Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 189: : Genetic experiment

Xiang Jing put the sword across his neck and said, "I ask, you answer, otherwise, die, understand?"

Tu was afraid of being unwilling and nodded in fear of death.

"You just said, this is your laboratory, what experiment are you doing here?"

Tupan said, "Genetic experiment."

"Gene?" Xiang Jing pointed to the glass jars and said, "What is the matter with the Modoco people in those glass jars?"

"Those are all experimental products, the most brave fighters of the Modoco clan. They don't know how painful they are and are not afraid of death."

"So, this is a genetic arsenal?"

Tu nodded noncommittal for fear.

Xiang Jing pointed to the people on the ground and asked, "What do you want to do with these people who came in from outside?"

Tubian looked at the people on the ground and said, "This kind of low-level Mordorian, after my genetic modification, will become one of these brave and fearless warriors."

Xiang Jing noticed the key point and asked "how to do it?"

Tu afraid pointed to the depths on both sides, there are many empty jars here, as long as these low-level species are put in, after a period of training, they can evolve into new high-level fighters.

Xiang Jing looked at the glass jars, which were filled with black liquid, but some jars had a red dot on them, and some had a green dot.

"There are red dots, but green dots are empty." Tu was very cooperative and added.

"Then why are these ten different from the others?"

Xiang Jing asked ten huge glass jars.

Tupai looked at the ten glass jars, his eyes full of reverence and awe.

"This is the most supreme ancestor of our clan. The ten great ancestors were transformed from the remaining power. For special reasons, I fell asleep. I am trying to awaken the ancestors. These brave and fearless warriors also use Zuma. Power is made."

Looking at these ten glass jars, Xiang Jing disagrees with Tupai's statement. These ten creatures give him a bad feeling. If he really wakes him up, something bad will definitely happen.

"The last question, answer it, live, answer it well, die, what does the third prince want to do?"

Tu's heart tightened, opened his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "The Prince will lead the army to revitalize the glory of our family and unify the Xinghai universe."

Xiang Jing smiled, smiled from the bottom of his heart, he now understands one thing, the third prince wants to launch a war of aggression.

The reason why he laughed was because he heard the words of unifying the universe, the universe is boundless and how big.

There are countless advanced civilizations of intelligent creatures. With a history of less than 30,000 years, the Modoco people delusioned to unify the universe and stars, which is tantamount to a fantasy.

Xiang Jing couldn't help but think of the divine lord the great emperor. The real starry hegemon is the grandeur and grandeur of Fang Yao. Compared with the kingdom of God he once established, the star of Modoco is like the stars competing with the blazing sun, which is ridiculous.

Seeing that there is no useful information from Tufa, Xiang Jing erased all his memories about himself.

After removing all traces, he searched around and found nothing else, and then returned to the room above.

Caught a creature with a head like a hedgehog, gave him medicine and asked, "Who are you and why were you caught here."

The hedgehog opened his eyes in a daze, but he couldn't see things clearly, and said uncontrollably, "I am a businessman from Titak. I met a cosmic pirate on my way to do business in Modoco. Wait until I wake up. That's it.

In the beginning, people would torture me every day, forcing me to give up what I have, but after I handed over everything, they still didn't let me go, as if they had lost the use value, and they didn't know anything about the rest. "

Xiang Jing asked other people in the same way and got similar responses.

They were all tied here inexplicably, and of course there were some thugs in black, and Xiang Jing decisively killed them.

He found that most of the people who were arrested were from alien planets, either merchants with heavy treasures, or strong men who were not weak in strength, or had special abilities, and in general all had their own characteristics.

It seems that the fourth prince is really ready to do it, and these small groups of people on the nearby planets have been directly captured by him for transformation, and they must be the first to suffer.

Unexpectedly, coming here again, there will be such a big discovery, and it seems that the people on the planet Modoco are completely ignorant, and they are still immersed in the panic of thugs outside, but they don't know that the war is coming soon.

Xiang Jing thought for a while. The Star of Modoco and the surrounding planets formed an interstellar alliance. There are a total of seven major planets and more than fifty other planets, large and small, in the alliance.

Once the Fourth Prince takes action, those weak planets will definitely be the first targets, but then the Star of Modoco will become the target of public criticism. With the strength of this planet, how to resist the six major planets and other planets to counterattack.

I don't know what the fourth prince is making.

Xiang Jing thought for a while, decided to leave here first, got out of this large military base hidden in the mountains, discerned the direction, and headed towards the first city in the north.

The fourth prince’s purpose is known, but Xiang Jing still wants to complete his plan. Of course, it would be better to see the Lord of the Kingdom of Star Kingdom once before that.

Three days later, after passing through the second city and a large area of ​​no-man’s land, Xiang Jing finally came to the first city of Modoco Star, Modoco.

Modoco is worthy of being the most prosperous city in Modoco Star. Compared with the third city, it is top notch in terms of public security and economy.

Rather, we can see the wealthy merchants, princes, nobles, etc. everywhere on the road, even the royal family can see them every other way.

Xiang Jing changed his face again, registered a new identity, and swaggered into the first city.

He first went shopping for a long time, then went to the best restaurant to have a full meal, then went to the place where foreign animals were sold, and selected a few exotic animals that looked very breezy and domineering to buy.

Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with one hand, the boss smiled and looked at the extra row of zeros on the account.

However, Xiang Jing got a few things similar to Elf Balls and put them in the space ring.

This kind of beast prisoner is specially used to house giant alien beasts, which is convenient for people to carry and use.

Then Xiang Jing entered the most prosperous and chaotic tavern in the local area.

"A cup of white devil"

Xiang Jing sat on the bar and said to the bartender.

His voice was not loud, but it happened to be heard by everyone around him.

Immediately there were dozens of pairs of eyes looking at Xiang Jing.

The slightly young bartender behind the bar looked at Xiang Jing with some confusion and asked, "Sir, what do you want for a glass?"

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