Beep a single chapter

In fact, it’s nothing. It’s not going well all day today, the work of the unit.

By the way, I feel very noisy and annoying every day in the unit.

After a busy day at the unit, I was so exhausted that I was paralyzed. I fell asleep when I got home. I woke up at nine o’clock, and my mentality exploded again. Haw Haw made such a chapter.

I want to say that it’s my birthday today, and I really didn’t give a face at all.

Recently, I have been busy decorating things this month, let alone full attendance, there is a risk that the half-year prizes of the mothers will not be kept.

Niang Xipi…

Let’s talk about storytelling.

I probably had that idea, and I have been thinking about when this book will end.

To be honest, Xiaoguan’s performance can be maintained to the present, basically relying on San Mou’s hob spirit.

I don’t want to mention anything about the grades. If it weren’t for the two silvers that the sister kissed and the big guy later got together, San Mou would be very cool in the morning.

If you are not at work, you can say anything, and if you want to finish it, it will be fine.

However, the code time has been a mystery after work.

It’s been several months since I’ve been thinking about it in my heart. The outline of the next book hasn’t changed, but it’s really…

Sanmou was worried for himself.

I didn’t see a few cents of salary when I went to work, so I might as well have more, but it’s not as confident as I am. There is always a sense of precarious crisis with codewords alone, and Sanmou can save food with codewords anytime. Gangster level-well, in San Mou’s opinion, that is already a bigwig.

It’s three million words, and there will be an explanation sooner or later, and I always want to end it early.

Ahem, I just thought about it, everyone don’t have to worry about it going to rot.

I can’t get up quickly, so I can only write slowly and honestly, which is uncomfortable.

If you have time to spare, you will not be so rushed to open the book again. I will try my best to improve the outline of the next book in the time before the end of this book, and save as many drafts as possible.

I should be able to connect it in the middle, after this book is opened.

Have a drink.

The brain is messy, just look at the big guys, don’t be serious~

Now, the birthday is over, good night everyone.

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