Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 481: : Gong Xuan

Before long, the procedures were completed and the fees were paid. Xiang Jing received a metal token, which was a voucher for participating in the Hundreds of Competitions.

After obtaining the voucher, Xiang Jing took You Ding back to the Yipin Building and reopened a room for him to live in. Yun Xi went to look for Qin Tian and the others.

It didn't take long before Qin Tian and the others came back from shopping. There was no Xiang Jing imagined that the disciple got into trouble outside, so they went to rescue and trigger a side mission.

This makes Xiang Jing very uncomfortable. It shouldn't be. With so many enemies, he has been so swaggering. They will keep watching? Swallow this breath?

After three days have passed, Xiang Jing took his disciples to the streets every day, but no one came to make trouble.

Nonsense, the affairs of Xiang Jing and Baihuazong in front of the first-grade building have long been spread throughout Huiyin City, and those sect forces are uncomfortable looking for them if they are full.

Until the day when the Zongmen Grand Competition officially started, all the Zongmen who came to participate came to the specially built martial arts field in Huiyin City.

Here, Xiang Jing met people from the Haoyue Sect.

The leader was the Haoyuezong elder of the Jindan stage. When he saw Xiang Jing, his face was completely cold, and even the disciples of Haoyuezong were also showing Xiaoyaozong's face.

No way, Xiaoyao Sect was too ostentatious, the three characters on the clothes could be seen by the blind. During this time, almost everyone in Huiyin City knew the name of Xiaoyao Sect.

When Xiang Jing saw Haoyuezong's people, he smirked, he knew that a side mission was coming.

But for the time being, a hundred cases are more important.

The various sect disciples stood on the martial arts field, and the senior leaders of the sect leader sat in the stands on the side.

Calculated according to the level of the sect, Haoyue Sect is definitely the boss, and the Silver Sword Villa and the Seven Ding Palace are equal.

Logically speaking, they were sitting in the top positions, followed by the City Lord of Huiyin City, and the sects who had reached the ranks.

However, they hadn't been seated yet, Xiang Jing directly sat down where he should have been the Haoyuezong elder.

Xiang Jing's actions made these high-level sect leaders who were still talking and laughing for a second, and the next second they were all dumbfounded.

Elder Li of the Haoyue Sect glared at Xiang Jing and said, "Sect Master Xiang, what are you doing?"

Xiang Jing pretended not to understand and said, "What are you doing? The city lord is coming soon, you are welcome, please find a seat and sit down quickly."

Xiang Jing said that he naturally picked up the tea that had been brewed on the side, took a sip, and made a sound.


Before "Elder Li" waited for Elder Li's attack, a scholar-looking young man on the side shook a fan and said, "Don't get angry, get angry and hurt your body. Be careful if you accidentally drive Hexi."

"Gong Xuan, what do you mean!"

Elder Li was angry, and the spear was aimed at Gong Xuan in an instant.

Gong Xuan slapped the fan and walked forward and said "literally." Then he sat down next to Xiang Jing.

That location belongs to Silver Sword Villa, and Gong Xuan is the representative sent by Silver Sword Villa this time, the eldest son of the owner of Silver Sword Villa.

After Gong Xuan sat down, he put away his fan and arched his hands and said, "Sect Master Xiang, I have heard of the name for a long time, in Xia Yinjian Villa.

"It turns out to be Gong Xuan of Silver Sword Villa, a good name." Xiang Jing said with an unpredictable smile on his face.

Xiang Jing thought that the first ancestor of Silver Sword Villa was really a **** individual talent. Could it be that such a name came to his mind.

Xiang Jing took the position of Haoyuezong, and it seemed that he didn't plan to get up, which made Elder Li's expression unsightly.

At this time, the other sects all found their seats, including the Seven Ding Hall, which is also an earth-level sect.

Elder Li wanted to get Xiang Jing to get up, but seeing his rogue appearance, it was obviously impossible. He couldn’t do anything here, and the elders had specially ordered this time to participate in the Hundred Sects Competition. If you encounter Xiaoyao Zong, absolutely cannot offend.

There was no way, Elder Li could only suffer from this dumb loss, and sat in the position next to the Seven Ding Hall. The representative of the Zongmen in this position was sent to the position of Xiaoyao Sect by him.

The middle position is naturally reserved for Tao Wu, the lord of Huiyin City, with Xiang Jing and Gongxuan sitting on the left, and Elder Li and representatives of Qiding Hall on the right.

When Xiang Jing and Gong Xuan were chatting with each other, Elder Li glared from the side, and the representative of the Seven Ding Palace directly fell asleep.

Elder Li, who was sitting there alone, could only stare at him. He Haoyuezong and Silver Sword Villa were not compatible at all, and did not have much intersection with Seven Ding Palace. This time he came to participate in the Hundred Sects Competition, which is entirely to show the strength of the sect. After all, the incident of Xiaoyao Sect not long ago still had a big impact on the reputation of the sect, but in the end, he ran into a person like Xiang Jing and completely disrupted his rhythm.

After a while, Tao Wu, the lord of Huiyin City, came to the martial arts field. This was a relatively burly middle-aged man with a tough face, like a general.

However, it is true that there are rumors that Tao Wu used to be a general guarding the Shang Dynasty, and because of something later, he came to Huiyin City as the city lord.

In the years since he was the lord of the city, Huiyin City has become more and more prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and faintly become the second small merchant nation.

For his past, no one is going to pursue it anymore, and they are all forgotten in the long river of time.

Although Tao Wu was the lord of the city, he would not delay, and after a few simple words, he announced the official start of the Zongmen Grand Competition.

The rules of the game are very simple. There are a total of two rounds. In the first round, the disciples compete one-on-one, and those who lose are eliminated.

In the second round, the remaining sect disciples fight in a team, and the sects that are eliminated in the first round directly lose the qualification to participate in the second round, and the remaining disciples who are promoted can continue to compete in the second round.

The sect that won the final victory was the winner of this 100 contest.

After the lottery, the five Qin Tian people encountered ordinary characters, and the strongest was only in the middle stage of foundation building, and the first round could pass smoothly.

As for You Ding, he was sitting in the audience, waiting with excitement for the game to start.

Gong Xuan leaned back in his chair and looked at the martial arts field and said, "Sect Master Xiang, this looks really boring, why don't we block it?"

When Xiang Jing heard this, he knew that Gong Xuan was going to do something. When he learned that Silver Sword Villa and Haoyue Sect were incompatible, he knew that he was worth seeing today.

Xiang Jing followed Gong Xuan's words and asked, "Oh? I don't know how Gong Xuan wants to bet?"

Gong Xuan shook his fan and pretended to meditate and said, "Well, let's take a gamble, which sect can get the leader of this hundred sects?"

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows and nodded and said, "Okay, the Xiaoyao Sect, who bet on this seat, will be the leader of this Hundred Sects Competition."

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