Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 263: : Yuan Mu

This kind of monster-like existence, Nicholas Cook will only provoke him when his brain is amused.

But what did he mean to change his name to Nicholas Zhao Si before he left? Zhao Si, a bit like a Chinese name, sounds good.

When Nicholas Cook was considering whether to change the name of Zhao Si, Xiang Jing returned to the previous intersection and walked straight into the bar.

If Nicholas Cook is right, if the man in the photo is a Templar, then it is impossible for him to come here for no reason.

There must be something in this bar that caused him to come here.

And the death of Shadow Yuan Mu must be investigated clearly, and the blood debt must be paid in blood.

Xiang Jing asked Nicholas Cook about this point before, and his men had seen Yuan Mu, but he didn't take it seriously as he was a small person living in a foreign land.

Xiang Jing determined from his eyes that Nicholas Cook had no knowledge of this matter, so he turned back to investigate.

Pushing aside the bar, a strange and disgusting smell rushed toward him.

Xiang Jing waved his hand and walked inside.

The bar was originally one of the population gathering places. When the end of the world just came, it must be chaotic here, which can be seen from the environment on the scene.

There were broken glass bottles, dried and black blood stains, and some corpses that had decomposed to the point of skeletons.

Xiang Jing carefully investigated everything here, not letting go of any corners and clues.

When he pushed aside the freezer at the back, a chill and a strange breath came toward him.

Walking into the freezer, it seems to be extremely cold. If it is an ordinary freezer and low temperature, it will not have any effect on Xiang Jing, but Xiang Jing is here, and there is a thorny chill on his skin, but the problem is not big. No impact.

Walking towards the inside of the freezer, a large ice block covered with a black cloth appeared in front.

Because the ice is too big, the black cloth can't cover it completely, but the ice is too thick, and it's hard to see what's in it on the surface. That strange breath comes from there.

Xiang Jing lifted the black cloth, clenched his fist, and fisted down.


It stands to reason that this degree of ice can't stop Xiang Jing's punch and will fall apart.

But at the moment when Xiang Jing’s fist touched the surface of the ice block, dense scriptures suddenly appeared on it, entwining the ice block like a chain like a seal, with a cross in the middle. .

Seeing this pattern, Xiang Jing thought of the Templar knight in the photo.

Thinking of what clues should be in this ice cube, half of it was condensed directly, and a punch went down.

He didn't use the Nirvana Sword and all his power, he was worried that the contents inside would be destroyed, but as long as the seal was broken, it would be much easier.

With a half-strength punch, the entire cross scripture oscillated, showing signs of cracks and loosening.

Xiang Jing maintained this degree, punching down a few times, only to hear the sound of "ping", the cross and the chain of scriptures were all broken, and a little bit of star dust scattered.

After breaking the seal, the strange breath became stronger, and Xiang Jing rubbed his fists to continue breaking the ice.

Without the barrier of the seal, this ice cube is just ordinary ice.

After controlling his strength, Xiang Jing punched down, and the entire ice block started from where his fist touched, and countless cracks were densely covered like spider webs.

Xiang Jing raised his hand and retracted, the huge ice cube began to break and fall off, and then a stiff object appeared in his vision.

Xiang Jing swept away the ice cubes on it, and he was taken aback when he saw what was in front of him.

What was sealed in this ice cube turned out to be a person, or a Chinese, a familiar but stranger Xiang Jing.

This person took a photo of Xiang Jing more than a month ago, and lost the news completely after entering the bar.

This person is Yuan Mu. Xiang Jing probed his pulse and breath. He had no vital signs. He was indeed dead, but why was he sealed in the ice.

What happened to him during his lifetime, why was a corpse sealed, and why did he emit a strange breath on his body.

Xiang Jing thought of the Templar knight, something must have happened that night that caused the scene he is seeing now.

But no matter what, this is a member of Huaxia, and Xiang Jing also has part of the responsibility when he died in a foreign land.

Bringing his corpse back to his homeland for burial may be the last bit of compensation and comfort for him.

Xiang Jing was about to dispose of Yuan Mu's body and take it away. Suddenly, Yuan Mu's body shook as he should have died.


Xiang Jing was taken aback for a moment. He was sure that Yuan Mu was dead, how could his body still move? Could it be that the ice-blocking for too long just unblocked it, causing the muscle and nerve reaction?

But the next moment, Yuan Mu, who closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes are not the black of ordinary Chinese people, but crimson.

Immediately afterwards, the damned Yuan Mu opened his mouth, and a cold breath exhaled from his mouth.

The body that had been frozen and frosted then became soft and flexible, and the ice also turned into water.

Xiang Jing didn't feel surprised by his activities, but quickly moved away, frowning and staring at Yuan Mu.

He believed that he had just arrived at the judgment, Yuan Mu was indeed dead, and at this time he did not feel any breath of a living person.

But he did move now, and he stood up.


Not like.

He didn't have the disgusting smell of zombies, nor did he show the characteristics of zombie decay and mutation, and he was still a complete human appearance.

Yuan Mu stood upright from the ground like a corpse, then turned to look at Xiang Jing.

In his eyes, only the desire for bloodthirsty and brutal killing.

Immediately afterwards, he flew towards Xiang Jing with his teeth and claws.

Xiang Jing frowned and avoided him, slapped him on the ground with a backhand.

He didn't use much power, but it was enough to keep Yuan Mu immobile for a while.

However, Xiang Jing was wrong. Yuan Mu, who should have fallen to the ground, crawled towards Xiang Jing on all fours, opened his mouth and bit towards his leg.

Xiang Jing took out a rope made of a special material from the space ring, and tied Yuan Mu backhand in threes or twos.

After tying him up, Xiang Jing frowned and pinched Yuan Mu's mouth. He wanted to confirm what he had just seen.

Yuan Mu roared and wanted to bite Xiang Jing's palm, but he pinched his jaw, and his hand was cold and stiff, which was indeed no different from a corpse.

Xiang Jing squeezed it hard and Yuan Mu's mouth opened under force. It can be clearly seen that there are two sharp raised fangs on the left and right sides of his teeth.

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