more than three hours. When it was about to enter the highway section, Lin Wan'er frowned at the black shadow flashing across the sky.

"Is it an illusion? Why do I feel like something is flying in the sky?"

Lin Wan'er rubbed her eyelids, retracted her body back into the car, and asked uncertainly, "Can blood corpses fly?"


Qin Lang braked suddenly, and Lin Wan'er almost lost her footing and fell.

"What did you see?"

Qin Lang had been driving and couldn't notice what was going on in the sky.

"I'm not sure what it is, but if it's a bat it wouldn't be that big."

Lin Wan'er described the creatures she saw.

Qin Lang's scalp felt numb.

Winged Demon?

How many days has it been since the Winged Demon appeared?

Winged Demon is not possible

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Afraid, the scary thing is that there must be a 'Black Blood Heart' near the place where there is a Winged Demon!

Winged Demons are Blackblood's sentinels!

"If necessary, return the same way!"

Qin Lang grabbed the walkie-talkie and informed Wang Gui. ?.?????.??

Wang Gui did not dare to be careless and quickly waved his hand to ask everyone to turn the car around.


In the distance, there was a piercing scream.

That was clearly the sound coming from Blood Heart, the welcome song of hell!


Qin Lang took out the rifle card and stood on the roof of the car.

With the gift of night vision, he was not affected by this dim environment at all. When he raised his head, he saw seven or eight winged demons passing by in the sky.

The size of these winged demons is only 12 times that of blood corpses. They are extremely ugly and look like giant bats. The biggest advantage of this monster is that it flies very fast and has average defense and attack capabilities.

"court death!"

Qin Lang directly activated the 'Sharpshooter' and continuously pulled the trigger to fire.

"Da, da, da, da, da"

With several single clicks in a row, all seven winged demons were shot in the head and fell into the nearby wheat field.

"Boss, what happened?" Wang Gui looked nervous. He couldn't see anything. People are always full of fear of unknown things.

"Everyone, get ready, the war is about to begin."

Qin Lang threw the rifle, some bullets, and the Molotov cocktail card to Wang Gui, and tore up a rifle card himself, "Protect your people."

"I know, boss."

Wang Gui touched Xiao Bao'er's head. The little boy was afraid and said, "Uncle, I'm scared."

Wang Gui had a gentle look on his face, "Don't be afraid, uncle is here and he will definitely protect you."



There is a deathly silence before the storm.

Lin Wan'er's nervous body trembled a little, until a warm big hand patted her back gently, calming her down a little.

"You should go back to the car. It's not safe here." Qin Lang smiled.

"No, I want to fight with you." Lin Wan'er shook her head firmly, "If it doesn't work, I'll go back."

Lin Wan'er has learned several silver-level aura auxiliary skills. As long as they are within a ten-meter range, all friendly forces can enjoy the aura buff.

"Don't force yourself to come."

Qin Lang's pupils condensed. At the end of the road, a large group of blood corpses appeared. They were so dense that I didn't know how many there were. They made strange cries and fell one after another.

Among the blood corpses, there were several night demons. As if they were their leaders, the night demons followed the blood corpses slowly.

"Fuck... How do we fight this?" Wang Gui saw the scene in front of him through the military telescope and couldn't help but swear. However, when he saw Qin Lang on the roof of the car without any fear, and the rifle in his hand was so heavy, he calmed down a little.

All fear comes from insufficient firepower!

He has a gun, what is he afraid of?

"Come on, come on, I'll shoot you!" Wang Gui licked his lips vigorously.



A scream rang out, and it was a man in his forties or fifties in the team who was attacked by a winged demon, his head was blown off, and his brain was dug out.

They only looked ahead and ignored the sky. There were more than a dozen winged demons in the sky, staring at them.


Wang Gui shouted, raised his gun and shot, and the women in the team equipped with mechanical bows also aimed at the dark winged demons in the sky. "

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