Chapter 1047

After eating and drinking, Shan Ye Wu Ke’s eyes have a kind of morning bell and evening drum after the monk sees the red dust.

The two of them smacked,

“The big salamander, it’s actually the same thing, so normal!”

These two goods obviously eat too much good stuff here with Lin Chou, hesi.

Su Yourong was particularly unhappy, holding the pan in his hand, eager to try.

Who knows that Lin Chou himself said,

“Speaking of which is really average-it seems that some of the good things and precious ingredients from before the cataclysm may not necessarily be good things now.”

Just as Lin Moumou and the others kept sorrowing the spring and mourning the autumn, the black sea ushered in such a scene.

An isolated island, roughly on the edge of the coastal defense line, was built with large unfinished buildings that looked mostly in ruins.

A large circle of children suitable for all ages… ah no… the men and women of all ages who wear different clothes and can’t find any similarities surrounded a well with open edges and talked a lot.

“This little guy is kind of interesting. How did he know that a snowman can freeze the black sea, and even pit a calf by the way?” A young man in a gray cloth robe held a string of shiny black fish. The bone rosary kept fiddle, “Isn’t his ability just to cook a few medicinal meals? As for him to be so important, it’s like he is going to spiral into the sky without him, the Wen family always likes it. Surprised.”


The young and old-fashioned man heard a crisp and loud noise before he could finish speaking, and his face was instantly swollen with a slender palm print.

The owner of the slap is a very thin woman, with a look on her face always with a trace of inexplicable anxiety, but her words are extremely overbearing.

“Wen’s family allows you to make irresponsible remarks, is it too long to live?”

The young man in gray robe had a pale face, and he stretched out his hand to wipe his face, the swollen bruise immediately disappeared, but he really didn’t dare to say a word.

The thin young woman squinted dangerously,

“Jiang Yiyan, I will say it for the last time, as long as the place where grandma is present does not have your Jiang family to speak!”

Jiang Yiyan’s face was even more ugly, and everyone quickly persuaded.

“Forget it, Yi Yan is still young after all.”

Some people are also dissatisfied,

“Wen Ting, can you represent the meaning of the Wen family on the coastline?”

And muddy,

“You can make money with harmony, everyone!”

Someone was muttering,

“Obviously, the Wen family in Mingguang and the Jiang family are good enough to wear a pair of trousers. How come we get here, and the damn fight is so hard to deal with every few hours?”

“It’s not that Jiang Yiyan drank a little more wine seventy years ago, and he insisted on marrying Wen Zhongjiu’s aunt. He went to Wen’s mansion at that time, don’t you know?”


“Quiet! Don’t kill the dog? Don’t you dare to be blind…”

In the crowd, a burly man kept looking into the broken well, his face full of entanglement and worry,

“Why don’t you see that there is no news, there will be no problems with the old man, mother, if the old man has a long and two short daddy, he will have to screw off the head of the boy surnamed Lin!”

The skinny Wen Ting raised his hand and slapped again.

At least a two-meter-tall burly man was drawn into the air for three and a half weeks, and the cervical vertebrae rattled, as if they were screwed to pieces.

When he fell to the ground, he just smashed a huge rock into more than two hundred pieces, showing the power of Wen Ting’s slap.

Wen Ting said coldly,

“Before the abilities of Jiu’er are reached, who dares to touch Lin Sorrow, grandma, I want him to look good!”

The crowd exploded on the spot,

“Wen Ting, you are a dog, Zhao Yu, do you smoke?”

“This damn thing, no one can cure this old lady, can’t you…”

“Hmm…Would you like to find Mr. Leng to try? Maybe it will be…”

“Get out! Why don’t you die?”

The burly man got up from the ground with a grin, his clothes burst into pieces in the sky. A scarlet blood-colored python snaked from behind, with its tail on its back, and its head was raised high, the size of it. There is a posture to break through the clouds.

He exasperated,

“Wen Ting, you are deceiving too much!”


Another slap was very loud.

“Wen Ting!!!”






“Under the service…”




From beginning to end, the thin Wen Ting didn’t exude any aura that belonged to the strong, and there was not even a trace of origin fluctuation.

It was just a simple slap after slap. No matter how Zhao Yu avoided it, he couldn’t succeed. Even the boa condensed by Zhao Yu’s original skills was shattered and dissipated abruptly, and there was no sound.

Zhao Yu was almost crying, and everyone was silent.

(This girl is as fierce as ever!)

I don’t know who whispered secretly,

“There was a snowman in the front, the old lady Yue in the back, and now there is Wen Ting. When she leaves, I guess the little girl from the Leng family will come over again, my mother… Am I special now? Luan Mountain Queen City??”

“Yin is prosperous and Yang is declining…”

A group of people look at me and I look at you, the sadness on their faces is so strong that they can’t be removed.

Apart from the strong strength and explosive temper of the women mentioned above, the only thing in common is that they are very reasonable.

All they talk about are physical principles.

“Yo yo yo, what’s the matter with this, who makes our little Tingting angry?”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yu and Jiang Yiyan rolled their eyes.

(You bad old man is very bad! It’s a bit too protective!)

The blind old man stepped down the non-existent air ladder step by step, his posture in a complete mess.

It’s just that his appearance is not as handsome as his imposing manner.

A piece of rags barely covered the vitals, his body was black and burnt, and even his hair was burnt… and part of the scalp.

Everyone was overjoyed,


“Is the old man successful?”

The blind old man nodded slightly, twisted his index finger and thumb, and a gloomy dark green flame sprang up. The seemingly low temperature flame distorted the surrounding air, and the entire island was filled with scorching heat waves. , Many people’s hair began to twist-you must know that the level of these people present is not below the fourth level, even if there is no external source light, their subconscious defensive instincts are very terrifying.

“Hiss… really made it…”

“That kid, really has the ability to turn decay into magic?!”

The blind old man glanced around and said with a smile,

“Why isn’t Niu’s little girl?”

Everyone crooked their mouths, isn’t this asking knowingly.

Niu Lanqi was frozen into an ice sculpture by Lin Chou when he was cultivating, and now the power of origin and return to the ruins is running around in her body.

From a more scientific level of technology, Qi Deviation Life can hardly take care of itself. Where else can you come to observe the triumphant posture of your old man~

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