Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 321: : Holy Wedding Dress

Tang Jiajing knelt on the ground, clasped his hands together, holding the cross on his neck in his hands, facing the dim light coming in from the window, praying sincerely, with a bible on his knees.

Xiang Jing saw these and asked, "What is going on with these things?"

Forestry said, "After she was captured by Lin Yaozu, she didn't struggle to resist. She calmly asked for these things from us. I wondered if these things would have any effect, so I gave it to her."

Xiang Jing squinted and said "open the door"

With a "creak", the heavy door was opened, and Xiang Jing Forestry and Li Yuan walked in.

Tang Jiajing didn't seem to hear the door opening behind him, still praying sincerely.

Xiang Jing asked Lin Lin and Li Yuan to guard the door, walked towards Tang Jiajing, and walked in front of him. The tall figure directly blocked the remaining light.

Until then, Tang Jiajing slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Xiang Jing who was standing in front of him.

Xiang Jing looked at Tang Jiajing's eyes. From her eyes, she saw only strangeness, indifference, and holiness. The once lively and activeness was completely absent.

"who are you?"

Xiang Jing asked a question that puzzled Li Yuan from the forestry industry.

Who is she, isn't she Tang Jiajing?

However, what they didn't expect was that Tang Jiajing actually looked at Xiang Jing and replied seriously "Gabriel."

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows. In the Library of Country Y, Xiang Jing did not miss information about the Holy See and vampires. Among them was information about Gabriel. He was one of the four archangels under the seat of the Holy See. The angel of justice, she has six pairs of wings, also called the six-winged archangel.

So the question is, how can Tang Jiajing become Gabriel so well, how can such a Western god's left and right hand be possessed by an Eastern Chinese.

And if what Tang Jiajing and Gabriel said are true, does it mean that the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, and the God of Creation in Western myths and legends may also be true.

Xiang Jing shook his head and didn't think about it so much. The top priority was to ask clearly what was going on.

He looked directly at Gabriel and said, "Why are you attached to a Chinese person? Where did the original person go?"

Gabriel said calmly, "She's okay, but the soul is sleeping in the body."

"Return the body to her and get out." Xiang Jing said in a commanding tone.

This is Tang Jiajing's body, this is the body of a Chinese person, this Western **** has no right to occupy it.

Gabriel shook his head and said, "Impossible. Once the sacred wedding dress is completed, no one can separate me from the original owner of this body unless it is God. Unless you have the ability to extract my soul, but now I have It fits perfectly with this body. Once my soul leaves, the original owner of this body will also die."

After Xiang Jing heard this, his loose palm slowly clenched into a fist. If it hadn't been for Tang Jiajing's body, it would have collapsed with a punch.

"Send a hundred Wutian members to watch her personally, and don't give her anything except three meals a day."


Although I don't understand what happened, Forestry feels that Xiang Jing is very angry now, very very angry.

Leaving Purgatory, Xiang Jing flew directly to the East China Sea of ​​China, the original Donghai Pavilion area, and now Tianji City.

When Xiang Jing flew into this airspace, he saw a large cloud of thick dark fog from afar, continuously spreading from the sea to the landing place, like a giant beast constantly eating away.

Xiang Jing flew up to the black mist, and he cut a few swords with the Silence Sword in his hand, and the result was like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any ripples.

It didn't work to change to other weapons, nor did the power of the five **** beasts.

At this time, Xiang Jing missed the system very much. With him, you can buy something to get these things, including the possessed little girl and Tang Jiajing, there are ways to solve it.

However, in fact there is no. Since the system has been closed and upgraded, there is no movement at all, Xiang Jing can only rely on himself.

Seeing that any attack is useless, Xiang Jing can only step back first, and then think of a solution.

This black mist is very strange, it can swallow everything that enters it, and the flying chess can't fly in the sky for a long time, and there is no way to collect samples, just like it is covered with thorns, there is no way to start.

However, Xiang Jing discovered that a certain part of Xuanshui's properties were similar to this black mist.


Under Xiang Jing's control, Xuanshui rose from the basalt totem behind him, forming a huge black barrier to block the black mist.

Once the black mist touches Xuanshui, it will disperse into it. Xuanshui is endless. No matter how the black mist slams left and right, it will not move forward for half a minute.

But in the same way, every time Black Mist touches Xuan Shui, Xuan Shui will change a little. In the long run, even if there is more Xuan Shui, once it becomes unable to dissolve the Black Mist, it will lose its effect.

But for the time being, blocking the black fog is enough, as long as a solution is found within this period of time.

In the East China Sea, Xuanshui was used to block the black fog. Xiang Jing ordered all the defenders of Tianji City to take precautions and immediately report any abnormalities.

Things here are all under temporary control, but there is also the Northeast of China, which makes Xiang Jing very upset.

Part of it is because they dare to hit the attention of China, and part of it is because of the Gabriel dialect.

After returning to Tiankui City, Xiang Jing ordered Li Qiang in charge, led Han Feng, Zimo and Gao Ming, led the army and destroyed the two small nations above the chicken’s neck. Those who obeyed kept them, and those who resisted killed them all. After being incorporated, they will not be allowed to enter the territory of China.

Li Qiang was stationed there with his troops. After receiving Xiang Jing's order, he waited for Han Feng, Zimo, and Gao Ming to converge, and took the group of sticks in one fell swoop.

After arranging these things, Xiang Jing started to have a headache again. Tang Jiajing and the little girl were both possessed by this **** sacred wedding dress.

Now that the little girl is in country Y and has become the cardinal of the Holy See, Xiang Jing can't forcefully bring it back, otherwise it would definitely be counterproductive.

Tang Jiajing was also possessed by Gabriel, and the situation was exactly the same as that of the little girl. The more I thought about it, the more headaches I got.

Xiang Jing sighed helplessly, the wool came out of the sheep, and it seemed that he still had to find the answer from the Holy See.

Gabriel’s words cannot be fully believed. This sacred wedding dress can make angels possess ordinary people, and there must be a way to relieve them.

Xiang Jing couldn't help but think that when she first saw Tang Jiajing, it was because she had the same feeling that a little girl gave him that she helped her.

Both of them were possessed this time. Although one was a few years ago and the other was not long ago, there must be some connection between them.

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