Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 241: : Crashed

Soon, Xiang Jing was rescued from the fire scene and sent to the best military hospital in Donghai Pavilion for rescue. People from the large army were still on the scene to put out the fire.

At the same time, the news here also reached the ears of the major forces.

Haidong, the lord of the East Sea Pavilion, looked at the number one figure of the other three forces who had already arrived in front of him and said, "The city lord of Tiankui city Xiang Jing is attacked. We will discuss this alliance later. I beg you to be here in the East Sea these days. The pavilion will stay here for the time being, so that someone from Hai will be a landlord."

"Pavilion Master" Zheng Yue, the lord of Beimo City, twisted her hair with her fingers, exhaling as if saying, "This city lord is attacked, but it is a major event. Pavilion Master Hai has to deal with it well, otherwise Tiankui City will be responsible. Get up, it's not easy to explain."

"Hey, what's the Lord Zheng said?" Murong Zang, the valley owner of Tomb Jue Valley, said with a dull young man, "Pavilion Master Hai is the owner of a pavilion anyway, how can he be afraid of him Tiankui City."

Jing San, the president of the triad, was dark from his head to his feet, and his eyes were cold and merciless. He couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman, or his age.

He stood by without saying a word, silently watching them three.

Hai Donglai sneered and said, "As for the attack on City Lord Xiang, Haimou will naturally investigate it clearly, so I won't bother you, but Haimou reminds you that the anger of Tiankui City cannot be tolerated by anyone here. ."

After he flicked his sleeves, he strode away and went straight to the military hospital.

Murong Zeng and Zheng Yue looked at each other, turned around and left, but Jing San of the triad had disappeared early.

Hai Donglai came to the military hospital all the way, and Xiang Jing was sent in for rescue.

Dean Mao of the military hospital, who had been waiting outside, hurriedly greeted him and said, "Lord Xiang Cheng is seriously injured. With the current medical level of our hospital, I'm afraid..."

"Don't tell me this is useless." Hai Donglai interrupted Dean Mao's words and said, "You and I know what Xiang Jing means better than anyone else. Today, I will use every means to save him."

"But..." Dean Mao was about to collapse in embarrassment. He clearly understood the meaning of Xiang Jing, and he also knew that he had to save him today, but the medical conditions were like this, and the gods would be rescued if they were so badly injured. Not alive.

"Pavilion Master Hai, let our people come by themselves."

Suddenly, a person's voice rang across the corridor, and then Li Qiang was seen walking over with a group of doctors wearing masks and sterile clothes behind him.

The group of doctors entered the rescue room directly, and then saw a group of doctors holding scalpels and other medical equipment being driven out.

Li Qiang stopped in front of Hai Donglai and said blankly, "Pavilion Master Hai, please leave the life of our city lord to our own people. If I have something to say to you, please take a step."

Hai Donglai opened his mouth, then nodded, agreed to Li Qiang's behavior, and ordered the dean to give what they want, and cooperate fully.

Then followed Li Qiang out of the hospital building and boarded an armored vehicle on the side.

"Li Shuai, this time the attack on City Lord Xiang..."

Li Qiang stretched out his hand to interrupt Haidong and said, "Pavilion Master Hai, we believe in you. The attack on the city lord has absolutely nothing to do with you. The time is urgent. I have a few points to tell you. First: our city lord this time. The travel route belongs to the first-level confidentiality status. This is a problem within our Tiankui City. Second: Why did the city owner’s aircraft be attacked near the East Sea Pavilion and fell into the territory of the East Sea Pavilion. I hope you can think about it. miss you."

"Of course, you can also think that this is our Tiankui City self-directing and acting a play, but I hope you can understand that this time we come to Donghai Pavilion, our Tiankui City came with 100% sincerity."

After saying this, Li Qiang got out of the car, got into another car, and drove away.

Hai Donglai sat in the car and thought about it for a long time, until Dean Mao came to him and told him that Xiang Jing was okay, and then he came back to his senses.

"Is City Lord Xiang awake?"

"I'm awake," Dean Mao said with a sigh of relief. "But he is still very weak and has been sent to intensive care. The doctors from Tiankui City left after rescuing the Lord Xiangcheng, saying they were going to find Li Shuai. I didn't stop."

Hai Donglai nodded and said he knew, and then entered the hospital and walked into the ICU ward specially prepared for Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing was lying on the bed with his face like golden paper, breathing weakly, his eyes narrowly opened, and he looked at Haidong who came in.

"City Lord Xiang, this matter is Haim's responsibility. Please rest assured, Haimou will find out the truth and return City Master Xiang to be fair."

Xiang Jing grinned reluctantly and glanced left and right.

At the meeting of Pavilion Master Hai, his staff left the ward, leaving only Xiang Jing and him.

Xiang Jing asked Haidong to come close to him, and said, "Pavilion Master Hai, after the crash, a killer appeared immediately after the crash. Your people should tell you, be careful, their methods."

After Xiang Jing finished speaking, his breath became weaker, and he closed his eyes and fell into a drowsiness.

Hai Donglai patted Xiang Jing's hand and said, "Although the lord of Xiangcheng is relieved to heal his wounds, in my Donghai Pavilion, I guarantee by Xiang Shang's head that no one can hurt the lord of Xiangcheng."

Leaving the intensive care unit, gently bring the door to Haidong to say, "Send someone to take care of the lord Xiangcheng 24 hours a day. If anything goes wrong, you are the only one to ask. Go and transfer the two regiments to guard here. The hospital staff can check it yourself. , Don’t miss the net."

Dean Mao nodded to the side and went to do these things immediately.

Xiang Jing was seriously injured and entered their hospital. It can be described as a hot potato, and there must be no more accidents.

On the way back and forth, Haidong kept thinking about what Li Qiang and Xiang Jing had said to him.

I thought that the real battlefield today would be at the negotiating table, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen before then.

After thinking about it, Hai Dong decided to clean up the spies in his power for the time being. After Xiang Jing woke up, he would talk about it at the negotiating table.

He wasn't a fool either. He had completely grasped the truth of this matter after only a few words from others, otherwise he would not be able to develop the power of the East Sea Pavilion.

Xiang Jing and the others didn't want Hai Donglai to believe it. The reason they said that was to make Hai Donglai suspicious.

Once people become suspicious, there will be barriers everywhere, and once many things happen and are made up for by the brain, terrible consequences will occur.

The incident that Xiang Jing was attacked on his way to the East Sea Pavilion was soon known to the people of Tiankui City.

Under the enthusiasm of the crowd, they took to the streets to parade, asking Donghai Pavilion to give an explanation.

As if under pressure, Tiankui City strongly asked Donghai Pavilion for an explanation.

Donghai Pavilion also responded positively, stating solemnly that the attack on Xiang Jing has nothing to do with them and will investigate the truth as soon as possible.

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