Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 366: : Zhang Qiang

The village chief, Qin Fu, came to the entrance of the village and saw this scene. He hurried up to ask about the situation. When Zhang Chong came up directly, he retreated with a punch.

Qin Fu saw that he was about to hit the dirt wall behind him, and when he slammed into it, it was definitely a **** end.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, and then caught the village chief so easily and stopped him.

Xiang Jing took the village chief and looked up at Zhang Chong among the people on the opposite side, probably guessing what happened.

"The third elder is him." Zhang Chong approached the third elder and pointed to Xiang Jing and said, "If this son is not removed, it will inevitably become a major concern for our Zhang Village."

The third elder snorted and looked at Xiang Jing, "There is such a cultivation level at a young age. I see that you are so talented and can't bear to kill you. If you give you a chance to visit my Zhangcun gate, you can avoid death."

Xiang Jing's eyes twitched and looked at the three elders opposite like a fool.

The development of this plot is a bit strange. He just warned Zhang Chong with his eyes, and he wouldn't let him take someone to the door to find trouble.

In fact, such a development is normal in this barren ancient mountain.

Similar to Zhangcun’s dominance of an area, the situation in other villages abounds.

In order to maintain the right to rule, villages that are often rulers will bring talented and gifted children back to their villages for training in advance, so that they can become their own.

A child with unusual talents like Qin Tian is actually an undecided candidate for Zhang Cun, and he will be taken away after a while.

A master like Xiang Jing already has mature minds and ideas, and the possibility of him joining is very small, and he appeared in Qin Village.

In the worst case, Qin Village is likely to want to overthrow Zhang Village’s rule.

There is another reason. Zhang Chong has a small belly and chicken intestines, and he must report it. Although Xiang Jing's warning that day scared him, it also made him lose face.

Zhang Chong believed that such a master in the village could easily be subdued, so he added more energy and vinegar, and completely classified Qin Village into the rebel forces. This is what is happening today.

It can be said that Zhang Cun’s lineup today was easy to wipe out any small village, but they met Xiang Jing today.

Xiang Jing thought about a lot of things in a very short time.

For example, he probably already knows why these villagers from Zhang village hit the door today.

But what to do later, people like Zhangcun must die here today, there is no doubt about this.

However, Xiang Jing can only keep Qin Village for a while, not his first life. Even if Zhang Village is destroyed, the forces that originally belonged to Zhang Village’s jurisdiction will definitely fight for the status of the hegemon.

A small village like Qin Village is likely to be destroyed in it.

Moreover, this matter started because of Xiang Jing, so we couldn't just leave it, at least we had to make arrangements for Qin Village not to be destroyed.

Otherwise, Xiang Jing would feel uncomfortable when facing Qin Tian.

After the decision is made, is it the way to deal with it, forming a force like on the earth, so that the villagers of Qin Village will become stronger?

To be honest, Xiang Jing still has a lot of genetic medicines in the space ring now, and he can instantly build Qin Village's hundreds of people to the point where everyone is more than one cow.

However, doing so is equivalent to indirectly pushing Qin Village to the position of hegemon.

However, after rising to a certain height, he would definitely encounter a stronger opponent, and Xiang Jing would not know where he was, and he couldn't help Qin Village.

After thinking about it, Xiang Jing decided to "disappear" Qin Village.

Of course, this disappearance is not a disappearance in the true sense, but only a way to hide the entire Qin Village.

It happens that this method, Xiang Jingyou, is in the yin and yang four-elephant array.

The yin and yang four elephant array, the yin and yang are the main defense, the four elephants are the main attack, and both offense and defense.

Xiang Jing was going to use the yin and yang guards to arrange a formation to cover the entire Qin Village. From the outside, the entire Qin Village completely disappeared in place, while the people inside could come and go at will.

In addition to the Yin-Yang formation, the main attacking Sixiang formation was arranged to attack and defend inside, which can keep the safety of Qin Village and prevent the village from being discovered.

And if you want to break this formation, you must have the same strength as Xiang Jing, that is to say, if the strength is less than one hundred cattle, it is impossible to break at all. At most, this place is a bit strange.

Those who can break this formation are also the immortal cultivators who have built the foundation, and then even Xiang Jing will have to run away here.

After much deliberation, Xiang Jing thinks this is the most appropriate and safe method so far.

After the decision was made, Xiang Jing had to consult the village chief of the village.

But before that, the group of flies must be dealt with first.

Xiang Jing looked at Zhang Qiang and said, "It's not anyone who accompanies me as my opponent."

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Jing had appeared in front of the third elder Zhang Qiang, pinched his throat with one hand, and lifted him up.

Then, the people of Bai Lai were in full view, and with a slight twist, Zhang Qiang's neck was broken.

The smile at the corner of Zhang Chong's mouth solidified, and the expressions of all Zhang Villagers were sluggish first, and then horrified.

Xiang Jing threw Zhang Qiang's body on the ground like trash.

Then like a gust of wind, it flashed lightly in front of all the people in Zhang Village and returned to the original place.

In front of the collapsed stone wall, the villagers who had been invincible had all lost their lives at this time, and they all looked like ghosts with their eyes open.

Maybe they don't know how they died until they die.

However, Xiang Jing still saved Zhang Chong's life. This product is still useful and will not be killed temporarily.

Seeing that Xiang Jing easily solved dozens of masters in Zhang Village, the villagers of Qin Village were suddenly calm.

Except when he first came, Xiang Jing usually showed kindness in front of them, with a smile on his face.

This made them forget that Xiang Jing was actually a great master, and saw that he killed so many people in Zhang Village like an ant.

The talents of Qin Village realized that they underestimated this young man who seemed to be happy all day long.

It's really not merciful to kill people at all, and it's totally different from two people in peacetime.

Seeing the shocked or even horrified expressions of the villagers, Xiang Jing didn't go to explain more, and took the village chief back home.

He stretched out his hand and waved in front of the village chief's eyes, and the village chief who was still in a dazed expression was relieved.

As soon as he saw Xiang Jing in front of him, the village chief knelt down and said with trepidation, "Well, the villain had eyes and no beads before, and Jing uttered wild words to the immortal. The villain would like to apologize with death and ask the immortal to let Qin village go. Villagers, they are all innocent."

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