Chapter 934

Before dealing with the red-gold-eye bream, Lin Chou went back to the alley shop where he hadn’t set foot for a long time and turned the cabinets and cabinets for a while. When he returned to Sister Hu, he had a little watering can in his hand.

This is a flashlight, which is commonly known as a torch or a blowtorch, the simplest type of manual pumping and pressurizing.

The age of this thing is estimated to be the same as that of Lin Chou himself, and it is rusty, but fortunately, it hasn’t missed it.

It added fuel, and Lin Chou was going to test whether Uncle Hu’s high-grade liquor could also be burned.

Go back and fill most of the bottle of white wine into the tank, cheering up.

There is a small tray under the nozzle of the blowtorch, and the wine is poured on it to start the fire. The wine in the tank is sprayed out from the nozzle under the action of air pressure, and then “coaxed” to burn into a ball.

Lin Chou’s mouth twitched.

“The thing that Uncle Hu drank is really wine? The temperature is quite high when the fire is lit…”

The blowtorch can be used, but the speed of the nozzle needs to be adjusted to concentrate the flame and raise the temperature as much as possible.

Jiang Nan hugged the cat and couldn’t put it down,

“Should it be used for grilling fish?”

Lin Chou put out the blowtorch,

“That’s it.”

I searched the small “shelves” used by Sister Hu to put kitchen utensils and obtained dried kelp root*6 and dried fish bones*1.

There are many kinds of sea fish bones that are good things. It is very good to use them when making soup. It is the most affordable and old partner with kelp root-the kind that does not require money.

Pour a drop or two of soy sauce, a pinch of salt, boil the froth over high heat and then change it to a low heat. A pot of soup is already half of it.

Lin Chou sniffed it, then scratched his head.

“Why doesn’t it smell like fish bones?”

Then Sister Hu also came over and smelled it.

“Hey, is it too long? The kelp tastes much heavier than fish bones.”

The clear soup and clear water, not even the fishy smell.

Lin Sorrow said helplessly,

“Forget it, just use fresh ones.”

With that, twelve red-gold-eyed breams were on the chopping board, and their big innocent eyes reflected the dark golden luster with grass green as the base.

These eyes are kind of pretty.

Red gold eye bream is a very simple ingredient that can be processed to everyone’s satisfaction. As long as you carefully scrape off the scales and then cut off the head from the gills, you can squeeze all the internal organs with a hand. Besides, it’s just that the “belly volume” of this product is a bit small.

The forehead of each red gold eye bream is high and convex, which means that these fish are of good quality and should be carefully selected by Xiao Hong.

Lin Shou looked at the twelve beautiful fish heads on the chopping board,

“Well, this is not a waste…”

Jiang Nan suggested,

“Bring the soup, do you want to make the soup?”

Lin Chou really thought about it.

“You can’t stew the soup. I’m going to use fish bones and fish tails to stew the soup. There is not much meat on the fish head, but it is very delicate. It can be grilled with salt and it should taste good.”

Lin Chou found a fairly flat bluestone slab, washed it and put it on the charcoal fire for later use.As he spoke, the movement of his hand did not fall. He divided each red gold eye bream into three parts, which is the common splitting mode of two pieces of meat + one bone, and the fish bones and fish tails were placed directly into the soup pot. Stewed inside, adding “fish flavor”.

The belly of the red gold-eye bream is relatively small, so the spines on the abdomen are rarely short. If you cut off the thin layer with the spines, you won’t feel that a lot of fish will be lost.

The flesh of the red gold-eye bream has a frozen texture like pigskin, white and shiny, and the oily light on the flesh seems to jump, giving people a lively and vivid feeling.

Jiang Nan and Sister Hu came round,

“Wow, this fish…really beautiful…”

Sister Hu muttered,

“You can eat it just by looking at it. It would be a pity if you stew it directly.”

Mingguang, which is located by the sea, has an “unreasonable” preference for all kinds of sashimi, pickled and soaked in seafood, as if in the eyes of Mingguang people, only “raw” is the greatest respect and release for “fresh”.

Sister Hu said,

“The fat of this fish is so good, it feels like it’s running out of the meat.”

There are not many opportunities to eat better-quality deep-sea fish in the alley, but it is not completely unavailable. Often, if you get a suitable fish, it feels like the Chinese New Year. It is very serious and respectful to eat.

Take the small-scale “customs” in the three alleys of Pythagorean and Echo as examples. For deep-sea fish suitable for sashimi, the whole fish will be divided into several parts according to different meat quality. The dipping sauce is not wasabi or wasabi sauce, but used The concentrated stock of fish head and fish tail and fish bones combined with different “secret recipes”, served with fresh soy sauce, juice from oyster shells and several fragrant wild vegetables, is extraordinary.

