Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 183: :ancestor

But if they know that there is nothing outside, they don't know what they think.

After the Wuyangyang army left, the old man sighed for a long time, as if he was a few dozen years old, sitting weakly on the chair.

The subordinates beside him wanted to say something, but he waved and left.

A figure quietly appeared in the shadow of the wall corner, and a sharp sword with blowing and broken hair hung on the back of his neck.

The old man sighed slightly, "You are the killer sent from above."

Xiang Jing said without emotion, "Answer my question honestly, I won't kill you."

The old man groaned slightly and said, "What do you want to know, please ask."

"Tell me everything you know, why you live here, did you make the explosion in the third city?"

The old man's eyes were deep, as if the abyss was not bottomed out, he said in a vicissitudes of life, "In fact, we originally lived on the ground, those cities, the earth and mines originally belonged to us. He has lived on this planet for 30,000 years."

"Until a thousand years ago, the arrival of an alien race that looked exactly like ours completely broke this peaceful life. They took our homes, burned, killed, looted, and committed no evil, and they drove us into Morin. Hunt us like prey."

"Fortunately, the strong among the ancestors used their own power to open up this space before they died in the battle, and also covered the entire Morin with thick fog, and our family has survived to this day."

"As for the third city on the ground, it should be the radical Mokula in the City of Dawn. They have always wanted to restore the glory of our ancestors and regain our homeland."

Speaking of this, the old man sighed again, "But they will only anger the invaders on the ground. Once they really aggressively attack Morin, with the current weapons and forces of the City of Dawn, they will only end in destruction."

Xiang Jing looked at him and asked, "Then why are you sending them to die?"

The old man smiled helplessly and said, "They are all my people, and they know that they are bound to die, but if their deaths can be exchanged for the retention of our family's blood, no one will regret it even if they die. "

While the old man narrated and played, Xiang Jing also read the information collected by the source, and the results obtained were similar to what the old man said, but there were also key points that were not right.

But looking at the old man's expression does not seem to be a lie. It seems that a thousand years of time are too long, causing many things to be lost and forgotten.

And now Xiang Jing is probably one of the very few people who knows everything. Of course, it took him 300,000 hunting points to fill in the history of their entire ethnic group.

After reading the history of their entire ethnic group, Xiang Jing couldn't help but be surprised. It was really twists and turns and bizarre.

Now it seems that they don't know the original situation at all, so they have been fighting here now.

Xiang Jing took back the Extinction Sword in his hand, and then disappeared silently.

Feeling the cold killing intent disappearing behind him, the old man sighed and looked in the direction of the city gate with complicated eyes.

Xiang Jing came to a place where there was no one, thinking about whether to help them solve their misunderstanding.

From the current point of view, it doesn't matter whether to help them or not to Xiang Jing, he can't stay here for long anyway.

However, from a long-term perspective, the development of the earth in the future will certainly not be confined to one solar system. The universe is large, vast, and boundless. In the future, interstellar relations will definitely be established and other races will be established.

After thinking about it, Xiang Jing decided to help them and leave a good impression. Of course, if he could get some benefits, he would not be polite.

Now that it is decided, we must start to help them solve it.

Of course, first of all, some necessary things have to be done, such as those who have caused great harm to the third city.

Since many things have been done, a person must be responsible.

Xiang Jing searched the city and soon found the target he wanted in a tall building.

With the information obtained with 300,000 hunting points, Xiang Jing can be said to know the entire city of dawn well.

Makula and his radical party members are plotting in this building how to restore the ancestors, how to fight back to the ground, and take home the garden.

Their ideas are correct, but their approach is too radical, and compared with the real history, they are simply killing each other.

Xiang Jing came to the room where they secretly talked quietly, but they didn't notice it.

Until the cold blade cut their skin and cut off their heads, they all looked like an afterthought.

Shaking off the blood on the sword's front, Xiang Jing left the city of dawn at the fastest speed, passed through the long 10,000-meter corridor, and returned to the Morin on the ground.

He took back the beads on the road one by one and returned to the ground. The dense army outside was adjusting the formation.

Xiang Jing thought for a while, and quickly flashed through Morin, arranging some devices on their only way.

Then he dug a large hole in the ground, threw a book of animal skins in his hand that looked very old into the hole, re-covered the picture, and erased the trace.

Xiang Jingfei came to the big tree, concealed his breath, quietly waiting for the arrival of the army.

Before long, there was a dull sound in the thick fog not far away, like a wild beast moving forward here.

Xiang Jing waited quietly, like a patient hunter, waiting for the bait of the prey, of course his purpose was not to catch.

Soon, the army of 100,000 people entered the field arranged by Xiang Jing. Seeing that it was almost done, Xiang Jing opened the arranged device.

The surrounding dense fog suddenly dispersed, and a few rays of light rose up into the sky, condensed together, and enveloped all the 100,000 troops.


When there was an abnormal movement, General Chica shouted, and the 100,000 army quickly moved into a defensive formation.

However, these spheres of light did not have any aggressiveness, condensed directly above the army, and gradually transformed into two phantoms.

These two phantoms, one red and one basket, are solid-color Modoco celebrities, and they look exactly the same as the twins.

A ray of light sprinkled on these two phantoms, sweeping across the 100,000 army below, and then the red Modoco star closed his eyes, her body became illusory, and the light on the blue Modoco star became more solid. some.

"Children of the Stars of Modoco, we are your ancestors, Modo and Moco, the 1479th Lord of the Moldo Empire."

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