Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 431: : Liyang City

"Oh, not bad, not bad." Xiang Jing's face was full of smiles, what he wanted to do. Recently, this source has changed sex, so refreshing.

But here comes the question, where is he going to recruit disciples in this barren mountain and ridge, now he is full of money, plus Yin Zhuxue and Yin Chengye are only seven disciples, and where to find three more.

"Ding, Liyang City, one hundred kilometers away from Qiyun Mountain, is holding a sect recruitment once every five years. The host can go there to try his luck."

"Hey, not bad, not bad." Xiang Jing now feels that Yuan is more pleasing to the eye, and forget about the previous slap in the face.

Xiang Jing waited for seven days, waited for Qin Tian and the others to come out of the time secret realm, arranged for them to take turns to enter the time secret realm before he returned, and told them where they were going. If Yin Zhuxue came back and saw that he was not there, it would be good to have a Confess.

For Qin Tian and their shocked gaze, Xiang Jing didn't explain too much, so he let them digest it by himself, and he had to be busy looking for them.

Xiang Jing followed the paved steps and walked out of Qiyun Mountain step by step, stepping out of the mountain gate and looking back, he was shocked.

I don’t think I’m standing at a high place. I look up from the gate at the foot of the mountain, and then I find that behind this towering gate, a mountain road leads directly to the top of the mountain, like a ladder. Although there are only two buildings on the top of the mountain, but The gate of the mountain is in harmony with each other.

Xiang Jing clicked with satisfaction, and then set off for Liyang City.

One day later, Xiang Jing arrived in Liyang City, where the sect recruitment was held once every five years, and the sects within a radius of a hundred li would come to select suitable disciples to bring back to the sect.

On this day, children from all places will rush to Liyang City, hoping to worship a favorite sect or sect.

So whenever it comes to this time, Liyang City is the busiest, the streets are overcrowded, the surrounding inns are also full of people, and there are immortal cultivators everywhere.

When Xiang Jing came here, the first thing was to find a place to live. After searching all the way, he finally found a room in the Yipin Building.

The ordinary rooms have been occupied, and the rest are the most expensive ones. Fortunately, Xiang Jing has a bit of capital and temporarily paid for the room for a week.

Just when Xiang Jing was about to pay the room rate, the old-fashioned plot happened.

Several faces were covered with veils, and a woman in white walked into the first building.

From the uniform dress and cultivation base of these people, it can be seen that it should be a cultivator from a sect.

One of the women stepped forward and took out a few ingots of gold and said, "The shopkeeper, three go to the room."

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Sorry for the guest officer, there are only two rooms left in this shop."


The woman who took out the gold ingot turned her head and said, "Sister, there are only two rooms left."

The woman who is called the master sister, although wearing the same dress and veil, has a completely different feeling, that is, her temperament is quite the same.

The master sister said, "It doesn't matter, we are not many people, let's squeeze the two rooms."

Her voice was ethereal and crisp, like a yellow eagle coming out of the valley, tactfully and melodiously, just listening to it once made people unforgettable.

If it were to be the case, there were a few cultivators wearing hats on the side who were obviously also opening the room.

The first one looked at the young man, when he saw the group of veiled women, he greeted him with a smile that he thought to be chic on his face.

"I have seen all the senior sisters of Hundred Flower Sect, and Sister Xiao." He politely greeted the few Hundred Flower Sect disciples.

One of them seemed to know him and said hello, "It turns out to be Junior Brother Guan of the Seven Star Sect."

Guan Linxiang said, "What problems did the senior sisters encounter?"

The disciple of the Baihuazong who knew him said, "Because of the collapse of the mountain on the road, we were late in Liyang City. The inn all the way was full. There were only two rooms left in this building. There were so many people, but Some are not very convenient."

"It turns out that this is the matter. Leave it to me. Please wait for a while."

After Guan Linxiang finished speaking, he turned and walked towards Xiang Jing. Xiang Jinggang was about to hand over the gold in his hand to the shopkeeper, but he was slapped on the shoulder.

Xiang Jing's outstretched arm paused slightly, and his brow wrinkled slightly. If it hadn't been for so many years, the habit could be controlled, and the person who just patted his shoulder would have to wipe his neck instinctively.

Xiang Jing turned his head and saw a fake face appeared in front of him.

He looked up and down and asked "Are you?"

Guan Linxiang said, "In the Lower Seven Star Sect disciple Guan Linxiang, there is something I want to ask a friend for help."

Xiang Jing glanced at him, smiled politely and said, "Sorry, I'm not free."

Guan Linxiang grabbed Xiang Jing's gold hand and said, "My friend, I am willing to pay ten times the price to buy your room, and please give me the Seven Star Sect's face."


Xiang Jing frowned. Originally thinking that it would be almost enough to recruit three or four disciples from Liyang City, he did not expect to encounter this kind of old-fashioned routine plot.

Xiang Jing said without looking back this time, "Sorry, I want to live in my room, you can find another job. There are so many guests in this building, I believe your price will satisfy them."

Xiang Jing was already very polite, and he had already raised his hand to the thief at this time as the protagonist in other novels.

If he is deaf or blind, he wants to please the female disciples of the Hundred Flower Sect. I'm sorry, but please find another job. Xiang Xie will not eat you.

Xiang Jing's voice was still restrained and saved enough face for Guan Linxiang, but Xiang Jing's refusal still made Guan Linxiang feel very shameless.

In his opinion, Xiang Jing came here alone and opened a room, at most a casual repairman who came to Liyang City to watch the excitement, dare not to give them the face of the Seven Star Sect.

However, in order to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor in front of the female disciples of the Hundred Flower Sect, Guan Linxiang still patiently said, "Friend, please consider again, my Seven Star Sect is also considered to be in this area..."

"Stop" Xiang Jing turned his head and looked at Guan Linxiang and said, "First, I will not sell my room, because I also need a place to live. Second, in order to cater to others and force others to buy and sell things, you Seven Star Sect Are they all so unreasonable? Thirdly, don't talk about the sect every day. The sect is the place where you live and grow, and it is also your umbrella, but it is not the weapon you use to show off and bully the market. "

Is Xiang Jing really fed up with this stupid X, one mouthful of the Seven Star Sect, is he not afraid of bringing disaster to his sect?

Assuming that the person standing in Xiang Jing's position is a powerful old monster, Guan Linxiang's attitude and words will undoubtedly offend people.

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