Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 135: :chase

Mo Shangsheng felt that he was negligent, so he exposed a shadow and told Li Qiang and them the exact information.

In fact, Xiang Jing asked Mo Shangsheng to be only responsible to him to ensure the confidentiality of the film. After all, this kind of organization in the shadows, the less people know, the better.

But it didn't matter much. Mo Shangsheng only exposed a shadow, and he didn't reveal his identity and didn't expose the entire organization.

The screen continued to play, and Li Qiang and Baishan Beast King immediately led people to chase them, and they rushed into this mountain forest with people.

Some monsters outside the forest are retreating towards the forest.

Li Qiang led all the way in, and soon chased to the hinterland of the mountain forest.

The thick fog gradually rose, and the field of vision slowly narrowed. Suddenly, a large number of zombie mutant beasts surged around, including a full six monsters that were not weaker than Li Qiang and the others, and the rest were one or two hundred times stronger.

Li Qiang knew it in his mind. With such a narrow terrain and overwhelming quantity, it was impossible to retreat with his whole body.

At this time, Xiang Jing noticed that Li Qiang and Baishan Beast King obviously asked for help from outside, but the information of the communication chip could not be communicated, and they were completely isolated from the outside world.

Even though Li Qiang and the others tried their best to get out of the siege, a whole six monsters that were not weaker than them besieged and killed them.

Naturally, Li Qiang secretly removed his communication chip and buried it in the ground, fearing that your Baishan Beast King would take others to retreat.

The battle was fierce and chaotic. On the final screen, Li Qiang was hit by three monsters and vomited blood. He fell to the ground without knowing his life or death, and he was taken away.

The screen is over here, the light curtain is retracted, and Li Qiang's communication chip is directly scrapped with a bang.

Xiang Jing blankly took back Li Qiang's scrapped communication chip, and put the chip of Baishan Beast King on it.

All the previous content skipped fast forward and came directly to the scene of the forest battlefield.

When Li Qiang blocked them, Baishan Beastmaster led the remaining people to make a gap and quickly evacuated towards the outside.

But the fog was too heavy, and they couldn't distinguish the direction at all. They were lost in the mountains and forests, and finally blocked their way by the three-headed monster that came after them.

After a melee, some people were killed, and some people, including Baishan Beast King, were all taken away.

Fortunately, the Baishan Beast King remembered Li Qiang's instructions and kept the communication chip.

Xiang Jing put all these things away, his eyes gloomy as water, a terrifying chill and murderous aura pouring out from him like a mountain torrent.

When people are angry, they will feel anger, and murderous aura can only appear in people who have really killed people and have extremely strong desires to kill.

Xiang Jing now wanted to slaughter him very much. He was really angry. The battle from the monster's invasion of Tiankui City to the forest was obviously deliberately calculated.

Xiang Jing didn't consider these issues for the time being, the most urgent thing was to find Li Qiang and the others.

Live to meet people! To die to see the corpse!

Xiang Jing turned on the signal tracker and adjusted the frequency band to the frequency of the energy converter.

It is estimated that the black hand who snatched Tiankui City would not have thought that if he was killed, Xiang Jing, who was linked to B, was chasing here all the way with Krypton Gold.

It also pointed out that the energy conversion instrument that they grabbed from the west has become their biggest exposure target.

Fortunately, Xiang Jing has a system store and so many high-tech instruments, otherwise he would have to go home today.

The energy converter can also be regarded as a signal source, as long as it is a technological product, there is a signal to follow.

In the new three-dimensional virtual image, the entire mountain range has been reduced from a bird's-eye view.

A tiny red dot appeared on the far side of the mountain range, and it was still moving ahead.

Xiang Jing looked at the three-dimensional image and the map showed that the energy converter was very far away from him. According to the normal speed calculation, they should have been running non-stop for five days after the battle was over, and they were still going deeper. Go forward in the forest.

However, it is not a problem for Xiang Jing. As long as there is a clear route, Xiang Jing can catch up with them within one or two days of their five-day journey.

The fog in the mountains and forests became denser, the air felt damp, and a layer of water vapor wetted Xiang Jing's clothes.

Xiang Jingyuan worked hard, evaporating the water mist on his body, and suddenly spread his hands and grabbed it to the side.

The palm of an eagle hook and iron claw plunged into the mist, and the next moment it pulled out a slender object.

Xiang Jing looked at this monster like a bamboo pole in his hand, covered in green and oily, two meters high, not a zombie or a mutant beast, but also a kind of mutant monster.

The strength is not strong, even weak and pitiful, only twenty or thirty times the strength, but the leaf-like hair on the top of his head is constantly spitting out mist. This is where the dense fog in the mountains and forests comes.

And it is this kind of fog that blocks information communication between communication chips.

Xiang Jing hummed coldly, twisted his hand hard, and made a crisp sound, and the whole monster broke into two sections directly.

Looking around, the thick fog is still there. Although this mutant monster is weak, it seems to live in groups. Although the field of view is limited, Xiang Jing can still catch some of these monsters.

The flame field opened, and the raging fire spread out, scorching everything here madly.

The fire burned the mountain. Xiang Jing was definitely wanted to be arrested before. However, at this time, the fire spread and large areas of mountain forest were swallowed in the fire, leaving only a dark and bare piece.

The monsters in it fled one after another. Those who had no time to escape could only turn into ashes in the flames, and there were constantly extremely harsh screams and roars.

Xiang Jing didn't plan to burn the entire mountain range, burned all the fighting places he had seen when he came, and stopped there.

The Wings of Steel unfolded, Xiang Jing rose from the sky, flapping his wings and flew towards the red dot marked on the map.

Before leaving, he told Linyuan Corpse King that he was guarding in Tiankui City, and that Mo Shangsheng had brought all the people back.

Now that the energy converter has been robbed, the transfer station does not need to be guarded for now.

After arranging these, Xiang Jing chased in the direction of the red dot.

After flying day and night for two full days and nights, Wings of Steel used to run when there was no energy. It was not until the third day that Xiang Jing caught up with the signal from the energy converter.

Xiang Jing is hidden in the clouds, and directly below him is the signal red dot of the energy converter.

Through the thermal imaging holographic high-power detection lens, you can see that a large variety of monsters are moving in one direction in an orderly manner in the mountains below, which is completely unreasonable.

Normally, low-level monsters usually wander around, only excited by instinctive flesh and blood.

High-level monsters will have their own territory, occupy one side, and will not easily leave their own territory.

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