Chapter 965

Lin Chou felt as if he had suffered a cruel dimensionality reduction blow.

“Shu, Warlock… Is it finally time for me to join the [Non-Entity Chiefs Club]…”

The warlock put out a huge “?” sign and said angrily,

“You are a non-chief, and your whole family is a non-chief-doing one line and loving one line, I am proud and proud of myself as a professional practitioner of warlock who loves peace and science. I am not, I am just unlucky! I am also a dignified scientific researcher!”

Lin Chou didn’t even have the strength to roll his eyes, gurgling bubbles, um, blood bubbles.

“Help, help me up, I can still… one more time…”

Leng Han stood on the side at a loss, not to help or not, so nervous that he even forgot to deal with the soaked clothes.

Exquisite and convex, cheetah-like lines.

However, anyhow Lin Moumou can be regarded as a guy with the physical strength of the “6++” position, not so easy to hang up-just looks a little flat, sprinkling water is a trivial matter.

The warlock comforted,

“I remember when I read a novel where there is a kind of peerless magical skill. The process of cultivation is to break the bones and bones of the whole body, and then heal it. The cycle starts again. The strength of the bones increases. That’s great, let me tell you, you are at the pinnacle of life-if he wants to touch your porcelain, you just change to eighteen hospitals for appraisal and you are the one you drove into!”

After listening to the sorcerer’s “comfort”, Lin Shou’s bubbles became even happier.

Leng Han opened his mouth and stopped talking.

She whispered,

“It turns out that what they said is true…the bloodline ability can’t even be controlled by yourself?”

Lin Chou raised his hand tremblingly, his hand bones crackling, almost like noodles.

“I am a passive skill! Passive, understand! Energy saving and environmental protection!”

Leng Han was speechless.

Lin Moumou, who has a strong physique to a perverted state, checked himself and estimated that it would take a day and a night to barely regain his ability to move. The main premise is that he has sufficient nutrient reserves.

As for the combat effectiveness, it hurts for a hundred days. There is no special medicine or the like for assists. Don’t even think about it.

Lin Sorrow’s tears fell, like a two-hundred-month-old child who was wronged.

“What if it was sea bluestone instead of the surface of the water…”

“Get out of the way! What am I going to do!”

Seeing that Lin Chou was just “skin trauma”, the warlock simply didn’t pay much attention to it. For the evolutionary, would skin trauma be called an injury?

The warlock rushed over happily, “A whole Haiqingshi Mountain, do you think I will make a fortune if I move this thing back?”

How about the people who are in a poor way, the uncle Warlock immediately began to ponder the feasibility of this plan.

Leng Han didn’t dare to move Lin Chou, after all, the squat Lin Moumou couldn’t bear to look directly at him now-what if his bones become crooked when he moves?

Leng Han shook his head.

“Impossible, look at this Haiqingshi Mountain, it’s almost a whole, at least I didn’t see any traces of cracks or the like.”

“The bigger the size of the sea lapis lazuli is, the more terrifying it is. Even when its volume reaches a certain level, it is almost inseparable. It has been able to develop resistance to the’origin’. Only the purest physical means can fully affect the lapis lazuli. superior.”

Mingguang’s city defense relies on the characteristics of sea blue stone. The standard volume of sea blue stone city bricks are used to build the city with specific materials and techniques. Although the magical connection between each other is not terrible when it is not as terrible as the natural whole of sea blue stone, at least it is also Achieving 10% of its effect is already a very scary figure.

At the feet of the three of them, the gentle hill lying prone among the lofty ridges of Zu Mountain may be hundreds of kilometers in length, and there are no formed cliffs or cracks as far as they can see. It is like a tuft of chewed gum. Infinitely elongated, the surface is exceptionally smooth and clean.

The warlock turned around and observed, and then came to a not-so-good conclusion: even with his means, it would be more than worthwhile to cut this Haiqingshishan mountain into shape and then transport it back to Mingguang-because the body loss and the gain are completely wrong. superior.

To put it bluntly, even if he could ship this thing back to Mingguang and sell it, the money he earned would not be enough to pay for his food.

The warlock sat down on the ground,”The reality is so cruel…”

Leng Han’s eyebrows also wrinkled, very anxious.

