Chapter 1071 Acting Online (two in one)

The black-red-faced guy has a cupped fist far away,

“Little brother, my brother’s surname is Mang. My name is Mang of Mangshan. I’ll see you at the Bafang Tower in a while!”

It seems that the guys from the dark sea like the dishes of Bafanglou, er, of course, it is more likely that they like to give Niu Lanqi a face.

“Brother Mangao?” Zhao Zheng slapped his lips. The name sounds a little strange. “Where is the good wine in Bafang Tower? Qingquan Mountain is still Wen Uncle’s home brew. Looking back, the young master will take you to a good place. As for Now–”

“Wow, I’m the Liu Renjun of your mother, I have tolerated you for a long time, let’s smash my little master hahaha!!”


Mang Yang watched in amazement as the highest commander of the garrison, theoretically speaking, was rampaging at the center of the battlefield, with cold sweat on his face and face.

You, you… Mingguang doesn’t care about this kid? This is too irresponsible!

Before Mang sighed, he saw a guy who was born stronger than him, with a man in his armpit, and a half-ton mighty rooster rumbling across the edge of the battlefield. , Ran into a certain alley and disappeared.

Man Min: “…”

Isn’t it that you Mingguang people have always been so casual? This is a war! Anyway, be more serious. Hey!

On the contrary, almost all of the three-hundred-meter blood corpse giant was smashed into rags, and there was still an intention to observe the situation outside the field. I don’t know which eye saw the three yellow adults, the blood corpse giant roared,

“That chicken, what is that! Why do I feel the breath of a warlock in it, this is impossible, this is impossible…”

Zhao Zheng said while removing half of Liu Renjun’s head.

“Oh, switch, press the switch and you can directly contact the uncle Warlock. Isn’t it scary? Is it buggy? Is it a back door? You know, Mingguang people have always been very good at going through the back door.”

The blood giant was silent,

“Then you Mingguang people have a really strong taste.”

“I’m going to your mother, I want to take a look with the young man after all the bones are on this knot?”

What followed were two heavy punches of at least half a ton worth of General Zhao Zheng.

The skeletons on Liu Renjun’s head collapsed, but he smiled very happily.

“Hahaha, a chicken? A… a living chicken?? The spatial fluctuations here have been like a mess, you actually found a living creature to act as an anchor, you are simply ignorant It’s ridiculous, hahaha~”

Zhao Zheng bounced around Liu Renjun’s head,

(Damn, where did this neurosis grow his mouth?)

No mouth was found.

Zhao Zheng had to respond with a omnipotent and upright sneer.

“So, it’s time to perform real technology!”

The person who was sent out to find the warlock almost became paralyzed, but Allier and Secretary Qin gave Mingguang a surprise–though it didn’t feel so reliable.

On the tallest gate of the second wall, Allie looked at Ye Ming who didn’t know where he came from.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

Ye Ming didn’t care,

“Don’t worry, it won’t hurt this chicken. Isn’t it the more miserable it is called, the faster the warlock will come?”

Allier and Qin Yuanfeng looked at each other.

They had only heard that Master Sanhuang could summon Master Warlock, and Lin Chou had done this more than once. As for the specific operation process-please, Master Sanhuang did not have an operation manual attached to his body.

So that Allier couldn’t help but murmured,

“Why is there no manual?”

The poor Lord Sanhuang was tied up with chicken wings and hung upside down on the gate of the city. His golden pupils were not angry, and of course he would make a few embarrassing screams from time to time.

After all, the weight of Lord Sanhuang has greatly exceeded the conventional tonnage. This upside-down posture is quite unfriendly to Fatty.



No one in this world can offend the majesty of Lord Sanhuang!

emmmm, except for a few times when Lin Chou almost stewed Sanhuang in a crock, Sanhuang had never seen anyone who dared to touch his finger.

“Oh~oh~”Lord Sanhuang suddenly screamed-the reason was that someone had pulled out several of the longest of its greasy tail feathers.

Ye Ming pinched a few chicken feathers and suddenly became a little embarrassed.


“This thing…”

“Why on earth should I summon?”

There were a lot of people present, but let alone the high-end operation of using chicken feathers to summon warlocks, we are all honest to the point that we have never even used chicken feathers as arrows!

Why are you calling?

Don’t make a fuss, I certainly don’t know…

It took a long time before a guy who often hucked around on Yanhui Mountain uttered his voice.

“I’ve heard people say that when boss Lin summoned the warlock, he rubbed the chicken feathers, and then yelled loudly that he was going to stew the three yellows. Uh, occasionally, it seemed that he was going to stew the warlock… and then the warlock master pooh. I’m here…”

Everyone looked at this person called Wang Xiancheng’s fourth-order alienator.

