Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 108: :Debt 9.54 million

Xiang Jing wrote one by one, and he felt almost done. After thinking about it, he went to the forestry company and asked him to make a list to see where else in the city needs something.

Xiang Jing looked at whether there were any suitable ones in the system store, and exchanged them together for city construction.

Instead of obtaining so many genetic medicines in the past, Xiang Jing was determined to use it to improve his own strength for the first time. Now that he thinks of this aspect for the first time, it seems that he is really interested in building a city.

There is a rule in Xiang Jing's behavioral guidelines, many things either do not do, do the best.

This city is bound to usher in earth-shaking changes. Who will let it have a B-owner? In the eyes of krypton gold players, there is nothing that krypton gold cannot solve. If there is more gold, krypton gold until it is solved.

Xiang Jing probably can feel the mood and thoughts of those krypton gold players now, and a single cool word can't fully cover it.

With so many, must first exchange a city drawing out.

Xiang Jing directly opened the fifth-level area of ​​the mall drawing.

Everything here starts with six figures, and the cheapest one has 100,000 hunting points.

Xiang Jing browsed inside, looking for suitable city drawings.

"Guangming Fortress Blueprint: Design the corresponding lighting equipment during construction to provide the core power source, which can ensure that the energy of the castle will never be interrupted, and the hunting points needed to purchase 150,000 points."

"Dungeon blueprint: dig a dungeon underground, avoid the harsh living environment on the ground, have a strong defensive ability, have a high demand for earthy soil building materials, and purchase 150,000 hunting points."


Xiang Jing looked at it bit by bit, and it was not bad to miss a drawing.

After looking around, Xiang Jing found that these drawings have their merits, but they are not particularly satisfactory, and they have some shortcomings.

For example, this bright fortress drawing, although it provides the corresponding manufacturing technology, but there is nothing particularly prominent.

The dungeon drawings are also not needed. Although the defense is very strong, but to dig a city underground, such fortifications require too much manpower and material resources, and there are still many needs.

Xiang Jing kept flipping through, pulling it all the way to the bottom, but he didn't see anything that specifically met the requirements in his heart.

Any one of those cities worth four to five million dollars was enough to shock the world, let alone those tens of millions. However, Xiang Jing still felt almost something.

Just thinking about it, Xiang Jing suddenly saw the bottom drawing in the last row.

It stands to reason that the city drawings in this piece are all started in millions.

However, this drawing is very strange. The price is only 1. This is the first time for the entire system store item Kyoto to see products below double digits, and it is still blank and there is nothing.

If you don’t understand, ask the system

Xiang Jing asked, "Yuan, explain it."

"Ding! This blueprint originated from the creation of an extremely powerful existence-God Lord Great. It once ruled several star regions, spanning an incalculable area, and even established the kingdom of the famous star sea of ​​all races. , And finally died because of the end of his life, the kingdom of God also fell apart with his death, and finally disappeared in the endless river of years. This blueprint was the blueprint of the God Lord to build the kingdom of God."

Xiang Jing listened quietly. He didn't expect such a blank drawing to hide such a story.

However, Xiang Jing is no more than a human being on the earth now. If the stars and the universe are too far away from him, he will be content to find a little girl in this life.

"Then the Divine Lord Great Emperor is so awesome, why is the things he left behind so cheap?"

"Ding! The opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will not come again. It is recommended that the host purchase the drawings of the kingdom of God immediately, and then show off the spirit of the kingdom of God on earth."

Although I always feel that Yuan's words have the taste of conspiracy, but for such a cheap and promising thing, if you don't buy it, it will be a problem.

A little hunting point, but sprinkling water.

Xiang Jing decisively chose to buy.

"Ding! The purchase is successful, after deducting 1 point of hunting point, it has been placed in the space ring, please check."

"Ding! God's drawings match the intelligence: The "Lord God" is automatically purchased successfully, and 10 million hunting points are deducted. It has been placed in the space ring. Please check it."

"Ding! It is detected that the host has insufficient hunting points, and it is mandatory to deduct. The host's current debt: -9.54 million."

Xiang Jing's whole body was petrified in an instant, his eyes rolled and the corners of his mouth twitched, and he almost lost his breath.


Xiang Jing cursed frantically, this is not 954 points, this is 9.54 million points, and I have not sold Xiang Jing that much.

"You cheated me!"

Xiang Jingjing is about to be blown up, questioning the system.

"Ding! The host is a voluntary purchase and has nothing to do with Yuan."

"You have the ability to come out, I promise not to kill you!"

No matter how Xiang Jing cursed, Yuan didn't bother him.

Xiang Jing felt like he had won half a million in the lottery, and suddenly someone told him that he owed a debt of 10 million.

Not long ago, I was thinking about squandering, but now I am already in debt.

Under the big ups and downs, Xiang Jing only feels dull and miscellaneous, and he doesn't bring such a neat person.

In desperation, Xiang Jing could only accept reality.

Silently took out that little piece from the space ring and bought it, but it pitted him with 10 million points of the Kingdom of God drawing.

This drawing does not know what material it is made of, and the edges are purple and gold, giving people an extremely noble and inviolable feeling.

However, on the drawing, there is still a blank, and there is no half of the hair, which is whiter than white paper and can reflect light.

"Yuan, get out of labor and management!"

Xiang Jing threw the blueprint to the ground with anger, and shouted angrily.

"Ding! After prompting the host to take out the source of the ‘main god’, he will inform the corresponding usage."

These two things must be matched, and that little bit of drawing is a bait. The one used to catch people is even more hateful than those fishing websites.

Xiang Jingzhong snorted heavily and took out the ‘Lord God’ from the space ring that made him heavily in debt.

This thing looked like it had no fixed shape, and it looked hazy, and couldn't see what it was. When holding the thing in his hand, he could feel the powerful energy overflowing from its fullness, which made Xiang Jing almost unable to grasp it.

After the "Lord God" took out the space ring, it seemed to be affected by some kind of induction, and it floated automatically, and the drawings thrown by Xiang Jing on the ground also floated under him.

A purple-gold light radiated from the ‘Main God’, covering the entire drawing of the kingdom of God.

Immediately afterwards, the purple and gold rays of light flourished, and a figure gradually condensed.

The light gradually faded, a middle-aged man dressed in purple and gold dragon robe, wearing a high crown, majestic face and extraordinary bearing, revealed a vertical and horizontal descent, but my domineering middle-aged man stood on top of the'Lord God'.

Just looking at him, Xiang Jing had the urge to bow down.

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