Chapter 1049: But I’m Scared

Wen Ting rolled his eyes directly, and his mind was lingering and swaying in a single sentence, walking in a coquettish manner.

(This is not serious.)

But having said that, the soap is a bit slippery. How slippery is it?

How long has this been, has it been half a year since the kid became the Awakened? It sounds like no one can cure this kid…

Depend on!

Where did the stinky kid grow up secretly? What kind of wild experience did you play?

Mingguang, Qinshan Wushu School.

The entire Mingguang is qualified to be called the martial arts school, that is, 13 schools, their status is roughly equivalent to the 211 or 985 cataclysm, not ordinary people are qualified to look directly.

Among these thirteen schools, only students from Qinshan Martial Arts School can have the privilege of facing real, flesh-and-blood general teachers, and most of the others are replaced by the corpses of wild beasts or simply simulation models.

“Today! We are fortunate to have invited a real scholar, an extremely powerful general teacher, who was also a decent corpse before his death, a standard second-tier living corpse, well…today…”

The introducer who drooled on the podium was probably not the absolute protagonist of today, but the one lying horizontally below the stage.

Even for Qinshan Martial Arts School, the second-order living corpse as a general teacher is a very rare experience. The value of this stuff is really too expensive, so the anatomy course is not something that Qinshan Martial Arts School can afford casually.

And now the general teacher lying under the stage doesn’t even have any cutting edges on his head, obviously he hasn’t gone through the step of taking the soft crystals yet-even if the chance of the second-order living corpse producing soft crystals is very small.

In fact, Mingguang copied the den of the rebellious party recently to get so many living corpses of the same rank. Otherwise, the location of the students’ practice courses may only be changed to the bosses of the living corpse shooting range full of copper smell. At home.

The expressions of the students are different, some are frightened, some are excited, and even more ready to go directly over the teacher and act on the general teacher.

Principal Zhou and the deputy principal on the stage knocked on the blackboard at the same time.

“Respect! Respect for the general body teacher is the most basic principle for the smooth progress of this class! Only at Qinshan Martial Arts School, you have such favorable conditions to face a real general body teacher! Course for students of the Lianjin team preparatory class It’s all behind you, you little rascals can’t give me a snack?”

The Datu teacher, who was watched by many “little boys” under the age of twelve, stared innocently, looking a little at a loss because of the white-gray pupils of the living corpse.

Qin Sheng glanced at the slick Master Teacher and said to Erhu,

“Betting on five points, this living corpse has never eaten human flesh.”

The blackboard was snapped up again. Principal Zhou corrected Qin Sheng’s mistake and solemnly reiterated that the correct name should be the specimen or general teacher.

Erhu scratched his head with his large, disproportionately metalized claws,

“Teacher Dati, how much does it cost to buy a teacher from the school?”

A thin boy with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek leaned over,

“I know I know, Lao Zhou said in the office that for this group of general teachers, the school had spent all the money to update the desks!”

Xia Yu was very disgusted and covered his mouth and nose. Even if Lao Zhou broke the preciousness of the teacher, he couldn’t change the cruel smell of the living corpse.

Qin Sheng thoughtfully passed a mask and whispered,

“Take it with you, don’t let Lao Zhou see that you just brought it up, otherwise you’ll be cursing again.”

No one skipped a class of a general teacher.


After finishing the classroom teaching, the general teacher lost more than six catties and was very tired. Two full-time teachers in white coats carried them to the freezing rest area.

The Qinshan Martial Arts School is backed by the Qinshan Funeral Home. Almost the entire Qinshan Mountain was hollowed out. In addition to being used as a freezer and a corpse storehouse, it also supports the temporary placement of unclaimed ashes.

The underground part of Qinshan is complicated and chaotic. Even the most experienced employees of Qinshan Wushu School and Qinshan Funeral Home cannot tell where the artificial, semi-artificial, and natural caves and tunnels that extend in all directions like the labyrinth under Qinshan Mountain in Qing Dynasty finally lead to.

It is said that in the early stage of the cataclysm, these caves once hid more than half of Mingguang’s population, and countless people died in them, but even in the most difficult period, it was never broken by living corpses.

The two faculty members who carried the teacher said as they walked into the deep tunnel,

“This group of children are really not in charge, and they don’t know that Chai Mi is expensive. A second-order living corpse requires at least two thousand circulation points. With such a 90-minute course, the amount of more than six kilograms of meat is gone. Did you come to fry the chili?”

Another teaching method,

“Mouse, don’t complain, you lose six kilograms of things when you come and count it, don’t you?”

The faculty member called the rat said,

“The general teacher from someone else’s school can’t wait for one to spend a year, we are not good here, reimbursement for one class, it’s almost…”

“Anyway, it’s useless. I only have to go to the pool. Just soak. When will Principal Zhou remember these things again, where can I change them if I lose them?”

Wow! Teacher Da Ti was lifted into a large pool of weird colors full of turbid viscous liquid, rolled a few times, and gradually sank.

The mouse clapped the oily blood stains on his palms,

“Lost? Just this ghost place where flies don’t come. Who will come except the two of us! Come to steal specimens and formalin, don’t be kidding!”


The huge pool once again heard the sound of surging liquid.

The mouse said impatiently,

“Don’t make trouble, old money, you still play this when you are a big person.”

The old money’s face is green,

“No, you didn’t do it?”

The two turned around and faced the large pool used to accumulate “abandoned” corpses.

The weird liquid of indescribable color in the pool sloshed out ripples, pushing debris such as broken limbs and foul internal organs to slap the edge of the pool stickily.

Old Qian was trembling, including his voice,

“Mouse, what’s the matter?!”

The mouse also looked very curious, scratching his head calmly,

“Oh, it may be that the corpse tank is fermented, so I’m panicking.”

Old Qian said,

“No, it’s not very similar, there are no bubbles, besides, here is more than ten degrees below zero. Tell me how to ferment the stuff in the pool?”

The mouse pinched his chin, thoughtfully,

“Oh, it must have been haunted by then.”

Old Qian: “I can go to your mmp, okay there are all living corpses? How can the soul be haunted at all!”

The mouse shrugged.

“Oh? You even know this? What are you going to do when you look at your disrespect?”

Old Qian is really crying,

“Knowing is knowing, Cocoa doesn’t delay me, I’m afraid!”

The two faculty members were not salty or indifferent, but strange changes occurred in the corpse pool.

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