Well, almost every housewife in the alley is a master at cooking sashimi when there are good fish.

Lin Chou threw the fish bones attached to the fish tail into the kelp soup pot, turned the fish fillets over on the chopping board, and the fish skin was on top.

The beautiful red color of the red golden-eyed bream skin changes from light to dark, and when it reaches the back, it is almost like a fire.

At this time, the blowtorch was turned on, and the real flame spewed out, searing the fish skin.


The grease immediately sputtered from the fish skin and meat, dripping with light blue water drop-like flames, and then extinguished on the chopping board.

The red fish skin quickly tightened as it sizzled under the wine and fire, pulling a thin piece of fish meat into a nearly cylindrical shape. The color of the fish skin seemed to penetrate into the meat with heat, reflecting a faintly beautiful appearance. Bright.

The thin layer of fish flesh near the fish skin seemed to become translucent, and then gradually penetrated outwards.

Seeing the sense of hierarchy in this best state, Lin Chou immediately moved away from the flame and attacked the city by a piece of fish meat.

The nose is filled with oil and sweet smell, there is no smell, some are just the sweetness from the depths of the sea, it seems that the sweetness that can be felt only by relying on the nasal cavity.

Jiang Nan’s mouth couldn’t close, and was shocked.


The same word, three tones, perhaps the only way to express Jiang Nan’s mood.

Lin Chou is still not satisfied,

“The temperature of the wine and the fire is not enough, and the maturity is too deep. Well, if there are a few pieces of ice, it will be better. It will taste better if it is soaked in ice water.”

Sister Hu rolled her eyes directly to him—this little bastard was getting more and more hypocritical somehow.

A large bowl of steamed rice is placed there hot, and the properly grilled red golden eye bream is cut into half-centimeter thick slices and placed gradually, the whole is like a blooming peony.

“Ah…Does Sesame have it? Yes? That’s great~”

Sprinkle a little sesame on it for the fragrance of Ascension. Lin Chou walked around in the yard, pinched a handful of fresh sesame leaves, washed it and cut it into filaments and placed it in the center of the sashimi flower.


Sister Hu said strangely,

“Isn’t it sashimi? This…”

Lin Chou smiled, drained the stewed soup from the pot and poured out the residue, and placed it in a basin to stand still.

“Make a different kind of tea with rice. Many ingredients for the sashimi dipping sauce are not brought here.”

Even if there is not a lot of meat on the fish bones, there is still a lot of fat in the boiled broth, and a thin layer of oily skin will soon form on the surface of the fish soup with the breeze.

Lin Chou carefully picked up the oily skin with his chopsticks, picking up three layers one after another in ten minutes.

As a result, the whole pot of fish soup will never see a trace of oil stars again, and the slightly rich and heavy pale white penetrates the green of the kelp.

Jiang Nan rubbed his stomach in distress, standing at the gate looking forward to it.

“Uncle Hu is really, it’s dark, why haven’t you come back?”

After a while, I asked Sister Hu again,

“Sister-in-law, when will Uncle Tiger come back~”


“Ah, the soup is going to cool off!”

Sister Hu looked at the time,

“It’s all this time, I shouldn’t come back. It’s very busy over there, and the road is far away. Regardless of him, let’s eat first.”

“it’s not good…”

Jiang Nan said so, the sparkle in the eyes had already sold this little girl’s mind to the skin.

Sister Hu’s gaze can be described as “spoiled”.

“The girl is really getting longer and more beautiful. Look at my little bunny. It’s only a year or so. She just grew from the little milk dog loved by the family to a wild dog that can’t be leashed. I’m really… .Just think about it…”

Lin Chou snickered and said,

“Well, the longer the Calabash baby is, the uglier it becomes. Sure enough, children really can’t be too beautiful when they are young, otherwise they will grow up easily.”

“Isn’t it?” Sister Hu agreed with Lin Chou’s statement. “When Lin Chou was a child, that guy was so ugly in the first few years. You used to have a dog in Uncle Hu’s house and saw Lin Chou’s father carry this child out. I just kept barking, I can’t wait to pounce on the boy Lin and eat it. Dad Lin Chou mumbled when he was fine, the boy felt like he picked it up from the garbage~”

Jiang Nan leaned forward and closed with a smile.

Lin Chou: “…”

Believe it or not (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ ah hello!

Lin Sorrow said quietly,

“Sister Hu, you are too grudges, I just said something along your line of words, Calabash baby was ruined-but you see it is your own!”

