Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 266: : Vampires and the Holy See

Father Bessie stood up, took out a small silver cup, scooped the spring water from the spring water gushing behind him, and stood on Martin's face with the cross in his hand.

"Go, my child, go and destroy the devil, the Lord will bless you."

Martin stood up, took the silver cup in Father Bessie's hand piously and solemnly, turned and left the church.

At this time, Xiang Jing didn't know that because he had broken the ice, he was caught by the two most powerful forces in Y country.

But even if you know it, it doesn't matter, not to mention that Xiang Jing's strength is already the strongest. You can still run if you can't beat it. If it doesn't help, you can unlock the spiritual rope and directly reach another level.

Xiang Jing carried Yuan Mu on his back and headed towards London. After walking for a day and a night, he found a place to rest.

During this period, Yuan Mu woke up twice during the period, just in a frantic state. Xiang Jing didn't give him a blood bag and knocked him out with his backhand.

Xiang Jing also found out that this vampire seemed not afraid of the sun. Today he accidentally let him shine in the sun, just roaring to avoid it, but there is no scene in the movie that disappears as soon as the sun shines.

Putting down Yuan Mu on his back, Xiang Jing looked at him and thought, he is indeed not human now, he should be a typical Western vampire.

But how could it look like this? Aren't the Western vampires very proud and noble? Why Yuan Mu is like a beast that only **** blood.

And according to common sense, Yuan Mu became a vampire, it should be a vampire who bit him, like a zombie in China.

Since that Frozen Seal came from the handwriting of the Templars, why only sealed Yuan Mu and the vampire who bit him?

And why is Yuan Mu just sealed instead of killing him, and why he doesn't know why.

All this happened that night, Xiang Jing wanted to find a way to get Yuan Mu to regain his senses, so as to understand what happened that night and who the girl in that photo was.

Xiang Jing took out a blood bag, opened it and put it under Yuan Mu's nose.

The smell of blood drifted out, deeply stimulating Yuan Mu's senses, and aroused the bloodthirsty desire in his body.

A pair of scarlet pupils were lifted up full of desire and tyranny, and bit into the blood bag in Xiang Jing's hand.

After inhaling a bag, Xiang Jing ignored him and stuffed a ball of cloth in his mouth, and could only make a groan.

The bloodthirsty of this product is too strong. Once it wants to **** blood, it will be covered up by desire, and every time it **** it is dozens of bags.

Although Xiang Jing had redeemed a lot from the system store, he couldn't stand his real sucking method. Moreover, the system store had been closed, and it was too troublesome to find him a blood bag after he finished sucking.

Xiang Jing decided to train and control the blood-sucking desire of this product, otherwise he would go crazy every day if he didn't agree with him. He would never want to ask why in his life.

One night passed, and the next day Xiang Jing continued to walk forward with Yuan Mu on his back. This guy kept roaring and struggling to **** blood, but the violent and desire in his eyes did not decrease in the slightest.

Xiang Jing ignored it and continued to move forward. During the period, he passed several hospitals and walked away the blood bags there as stock.

In this way, Xiang Jing drove during the day, rested at night, and only sucked a bag of blood for Yuan Mu a day, after a week.

Xiang Jing looked at Yuan Mu, who had not changed at all, and couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes.

It seemed that he was thinking too simple. It seemed that it was not just about controlling desires. After seven days, there was no effect at all, and Yuan Mu had been in a state of madness without drawing enough blood.

Xiang Jing scratched his head, and sure enough, all the movies are deceptive.

Thinking of going to the library tomorrow to check it out, with regard to this knowledge, maybe we can find a way to restrain and cope, otherwise it won't be a problem to keep going like this.

Early the next morning, Xiang Jing carried Yuan Mu into the city's largest municipal library.

The database quickly searched by the computer equipment has collapsed. There is no way, Xiang Jing can only find it row by row.

Fortunately, this kind of books are basically in a category area, and it didn't take long to find them.

Xiang Jing took out all the vampires and cleared out the table and began to look.

After a long time, Xiang Jing scratched his hair helplessly. Most of these books are about vampire stories and legends, and some common vampires are afraid of things.

For example, holy water, crosses, mithril, wooden stakes, sunshine garlic, etc., as well as deadly werewolves, and so on.

But all of these movies are said to be known, there is nothing Xiang Jing wants at all.

And the book also said that the thing vampires fear most is sunlight. Some powerful vampires can have weak resistance to sunlight, but no vampire can withstand sunlight.

Xiang Jing saw here and looked at Yuan Mu, who was twisting and frantic next to him, just that, powerful vampire? It's funny, it's not, a vampire who can't control his senses, tell me it's powerful.

Is it possible that the blood race is essentially Chinese, so that they are not afraid of sunlight?

Xiang Jing shook his head and continued to be patient. Looking at, the days are always boring. Fortunately, Xiang Jing has become accustomed to life without electronic equipment for entertainment and pastime. He usually reads books and newspapers when he is fine. Now the situation is the same as usual, so I don’t want to see Zhou Gong after watching it for a while.

Huang Tian paid off, and under Xiang Jing's unremitting efforts, he finally found a way in a yellowing book that looked very chronological.

This book is not placed alone, but is mixed with strange stories about vampires.

As mentioned above, a long time ago, a century war broke out between vampires and the Holy See. In the end, both sides paid a painful price.

In order to prevent the war from continuing, the vampire kings signed a treaty with the Holy See.

From now on, vampires cannot harm humans, they can only survive in the dark, and cannot appear in human vision. Gradually, they become legends.

In the same way, the Holy See also promised not to continue hunting and hunting vampires.

But even so, there are still some vampires who do not follow the rules and often secretly **** human blood.

This was undoubtedly provoking the authority of the Holy See, and almost fought again for this.

Some people intervene to find the root of the problem, why must vampires consume human blood.

The answer is simple. If a vampire doesn’t **** blood, it’s like people have to eat. If you don’t **** blood, it’s like people don’t eat. They will become weak, have physical problems, and eventually lead to death. In addition, desire will also occupy reason until the desire to **** blood is satisfied. Become a monster that only **** blood.

For this reason, the Holy See made concessions and allowed vampires to **** blood bags of human blood except livestock.

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