“The secret stronghold of the rebellion is under this mountain? This…”

It’s hard to do.

Well, Lieutenant General Leng has already determined that this sudden incident was a ghost of rebellion against the Party, does it have to be.

The amount of mental energy and the manipulation of living corpses have become synonymous with rebelling against the party-maybe the sea beasts attacking the coastline are also a means of rebelling against the party.

Anyway, no one will refute the rebellious party. It is right to confuse them with all kinds of troubles, and they cannot be counted as framed.

This Haiqingshi Mountain makes Leng Han’s face more ugly. This is simply cheating. If you want to make the idea of ​​this secret stronghold, can you dismantle the mountain? No one can do it!

“Sure enough, this is in line with the attributes of rebelling and showing off the party.”

The feeling of betraying the party over the years completely complies with that mean old saying-I just like the way you can’t understand me and can’t get rid of me.

Their methods and style of action have never aimed at killing many Mingguang people or reducing Mingguang’s combat effectiveness. It seems that they are simply disgusting people for the sake of disgusting people. It is confusing and suffocating to arrhythmia.

Leng Han didn’t understand, what exactly did he want to rebel against the party?

Has the rebellion against the party gained substantial benefits from Mingguang for dozens of hundreds of years?

No! Not a single bit!

No one does it purely for quick gains.

Then you have to pour tons of waste oil into your head to do this…

The more Leng Han thinks, the more chaotic his mind is. Are these people crazy?

underground space.

The dark and empty space seemed to be reverberating with the impact sound from above the ground. Liu Renjun raised his head and stared at the top of the cave for a long time, his eyes frozen on it.

“Are you scared?” An old voice echoed.

With the appearance of this sound, the living corpse nests on the rock wall, countless pairs of scarlet or perlite-white eyes lit up, and the sound of roaring and chewing and eating suddenly filled the underground space, which was annoying. chaos.

The old voice seemed to be satisfied with the atmosphere,

“The little darlings seem to be hungry… Ha ha! Ren Jun, since your last return from Mingguang, you have become a lot silent.”

Liu Renjun, who has a beautiful face and wins snow in a white shirt, has a lingering fatigue between his eyebrows and he covers his mouth and nose with an embroidered handkerchief.

“Anjo, I…”

The old voice suddenly burst into laughter, the whole underground space seemed to be trembling, the living corpses in the lair trembled, and Liu Renjun’s mouth and nose began to drip blood.

The old voice laughed for a while,

“It seems that there is not much time for this skin to withstand your Mental Energy. Are you satisfied with the ‘things’ brought back by the corpse group?”

Liu Renjun’s complexion changed drastically, and he trembled.

“Ann, Anzu!”

The voice called Anzu suddenly became terrible and weird, with hints of coldness,

“Human juan! Those who make big things don’t stick to the trivial! Besides, the parents of the body, the skin and the skin-now, why not return this skin to me.”

Liu Renjun lowered his head, looked at his legs that had lost their shape and turned into a group of squirming rotten flesh, and swallowed fiercely.

He gritted his teeth,

“Anzu, can you give me some more time.”

Anzu’s voice revealed dissatisfaction,

“Women’s benevolence! It’s just a skin bag, which is already unusable. If it weren’t for this skin bag, your achievements would never stop at the current level.”

Liu Renjun pondered for a moment, his eyes full of urgency and hatred.

“If… I mean if I abandon my body, can I compete with the warlock?”


An invisible spiritual storm raged in the underground space, Anzu roared,

“Liu Renjun! You are forcing me!”

Liu Renjun bowed his head sadly,

“Sure enough, how about even if I change a skin bag…”

The storm subsided, Anzu said lightly,

“Human Jun, we and Void Beasts have reached a consensus to some extent, using them, maybe one day we can—”

Liu Renjun raised his head and calmly interrupted Anzu’s words.

“What day is it?”

The underground space was silent for a long while, Anzu’s voice revealed helpless emotions.

“‘Warlock’ itself is a kind of blood. We can’t ask for it. He is not only a spiritual entity, but also a so-called spirit and incorporeal body.”