Sister Hu came up with a big spoon.

“Smelly boy, see if my old lady doesn’t break your brain!”


The mushroom sauce bar-headed goose in the pot was also on the table, and Mrs. Hu took out a bottle of wine.

“Come on, two little guys, have a drink with your sister-in-law.”

The wine looked like the fruit wine made by Mrs. Hu herself. It was very fragrant and didn’t have much degree.

Lin Chou took a bite first.

“Huh, tequila?”

Sister Hu said with a smile,

“Yes, the steamed agave has a lot of wild fruits.”

After a drink, Jiang Nan stuck his tongue out.

Tequila is not rare in Mingguang, but it is a good thing to make wine. The wine that comes out is very heavy and a bit dry, but the fruity aroma in it neutralizes the “fire” of the wine, and it is sweet and sour.Lin Chou said,

“This wine is okay. Sister-in-law will not make soy sauce in the future. You can also make a fortune if you make this kind of fermented wine without a degree. Absolutely, I purchase the first batch.”

“Just your kid’s mouth is sweet, hey-come girl, don’t you have a taste of your childhood sweetheart’s craftsmanship?”

Jiang Nan’s thin and white face was flushed again.

“No, first try the wild goose made by my sister-in-law. I haven’t eaten wild wild goose yet. I don’t know which one tastes better than my goose?”

Lin Chou picked up a piece of bar-headed goose,

“The wild goose is also called wild goose. The meat of the two is similar, but the wild goose has a heavier and more fragrant game, and the meat is firmer and more chewy.”

“Look at this color. After being burned, the meat of the wild goose is even heavier than the color of the wild goose. It is basically dark black. The meat of the wild goose is dark red when it is raw, while the meat of the goose is bright red. The color of the swan meat is between the two. between.”

“I don’t know if I want to say more, let’s talk about it after eating~”

With one bite, you can immediately feel the inner “energy” of the bar-headed goose’s flesh. Because of its flying all the year round, the goose is destined to have a full-feeling flesh, and it doesn’t know how to burn fire at all.

This is very lean and springy meat.

It gives people the feeling that there is one or several tendons in every muscle of every muscle. When you bite it down, you can’t wait to bounce your teeth on the spot. That’s too old.

If the big goose in the mouth could talk, it should be like this aunt,

“Don’t be daddy!!”

There will not be much fat, and the sweet and fragrant meat is full of a free and wild “game”, which can definitely satisfy anyone’s yearning for the phrase “I would rather eat four or two birds than half a catty of animals”.

The eyes of Sister Hu and Jiang Nan are shining. This is the instinct of human beings for beautiful things. Food will make people doubly happy-happier than the happy water of the fat house.

After savoring the strong aroma of bar-headed goose meat, the mushrooms hidden deep in the flesh began to “make strangers”. Any drop of the goose juice is not wasted, and it is perfectly combined and brewed with the goose meat at the deepest level. , Fermentation produces a more wonderful taste.

This dish uses the word “sauce”, but it does not describe everything perfectly.

not enough!

The thick and heavy black soup, wild goose meat, and mushrooms seem to have a bright color with only the pepper in the whole pot. Other than that, the blackness is not eye-catching.

Something that looks so “serious” and so “deep” can only be found when you eat it in your mouth and smell it at the end of your nose. Its aroma and taste are light and long, just like the wings and underneath of the wild geese when they move south. Flying air currents.

Everything is completely different from what it looks like, or just the opposite.

When the ingredients of this pot are intertwined, it seems to be deliberately hiding all the sharp edges-only when you smell the steaming heat and the scent from the pot, you will be shocked by it, and even more shocked.

Lin Chou’s eating style is simply sorry for the “dignity” and “criticality” of a professional cook.

“Fragrant, so delicious, so delicious~”

Then put the round and plump mushrooms into the mouth,


Wild goose mushroom has a magical soft texture, like a balloon full of soup, as the teeth bite, the hot soup blooms.

“Hi…ha…so hot…”

There is no need to look for it, the rich meaty fragrance instantly gives the maximum impact to the mouth from the mushrooms, and the instant satisfaction is really nonverbal.

Especially at the end of the meal, the faint and intoxicating aroma of wine continues to accumulate in the mouth. The more you eat, the more enjoyable it is, and the more you eat, the hotter the mouth, stomach and body.

Lin Chou exhaled a hot and spicy aroma,

“It feels like everyone in the alley has a good craftsmanship.”

The kid clasped a fist and said with a smile on his face,

“Sister Hu, I have been taught!”

Sister Hu: “Believe it or not, I really knocked your head with a spoon?”

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