Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 411: : Chinese recipes

A moment later


"One of the Eight Chinese Cuisine: Shandong Cuisine"

"Lu cuisine is the Qilu flavor that originated in Shandong. Its birthplace is Boshan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province. It is the only spontaneous cuisine among the four traditional Chinese cuisines and the eight major cuisines (compared to the influence of Huaiyang, Sichuan, and Guangdong). In terms of cuisine), it is also the cuisine with the longest history, the richest techniques, and the most powerful. It is the first of the eight major cuisines. The classic dishes of Shandong cuisine include sweet and sour yellow river carp, nine-turn large intestine, braised prawns, etc. A large number of them during the Ming and Qing Dynasties The entry of Shandong chefs and dishes into the palace has further sublimated the style and characteristics of Shandong cuisine that is graceful, luxurious, upright, peaceful and healthy."

"Energy crystal required for exchange: 30 points."

As the first of the eight major cuisines in China, Lu cuisine has a long history and rich techniques. It is also a first-class cuisine recipe from the ancient world.

"Just you, buy."

Xiang Jing did not hesitate to buy one of the eight cuisines of the Lu family recipe.

"Ding, the purchase is successful, after deducting 30 energy crystals, the item has been placed in the space ring, please check."

"Ding, has it been detected that "Chinese Recipe Lu Family Recipe" is directly copied to the host's mind?


"Copying, successful copying."

After the recipe was copied successfully, Xiang Jing felt that there were many kinds of Shandong dishes in his mind.

Some are homely, some are rare, some are simple, and some are complicated. They are all-encompassing, completely changing Xiang Jing's knowledge of cooking.

Settling down, Xiang Jing took out a kitchen knife, and he felt as if he were fused in his hand, waving it handily, like a top chef with experienced knife skills.

Now, Xiang Jing is more confident about the noon game, especially for the 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. If he gets it, he will still be uncomfortable in his cultivation. When he thinks of this Jing, he can't help but want it.

But the most urgent thing is to decide what to cook for lunch.

With the old ghost's cooking skills, even if he was helped by Lu's recipes, he might not have won him.

After all, he was a monk halfway through, and there is still a big gap between him and someone who has been immersed in cooking for many years.

After looking for the Lu family recipes in his mind, Xiang Jing decided to make a "sweet and sour yellow river carp."

Sweet and sour yellow river carp is a traditional dish in Jinan, Shandong. Jinan faces the Yellow River to the north, so the carp used in cooking is the Yellow River carp. This fish grows in the deep waters of the Yellow River. Its head and tail are golden, the whole body is bright, and the meat is tender.

For this dish, you need to cut the fish with a knife pattern, wrap it in gorgon paste, deep-fry it, turn the head and tail up, and then use the famous Luokou vinegar to make sweet and sour sauce and pour it on the fish. After the dish is prepared, the aroma is tangy, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, and a little sour.

And there are a lot of specialties in making fish, such as the method of scraping fish scales, picking fish tendons, dealing with the fishy smell, the tender taste of the fish when making it, etc., so fish is not so easy to make. dish.

However, Xiang Jing wanted to make this sweet and sour yellow river carp. The process is not very complicated. For the fish, he has the recipe in his mind and the help of so many cooking skills. It is difficult to make mistakes.

After deciding to make the dishes, the next step is to prepare the ingredients. To make this sweet and sour yellow river carp, you need yellow river carp, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, salt, clear soup, ginger, chopped green onion, chopped garlic, wet starch, and peanut oil.

The others are easy to find. The key is this Yellow River carp, where did Xiang Jing get it? His space ring is full of various things. You can't really keep a tank of fish in it.

I just don’t know if there are carps sold in the ancient world, or fish with a meat texture close to carp.

There were less than two hours before the agreed time at noon. Xiang Jing got up and left the library, and was going to look for it in Tianqi Academy. Now it is definitely too late to go down the mountain. This time it will take four or five hours, which is really impossible. Change another dish, anyway, there are many dishes in the recipe.

Xiang Jing walked out of the library, and first asked Mr. Qi where he could find fish in the college.

Old Qi pointed out a way to Xiang Jing, which leads directly to the kitchen of Tianqi Academy, which is the direction of the cafeteria.

After Xiang Jingdao thanked him, he rushed to the back kitchen of the canteen without stopping. After showing his identity for a while, Xiang Jing was able to enter the back kitchen.

There is a big water pool in the back kitchen, where there are many fishes, all kinds of fish, but most of them are species that Xiang Jing has never seen before.

There is definitely no Yellow River carp. Xiang Jing is going to look for fish with similar meat quality to Yellow River carp. It shouldn't be difficult to find fish based on the vast amount of information and experience in his mind.

In the end, Xiang Jing found a sharp-mouthed fish with white stripes on both sides of the pond. Although this fish is different from carp in appearance, its meat quality is similar to that of carp and can be used as a substitute.

Xiang Jing selected this fish, and after paying the money, he installed it in a fish tank.

The time soon arrived at noon, Xiang Jing and the old ghost arrived in the kitchen on time, and the old ghost brought another person.

A very beautiful woman, she looks like she is only in her thirties. She has clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, and long eyelashes trembling slightly. She has a light posture and enchanting posture. She has long hair. Mainly also wearing a lavender cheongsam.

However, it looked very cold, with a temperament that refused to be thousands of miles away, and there was some impatience between his expressions.

But it also added a touch of temperament to her. If an ordinary person saw this, she might have a nosebleed.

Xiang Jing looked at the old ghost and asked, "What are you doing?"

The old ghost pointed to the beautiful Gao Leng and said, "We must have a judge and a notary for the competition. This Violet is a first-level teacher in the academy. He is famous for being fair. I finally invited her."

Xiang Jing didn't care who the old ghost called, and nodded and said, "Okay, then let's not delay time, let's start, today we are like fish, and time is incense."

The old ghost politely asked Violet to sit down, then rolled up his sleeves and waved his hands. The same variety of ingredients and kitchen utensils appeared on the chopping board like a trick. Even if you first calculate it, you have to have a hundred samples, one of the colors The colorful fish that is about a foot and a half long are the most eye-catching.

Looking at Xiang Jing's side, it is much simpler, a fish, some side dishes and seasonings, a few knives are gone.

Seeing Xiang Jing's simple kitchen utensils, the old ghost snorted when he heard of it. In his opinion, there was no pressure on this game, and he wanted to let this junior understand what it means to be outside, there are outsiders, there are outsiders.

The old ghost moved his spiritual power and began to process the ingredients on the chopping board, which looked like the operation of the gods in the Chinese Little Master.

Xiang Jing was quite satisfactory and started to deal with the sharp-billed fish according to the recipe.

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