Three yellows stewed?

Stewed the warlock? !

Ye Ming looked up at the sky, what you said so lightly!

Damn, I suddenly regretted taking such a thankless job, what should I do?

Ye Ming has been in the base city for so long, and he is the heir of General Ye Lao. He wants to be wealthy and powerful. If he really lacks something…

Uh, in short, most of the people present now do not think that this guy may be out of luck.

(Obviously it is a great opportunity to grab power, how come it has become like this ghost now?)

Ye Ming is 10,000 people who don’t understand or understand.

His expression is bitter…

Oh no…

Ye Ming stood on the heights of the city gate with a mournful face.

No one knows why he has to stand so high, maybe because he thinks that the signal will be slightly better when he is standing high and summoning?

Ye Ming grabbed the chicken feathers in his palms and slowly began to rub them.

Before rubbing it for a while, Ye Ming felt that the palm of his own hand was soaked with sweat.

(Why am I a little scared, Ben, this general is obviously to save Mingguang from glowing and hot, I, I, I, all evils evade!!)

Ye Ming frantically cheered himself up, and finally raised his hand to throw the curled feathers high.

“Come out, Master Warlock~”

The crowd onlookers sprayed the ground.

The voice of this product is simply feminine and undesirable, just like the cat screaming spring when the ladies in the Hualiu Alley half-closed the door are soliciting customers.


The wet feathers fell on the ground.

A bleak cold wind blew through, and nothing happened.

Ye Ming waited for a long while, his expression dignified.

“Otherwise, let’s change someone, Master Warlock may not be in harmony with my aura.”

Everyone is like a big enemy, and they are retreated in a few steps.

Go to your code!

We are not in harmony with the uncle Warlock!

You just fit!

Your whole family and Uncle Warlock’s auras are very close together!

The guy named Wang Xiancheng kindly made suggestions,

“Ye Dashao, you’re wrong, it’s wrong, you have to rub the chicken feathers and say that you are going to stew Sanhuang and Master Warlock, be more fierce, I believe your acting skills are online!”

Ye Ming’s head buzzed with anger.

This is not a question of whether acting is not online, it is simply a question of whether the guts is not online, okay!

Ye Ming glanced at the people around him bitterly. Those who were caught by his sight either looked up at the sky or grinned threateningly.

In the end, Ye Ming, who is still in his forties this year by the ridiculous name of Ye Dashao, took a deep breath and cruelly rubbed the feathers in his hands.

“The sky is above, and the thick soil has not been seen. Today, I, Ye Ming, cut the chicken head and burned yellow paper for Mingguang Base City…”

Wang Xiancheng was dumbfounded.

“No, Ye Dashao is talking about all these things!”

Allier thought for a while,

“I don’t know much about metaphysics and Realm, but I guess Young Master Ye wants to be more serious, right?”

Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Ye Ming’s face’s muscles were trembling, his expression could be said to be quite hideous, he seemed to be willing to go.

“A good three-yellow chicken, fried, fried, barbecued, braised and stewed, the wine and meat have passed through the intestines in the Buddha’s heart, I am special…”

With every gibberish, Ye Ming fiercely pulled a long feather from the tail of Lord Sanhuang.

How many long feathers can a chicken have?

After a while, Lord Sanhuang’s arrogant tail turned into a bald scoop…

The screams of Lord Sanhuang have also changed from deafening to rushing feet – it seems that the spirit of the whole chicken has disappeared with the plucked tail hair, and it is unlovable. appearance.

(Once upon a time, my three yellow lord was also a super handsome chicken with exuberant hair. Now, I am so bald!)

Ye Ming drew out a machete with a “huh”.

“Success or failure, in one fell swoop!!”

Everyone was shocked.

“Fuck, this stuff is really going to be cut!”

“This, this, when did Young Master Ye get so courageous?”

“If the uncle Warlock hasn’t come after the cut…”


A lightning pen walked away from the dragon and snake, almost splitting the dark yellow sky in two, and even the surging corpse cloud was directly torn apart, and it was not closed for a long time.

Everyone was startled, they just seemed to hear the iconic “pupu” sound.

“Master Warlock is here!”

“But… where is…”

“Let let, let let, you block my sight~”

A huge vortex portal that was grey and somewhat similar to the misty portal was spread out behind Ye Ming at some point.

Ye Ming turned his head stiffly–because he felt an unprecedented murderous, his heart was cold.

