Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 319: : Kinship founder

Xiang Jing kept bombarding the blood clan camp below, hitting them like flying dogs, none of them were good, and there were pits on the ground.


Just when Xiang Jinghong was upright, an angry roar rang from the back of the blood family camp.

Then, in a **** mist, five powerful high-ranking blood races appeared in front of Xiang Jing.

Three of them were the ancestors who were frightened by Xiang Jing's eyes before, and the other two were probably the ancestors of the blood race who were sitting in town.

Xiang Jing glanced at them, then opened the Devil's Eight-Pattern, and blasted through the air with a punch.


Seeing the shadow of the fist coming from the sky, the five powerful upper blood races couldn't bring up the slightest idea of ​​resistance, only felt a sense of crisis of life instinct emerging from the bottom of my heart.

Once hit by this punch, he will undoubtedly die.

The three blood dukes and the two blood ancestors directly disperse the birds and beasts, and they disperse instantly, which can easily escape Xiang Jing's punch.

However, the next moment, Xiang Jing seemed to be a clone, suddenly appeared in front of the five of them at the same time.

With such a close punch, the three dukes couldn't react at all, and the two blood ancestors had just seen the shadow of the punch.

However, without exception, Xiang Jing hit the heart with a punch.

The three blood dukes exploded and died instantly, turning into a cloud of blood.

The two blood ancestors were punched through the heart with a punch, and fell like a kite with a broken thread.

The five high-ranking kinsmen, three dukes, and two kinship ancestors were instantly killed by a single move, and those who died could not die again.

After solving these five guys, of the five Xiangjing in the sky, four of them slowly dissipated, and finally only one remained.

Xiang Jing worked with all his strength, the speed was already reaching the extreme, and he was able to easily kill these five fools in seconds with the eight demon-breaking style with a full blow.

The five main players have been resolved, the blood race's biggest reliance in this war is no longer there, and the outcome is self-evident.

Just when Xiang Jing was about to pat his **** and wave his hand without leaving a cloud, the entire sky suddenly turned blood red.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of dark objects quickly flew towards Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing looked intently, the visitor turned out to be a child who looked like a teenager, but looked the same as a Western aristocratic prince, but the **** aura it exuded was unprecedentedly powerful, more than any kind of blood that Xiang Jing had seen so far. Be strong.

Even the two blood ancestors who had just been killed were just like younger brothers in front of him.

When this blood child appeared, everything around him turned into a blood red patch, whether it was the sky, the earth, or the architectural plants, all were blood red.

Xiang Jing felt a strong breath not weaker than that of the Pope from this child, and he was a tricky fellow without even thinking about it.

Seeing him flying closer and closer, Xiang Jing twisted his neck and made a crisp sound of kaba Kaba, ready for a battle.

When the five upper blood races and countless blood races were just killed with the Eight Demon Spells, Xiang Jing felt that the Eight Demon Spells seemed to have extra damage to these blood races.

If you want to beat this guy, it is estimated that there will be a power bonus. Although the effect may not be obvious, it is also an advantage.

Just as Xiang Jing was preparing for a battle, the blood child stopped in front of him and said with a smile, "Hello, humanity."

The old saying of Huaxia State is very good. You don't hit the smiley people with your hands. When this guy comes up with a smile, he is a little embarrassed about his business. I don't know how he is.

The blood child introduced himself, "My name is Dracula Torrido. I am one of the thirteen ancestors of the blood family. I am glad to meet you."

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "I'm not so happy to meet you, why, come to take revenge?"

Dracula Torrido shook his head and said, "Those descendants, if they die, they die. Our blood family respects the strong."

"Oh? Really, what did you do for such a big battle?"

Xiang Jing said, pointing to the blood red around the sky.

Dracula Torrido said, "This Scarlet Space can cut off all news from the outside world."

"and then?"

"I want to work with you."


"You are strong."

"so what."

"I can tell you what you want to know."

"for example?"

"The new cardinal of the Holy See—Dana."

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows, looked at him and said, "How do you know."

"I have been paying attention to you."

"Since when?"

"The first time the blood came into contact with you."

"You all know?"

"all know."

Xiang Jing squinted his eyes, the strength of this product is very strong, and he doesn't know if what he said is true, knowing that Albella is still in his control.

"How do you know about me?"

"I have a special ability. When I just talked about Dana, your heartbeat and blood flow increased. Although it was so slight that it was imperceptible, I still sensed it."

"oh, I see."

Xiang Jing nodded and said, "Let's talk about it, what a cooperative method."

"Very simple"

Dracula Torrido smiled and said, "As long as you kill the pope."

Silence, the entire sky fell into deathly silence.

Xiang Jing looked at Dracula Torrido like a fool and said, "You have a brain disease."

"No, this is a request I made after serious consideration for a long time."

"Are you in your head, let me kill the pope, why don't you let me rule the entire Vatican"

"And I just killed you three dukes, two blood ancestors, you don't need to look at it to know that I am not in harmony with your blood, and I want me to help you kill the pope."

Dracula Torrido smiled and said, "Do people like you care about the blood of the Holy See? As long as Dana is safe, you can destroy the entire Europe."

Xiang Jing buttoned his nose and said, "I suddenly thought that I could choose not to collect information from your mouth. Rather than being threatened, I would rather speak with my fist."

Dracula Torrido shook his head and said, "This is really not a wise decision."

Xiang Jing pouted, "I hate being threatened."

Dracula Torrido fell into silence and said after a moment, "Maybe we can all take a step back."

"How to retire."

"As long as the Pope is seriously injured, I can tell you everything that happened to Dana."

After Xiang Jing heard it, he thought about it seriously and said, "Then you can go to the Vatican now."

This time it was Dracula Torrido's turn to be dumbfounded. He looked at Xiang Jing strangely and said, "I said that the Pope was seriously injured."

Xiang Jing said seriously, "The Pope is almost in this state now."

Dracula Torrido thought for a while, then suddenly.

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