Chapter 1018

The fat of the roasted boar fell drop by drop, splashing out light blue tiny flame bones, which were then swallowed by a large pile of dark yellow flames.


The terrible sound of grease breaking into pieces in the fire, the three people in front of the fire sounded beautiful enough to be thrilling.

“Stab, stab~”

Xiao Ba turned the pig on the fire, and stopped looking at the roast pork, staring at the fire in a daze.

“This stuff…”

With every stabbing, Xiao Ba shivered.

“I’m afraid that the fuel of the fire is not my soul… It feels like racking myself up and roasting…”

Isn’t it?

Every second is like sitting on pins and needles, and hunger is hot and scorching like a fire.

Xiaoba and Ba Li turned their backs to block Lin’s sight, trying to tear off the somewhat sagging, well-cooked shredded pork from the inside of the boar belly.

Ran goose,


The roasted pigskin, which became more golden and crispy, suddenly called the police, followed by Boss Lin’s thunderous roar.


The two of them shook their hands in fright and watched the meat roll onto the coals.

Xiao Ba + Ba Li: ┭┮﹏┭┮

Lin Chou frowned,

“This handsome guy is the one who should stole the mouth in front of a cook in his life, and it’s against you, blasphemy! This is the biggest blasphemy against a cook!!”

The three little helpers shivered, so why didn’t they eat their mouths short before eating them?

Lin Chou unscrewed a large chunk of meat easily,

“Emmmmm, let me taste it first~”

The three looked at each other: “…”

Fried chicken is not happy, okay! What a great cook?

Lin Chou wiped the oil on his mouth,

“It’s tender, I want to increase the fire, do you guys turn around quickly and hear it!”

The aroma of sour soup and stewed vegetables in the big stone pot can’t hold back even the hot and strong roasted meat smell.

Lin Chou sucked his nose again and again, and had never been so confident and satisfied with his own craft like today.

The combination of pork keel, tree tomato and taro stems can actually be stewed together with various wild vegetables of potherb mustard. Before the cataclysm, people in Yunnan and Guizhou regions favored it and called it “sauerkraut”, which was almost inseparable. Seat.

Wait and wait, the wild boar was finally almost roasted, and Lin Chou couldn’t wait to lift the temporary lid of the stone pot-a large banana leaf.

A thick layer of golden chicken oil floats on the surface of the sauerkraut, the boiling soup breaks through the oil film, revealing the color like coconut milk, fresh and sharp acidity rushes from the nostrils to the brain, making people scalp Tighten the saliva and secrete quickly.

Xiao Ba said in surprise,

“Is the pheasant so fat these years? Can it still fly!”


“Are you stupid because you were hungry, pheasants could fly?”

Lin Chou took out a rough stone spoon that was pitted and scooped the soup in the pot, scratching his head a little embarrassingly.

“Uh… actually more oil than I expected…”

This is a calculation error, Lin Chou has actually thrown away part of the oil in the chicken belly.

I seriously suspect that these two large pheasants, which are more than eight catties, eat full every day, sleep and sleep full of salted fish Life, with so much oil, you are a chicken, so you are not afraid of sub-health? ?

Lin Chou said,

“Just like that, start building!”

With an order, the hungry dog ​​rushed for food.

The essence of sauerkraut is taro. The sponge-like loose texture of taro stalk is filled with sour soup. One bite is like biting on moist marshmallow. With chewing, it is amazingly charming and sour. The fragrance intensified in the mouth.

Well, maybe there may be saliva and sour soup in the mouth, and they were swallowed together.

The acidity of tree tomato has been stewed and lost part of its “sharpness”, but its charming fruity aroma, thick mountain pork sesame oil aroma, and pheasant aroma are intertwined with the taste of a pot of beautiful soup, but it seems to be even brushed. The siege giant crossbow with dozens of tons of buff smashed all the lines of defense composed of taste cells in an instant.

Xiaoba ate his eyes wide and breathed hard.

“It’s sour! So cool…”

It feels like the sourness of tree tomatoes has enlarged the nasal cavity countless times so that the whole person feels different, as if it has opened the door to a new world, and it is clear and fresh.

Lin Chou rummaged in the soup with a spoon, and fished out all four large chicken legs.

“Don’t fight one by one, ha.”

The sourness of sauerkraut can not only give people an extraordinary experience, but also affect the pheasant.

The five-year-mouth pheasant originally had its hard meat but was simmered in just two hours until it was tender and deboned. The white chicken trembled and trembling, and almost scattered into “flowers” can be seen behind the half-detached chicken skin. Chicken lines.

“I go…”

“This chicken leg!”



To eat this meat, you really need to suck it.

One breath is a big piece of meat into the mouth, soft and tender but still retains some toughness-of course, the most important thing is its delicious taste.

The oversized chicken drumsticks are not too “savory”. Shaking the dripping juice on the surface, it still feels like a broth stewed.

The taste of pheasant is relatively heavy, and it is the purest pheasant taste when eaten in the mouth.

The surface layer was quickly dried out, and then dipped in a little sauerkraut soup, chicken fat mixed with roasted peppers and roasted tomatoes.

That bite is sour and refreshing, it almost makes the soul fly out of the body in a whirlpool.

For the first time, Xiao Ba and the three people saw the true face of Devil Jiao. It was really a soft line of mouth, and even the whole lips and half of the face were burning hot, and their brains were dizzy.

In my daze, I saw a cartoon-like giant chili with a blazing flame and sneered at them and rolled his eyes wildly, saying: You don’t know anything about real power!

Three small ones:

who am I?

Where am i?

What is the boundary of the universe?

The sourness makes people tears and misty eyes, the hotness makes people want to die, and rarely makes people swallow their tongues.

There is really nothing more enjoyable in this world than eating large pieces of meat and eating large pieces of meat~

Two pheasants and a whole pig’s keel, four people eat it is not a big deal, that’s not it, it quickly becomes a bone.

Especially at the feet of Xiao Ba San, none of the chicken bones were intact, and even the bone marrow inside was knocked out and sucked.

Baal looked at the ground, and quietly kicked the pile of chicken bones under his feet into the fire.

Then naturally opened his mouth to taunt the two colleagues,

“Brilliant, look at how you look like, what if you haven’t eaten in eight hundred years?”

Xiao Bajiang rubbed his greasy hands on Baal’s research institute uniform, and said ignorantly.

“In a moment, you dare to move a finger of that roast pig, believe it or not, I and Old Zheng Shit will beat you out.”

The nonexistent old Zheng Ga banged the chicken bones.


Looking at the way the three of them cooperated with the “tacit understanding”, this kind of plot has been performed countless times, and it has long been well-established.

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