Before he could say anything, his eyes went dark, and he was directly rushed backwards by a torrent of water.

“Ding Dong… crackling… crashing…”

All kinds of weird sounds pierced the dimension wall along with weird objects in the portal.

Those who were a little further away would naturally be able to see exactly what was washing Ye Ming away:

Pale skulls, including but not limited to skulls, spine, and leg bones.

The armor-like object, which was extremely red and coquettish, seemed to be an exoskeleton of some kind of creature.

A big luminous ao cracked, and between the opening and closing of the pliers, the surrounding air seemed to solidify into ice.

Oh, it’s a coincidence that the head of the uncle warlock also rolled out with this tattered child, which is about hundreds of cubic meters…

In the tatters of the city wall, the warlock master found all the own parts and installed them in just ten seconds. He was very professional and very skilled.

Bloody ghost fire was burning in the hollow eyes, and the voice of the uncle Warlock was hoarse as usual.

“What did you do to Lord Sanhuang!!!”

Even if it is hoarse, everyone can feel the anger of the warlock uncle from inside.

“Who are you, how dare you offend the noble Lord Sanhuang!!”

Seeing that, if Ye Ming didn’t agree with him, he would be wiped out in ashes–even worse than ashes in ashes–if the uncle Warlock didn’t get angry and killed him directly, but gently touched Ye Ming’s dog’s head.

“Oh~☈” The three yellows hanging upside down in the city gate let out a weak cry to extinguish the warlock’s anger in a timely manner.

This made the warlock anxious, he hurriedly put down the three yellows, and issued a series of exclamations.”Oh my God, it’s so tragic and desolate!”

“Master Sanhuang, are your feet swollen? Peibibi are bald…”

“Ahhhh, what’s wrong with this cute little butt… damn… it’s bleeding!!”

The warlock scratched his sleeves.

It is a pity that his sleeve space has never stored anything of economic value to the warlock himself.

“I want a bottle of magic plant essence.”

Who dare not give it?

Almost everyone standing on the city gate took out at least two bottles in their hands!

At this moment, the extremely precious magic plant essence seems to be worth less than the rubbish on the ground…

After Lord Sanhuang drank the magic plant essence, his stamina bar quickly filled up, and he stretched his neck and pecked Ye Ming out of the trash.

Ye Mingse stood there shrinking and said to the warlock,

“Uh…um…Master Warlock, I…”

Unexpectedly, Lord Sanhuang squeezed the warlock away with his ass.

Uncle Warlock issued a piercing smile like an old raven, and squatted down honestly with his hands in his cuffs, his eyes gleaming.

Sanhuang tilted his head and stared at Ye Ming’s eyes with golden eyes.


Ye Ming swears-he just saw a series of complex emotions including murderous and various close-ups of death through the eyes of a chicken.


A bald chicken’s butt was patted heavily on Ye Ming’s face.


Sanhuang scratched the ground with his chicken claws, and kicked the ravaged and mischievous Lingyu to Ye Ming.


Ye Ming’s brain goes crazy:

What does this mean, what does this mean, damn you gangsters, don’t patronize the excitement, what does this chicken mean!

Sanhuang looked back at Ye Ming, and then said “Oh oh oh” to the warlock.

The warlock nodded repeatedly,



“I understand completely, don’t worry, Lord Sanhuang~”

Everyone: “…”

You numb wheat pit!

Is it possible that anyone can master a foreign language magically as long as they spend enough time with the boss of Yanhui Mountain Forest? ?

Uncle Warlock pointed at Ye Ming,

“Master Sanhuang is here, the old man said, now you have to put the feathers on the tail back to him as it is.”

Ye Ming thought for a long time, and suddenly realized that this was a statement sentence!

So he asked tremblingly,

“Then… what if the safety is not good…”


A flame blew open the hood of the uncle Warlock, and the beauty of silver flame danced a pole dance with the two corners of the uncle Warlock in the flame.

The power of the dance of the silver flame beauty is tremendous, and for a while, there is no sound on the city gate, and everyone is busy admiring this silver flame beauty who looks exactly like Wei Qingyu.

The flames representing the spirit wave of the warlock rolled over the overlapping waves, blowing the corpse cloud into a crumbling.

“(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~” Uncle Warlock’s emoticon pack is online, “Have you heard a word?”

“Wha, what…” Ye Ming seemed to grab a life-saving straw.

Uncle Warlock actually had an expression on his fuzzy virtual face made of gray fog, and he smiled and said,

“If you are well, it will be a sunny day! If you are not well, it will be a violent storm, hail, sandstorm, and meteor shower!!”

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