“What we are worried about, such as the amount of mental energy that loses physical support, will be in a never-ending, irreversible process of dissipating and other disadvantages. Warlocks have no such concerns at all.”

“This world has never been fair, but even I have never thought that fate would be unfair to such an extent. In order to pursue the ultimate strength, we even gave up the physical body and wandered in the vast spiritual world to find the truth. And some people But it was from the beginning that we stood at the’end point’ we looked up to. This is not enough. This so-called’end point’ is just his starting point.”

Liu Renjun’s mouth twitched, and his smile was particularly bitter.

“Heh, is this the gap between RMB fighters and brick gods that people often said before the cataclysm.”

I believe that the uncle Warlock would be crying if he could hear the dialogue between the two. He combined his life’s luck with all the circulation points he could earn in the future and all the materials he should have. The mother’s “warlock” bloodline, this kind of tragic atmosphere, you Ma Maipi are actually still lamenting the unfair destiny?

Why didn’t Destiny Boss kill you directly…

Anzu Road,

“Child, one day Mingguang people will understand that everything they insist on now is illusion, and what we believe in in the Liu family is the only truth. This world no longer belongs to human beings, it is no longer… ”

Liu Ren sneered,

“Anjo, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes…that place, no matter what you say, I would think that what you said was to brainwash me.”

Anzu seemed to be poked into a laugh, and he laughed a lot, and said after a long time.

“Ren Jun, that’s why I chose you. You can always bring a lot of fun to the boring Life of our old guys.”

Liu Renjun shrugged and said,

“These pleasures are based on my pain, right?”

Anzu was silent for a moment,

“Give you another chance to think about it. If you can’t, you will lose everything you have now, including freedom.”

Liu Renjun’s face showed sarcasm,

“Heh, you have found the next candidate for the’People Show’, right? You really can’t wait, as always.”

Anzu did not respond.

Liu Renjun frowned,

“They have found this place, exposing our most important nest for a possible ideal skin. It’s a bargain?”

Anzu Road,

“It was an accident to be discovered-but it was still a good deal.”

“Should we move the nest now.”

“No, if the little guy above can solve the problem of this thousand-meter-thick sea bluestone mountain, I have nothing to say.”


Anzu Road,

“Everything needed for the conversion ritual has been prepared. If you agree, you can start now-oh, after they leave, the conversion ritual must be in a’quiet’ environment to ensure the chance of success. There is only one chance. Don’t tolerate the slightest sloppy.”

Liu Renjun said strangely,

“So even if I agree, I still have to wait for them to leave?”


“If they really destroy Haiqingshishan.”

“So I am here, and I am responsible for taking you away.”

With Liu Renjun’s restraint, I can’t help but slander: God TM logic!

Anzu Road,


Silence was restored in the empty underground cave.

Liu Renjun was startled, and then gradually closed his eyes, as if he was asleep.

I do not know how long it has been,




Liu Renjun woke up in shock, “It finally started.”

With three earth-shattering roars in a row, the empty underground space became an unprecedentedly huge bell. The sound was multiplied, and it seemed that the air had been distorted.

Liu Renjun wiped the shocked blood from his nose and ears.

“I really envy this kind of guy with his brain full of muscles, he must eat a lot of meat every day, right?”

“My body is too fragile.”

On Haiqingshi Mountain, Leng Han put his hands on his knees, panting heavily, big beads of sweat dripping on the stone.

She was as if she had just been fished out of the water, and her muscles were trembling, and she was a little unstable even when she stood.

“Too… terrible…”

She used a huge hammer transformed into extremely dense metal, and used all her “golden wind and jade dew” abilities to hit the mountain, but she didn’t even leave a trace or a white mark.

It felt like every attack was walked to every corner of the whole mountain in an instant, she was attacking the whole Haiqingshi Mountain.

The mayfly is as weak as a tree!

The warlock scratched his forehead frantically,

“How is it possible, no, as a spirit body, this stone can actually block me? This is not physical! There is no scientific basis!”

Leng Han sat on the ground, sweating,

“This is the characteristic of sea lapis lazuli, or it can be simply said to be a’rule’. After the volume reaches a certain level, it can only be solved by the purest physical means, and your technique obviously happens to not be recognized as a’physical’. The kind.”

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