Chapter 988: Break Through

Old man Jie, regardless of Lin Chou’s expression, twirled the plump and tight exoskeleton of the sweet-scented osmanthus cicada between his thumb and index finger and waved back and forth.

“It’s not easy kid, can you do it with sweet-scented osmanthus cicada?”

The old man cleans the arthropod that is not much thicker than a matchstick.

“It takes a lot of fat stream to feed so many things. I heard that there are pit snails and small shad in your stream? I still don’t believe it. After eating, take me to your mountain and take a look at the mountain stream. Is it possible that he is really an old man, the treasure of Feng Shui that I missed? When I chose the site…cough cough cough…”

Of course Lin Chou was fearless and shrugged.

After the system transformation, not only was the water vein excellent enough, even some things that shouldn’t have existed here were also followed, and there was a prosperous posture to settle down and live a prosperous life.

The old man reluctantly put down the thigh that was already extremely plump and plump compared to the sweet-scented osmanthus cicada,

“But this sweet-scented osmanthus cicada is really delicious, give you a thumbs up!”

Well, it’s still the kind of more than heart-like compliment that half clenches the fist and then pinches the thumb with the index finger-the old man knows so much.

Although the ladies present didn’t say anything, they still couldn’t help staying away from the old man.

That plate looked like Xiaoqiang who had been slapped, and everyone had to murmur in their hearts.

There are twelve osmanthus cicadas in the white porcelain plate arranged in sequence. After the cold soaking, their body size has shrunk slightly, about half a slap in length.

The old man Jie carefully squeezed out an osmanthus cicada with a missing leg from it.

“Oh…good stuff…”

The old man’s expression was like seeing others grab the source crystal tickets from his own money clip.

The old man’s eating method is very professional. He gently pushed up from the tail of the flat belly of the sweet-scented osmanthus cicada two or three times with a spoon, then pinched the tip of the tail and stretched it out. .

After doing all this, Old Man Jie took a stab at the “butt” of the sweet-scented osmanthus cicada, and the folds on his face were flushed and opened with a smile.


“Yeah! Fragrant!”

Lin Chou: “…”

Wu Ke: “…”

This meal is not a good meal, why suddenly I feel that the painting style is a bit weird?

The old man looked at Wu Ke who was coveting,

“Add a pair of chopsticks to drink together?”

Wu Kezheng was anxious, he really sat down cheeky, hypocritically and politely,

“You drink, you drink, I just have to eat something…”

The father’s action of adding a glass of wine jammed,

“Go as you go, go with the wine and the food, what can you eat if you don’t drink and join in the fun?”

Wu Ke was driven away by old man Jie waving his sleeves like a small flying insect.

Lin Chou had a clever idea, went to the kitchen and turned around and brought back a small dish of green and white radishes.

“My old man, try this, the stalwart sunfish with radish and radish, seasoned with passion fruit juice and so on.”

The old man Jie smiled and put a piece of radish in his mouth. The chopsticks kept eating a piece of white sunfish that looked like frozen sunfish. Then he spoke.

“Don’t think about it, I knew this radish a long time ago, I can’t grow it.”

Lin Chou smiled awkwardly.

The old man said,

“And do you have any misunderstandings about my old man?”

“I’m just a small ranch taking the boutique route, not a farm!”

“It’s incidental to plant something occasionally, understand?!”

Lin Chou pursed his lips, a little sad,

“But the radishes are really delicious… just too little and not enough…”

If it is the price, compared to the other ingredients in the restaurant, this radish is really not worth mentioning. Maybe there is no such thing as a plate that the big breasted sister smashed easily. It can’t stand the low output. If a person can grow this kind of radish, how can the big guys share it together?

The old man has a good time,

“The little guy is a little bit greedy. You can’t keep all the good things in the world all by yourself, right?”

Lin Chou scratched his head and said,

“Isn’t I happy to see the hunt? It’s all the same. Your old man can be regarded as doing this. If you raise so many animals, you don’t have any rare species that you want to collect?”

This can be said to be in the heart of the old man Jie, but he is not forgiving.

“You kid… are you taking the points for me when you work together for a long time?”

“Alright, my old man doesn’t eat or drink your kid’s for nothing. Is there anything I can’t get with the old man? I can talk to the old man, maybe I can buy it for you someday.”

Lin Sorrow is overjoyed, just wait for everything to take care of his father…

Immediately he did not hesitate to throw up the historical problems of Yanhuishan, and counted with his fingers.

“Fiddlehead, Hashma, Hericium…”

The old man Jie almost didn’t turn over from the chair, his beard turned up.

“you you you you…”

Everyone is very polite, so why are you taking it seriously?

Of course Lin Chou could see the old man’s stiff expression pack like a myocardial infarction, and he was not blind.

Gritting his teeth, Boss Lin made the most difficult decision, his biggest concession,

“You can talk about the price… even if it’s dark… ahem… more expensive… it’s totally acceptable!”

The old man Jie was very happy.

“You don’t even look at what your kid wants, and the price can be discussed…”

“What to talk about? What to talk about? Is it a circulation point?”

Lin Chou blinked and pretended not to understand.

“Then…Gold? Soft crystal? Source crystal? I also have high rank source crystals above the fifth rank!”

Old man Jie sneered, and the atmosphere was once quite embarrassing.

After a long while, the old man drank a big cup of cold water, and barely suppressed the spicyness of the fried beef hoof.

“If you can ask about bracken, it proves that you have been to more than one’returning place’, right?”

Lin Chou nodded honestly.

The old man was absentmindedly poking the peanuts in the bowl with his chopsticks.

“Luck is also incredible. Some people will never touch you and you will run into it… There are indeed many varieties of bracken in it, but they are all inside. As for the outside, no one has ever seen it. Even one.”

“I don’t need to say hericium. If there is a hericium, there will be, but it is poisonous… Maybe you are lucky or maybe…”

“Finally, this Hashma, haha, young man, you didn’t wake up in your dream, right?”

Lin Chou: “???”

The old man glanced at the heavily armed Ye Yu and Ye Feng.

“I don’t believe that when your kid went to Luan Mountain, the mother didn’t tell you that the main ingredient of the blue sky on the moon is also the legend of the moon ant.”

Lin Chou suddenly felt that the situation seemed to be developing in an uncontrollable direction.

“What…what do you mean?”

The old man hummed and said,

“Since the legend may be fictitious, it may also be true…”

Lin Chou’s face was as uncomfortable as constipation–

What do you mean, old man, the difficulty factor of our historical problems in Yanhuishan is now ascending to this level? ?

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