Chapter 979

With Lin’s iron rooster attribute, let him slaughter a three-yellow chicken to satisfy his own appetite and increase his lucky value by the way. Everyone would rather believe that the Black Mountain Wild Boar will regularly hold a round-city cross-country rally and rhythmic gymnastics championship every month.

Lin Chou carried a bucket to the back mountain.

After being systematically reformed, the Houshan Mountain Stream was not only used to raise crispy meat carp, but also became a true treasure of Feng Shui.

There are all kinds of rare freshwater fishes, migratory fishes, and crab snails. Even the sweet-scented osmanthus cicada and the long-legged macrobrachium are not rare.

Predators such as otters, marmots, mountain eels, black snakes, etc. can also occasionally see them, and they are all attracted by the “deliciousness” in the water.

Naturally, Lin Chou was happy to see the results, and even especially asked the big breasted sister not to toss these things. Losing some ingredients is not a big deal, because the attracted ones will also appear on the cutting board and enter Lin Chou’s. Stir-fry or simmer slowly in broth.

Speaking of the loss of “farmed” ingredients, isn’t the real gap still in the rolling body-it is the real pit cargo, which can be eaten by giants.

I picked up a big carp with thick lips, and found that a few carp with red lines were stranded in a puddle separated from the stream next to it.

These guys bounced with a crackle, shaking the little water in the pit everywhere, and it became more and more difficult to survive.

Lin Chou immediately threw the suffocating crucian into the bucket…

I have to say that this move is very kind and completely kind.

It’s enough to see our boss Lin, it has the beautiful qualities like gold.

Ah! Do not accept any rebuttal…

This type of crucian carp with a petite head and a tall spine can be found accidentally in a stream near Mingguang. The side scale line, that is, the fishy line, shows a very obvious heavy pink.

Its scales are not as round as ordinary crucian carp, but a slightly sharp feeling, with a bright silver center and a cyan color, and the overall gloss is very high.

This kind of crucian carp generally grows in low-temperature streams that flow down from the mountain. It has strong activity and a light taste of fish meat, so Mingguang people like to use it to make fish soup.

The source of the stream in the back mountains of Yanhui Mountain is from the Zu Mountain, but it takes luck to find this relatively rare crucian carp here-or more directly, you need a system.

Lin Chou swept around and caught some juvenile Macrobrachium.

Before the Cataclysm, there were nearly two hundred species of Macrobrachium. After the Cataclysm, no one can count the exact number. Each stream and each lake may be counted as one.

Macrobrachium is the beauty among shrimps, famous for its long legs with smoky makeup.

Take Lin Chou’s hands for example. The shrimp’s back is blue and white. The shrimp’s body has blue-yellow stripes, and there is a deep blue-black circle around the eyes. The two long, slender, tile-blue legs with small pliers on the top Enough to make it look particularly beautiful.

Macrobrachium has an enchanting posture and is of a slender type. Its belly is not enlarged, and the shrimp under its carapace can be seen almost transparently from the side-it is still blue-white flesh.

The whole is about half the length of Lin Chou’s little finger. It is a minor, and the older one can grow to at least the length of Lin Chou’s slap in adulthood.

Lin Chou plans to use these macrobrachiums to make some light shrimp soup. The last time I made it in the wild, the taste was a little bit different from psychological expectations. This time I must make up for it.

“Not bad, enough for that little girl.”

Luanshan has a unique body constitution and does not evolve and alienate at all, but they are not Practitioners. They call themselves “witches” but Lin Chou feels that maybe Big Breast Sister has a connection with them that no one else knows.

But the Tiankeng tribe of Big Breast Sister doesn’t seem to have the ability to “witch”, let alone the “Black Skin Rangers” with Luanshan characteristics.

Uh, far away.

Lin Moumou wondered that it wasn’t that he made it so stingy, but the little girl shouldn’t be able to eat that much… right!

Crucian carp is simmered with sour papaya and fish sauce to make a hot and sour taste. The crispy meat carp can be eaten with a light rice porridge. A simple dip in water can meet the taste of the little girl.

Give the big guy another prawn cracker soup, which saves money, effort and time. It’s perfect.

After entering the kitchen, Lin Chou finally revealed his true colors as a hypocrite.

The few crucians who escaped from the shallows thought that the crucian carp who had escaped from birth this time were planted, and they were indeed escaping from the “ascension” to the sky, ascending to the sky.

The eyes of the bloody crucian carp were shining with the bright lights of the kitchen, and the dark eyes were dim and empty.

Lin Chou didn’t plan to put seasonings other than fish sauce sour and green papaya slices in the sour papaya stew. It relied on the original flavor of these three ingredients to support the scene.

Therefore, the black clothes and nice side scales in the belly of the crucian must be removed.

When making a cut on a crucian carp, the first line on the back of the gill is slightly deeper, and the fishy line can be picked up with a toothpick and then gently stretched out of the body.

The fishy line is cyan, and there is no stain on it.

“Sure enough, it’s a red-line crucian carp, it’s kind of interesting.”

The sour fish sauce that had not been seen for many days did not evolve into a tank of failed hot peppers. The acidity did not increase, but it was a little more mellow and rich.

The small fish floating in the thick red soup have a somewhat crystal clear posture. The skin of the slightly larger fish is transparent, and the flesh inside actually looks red and beautiful, very beautiful.

The original little fishy smell has completely become a memory, time and fermentation have taken away all the deficiencies.

As for what remains, it is full of refreshing.

Lin Chou sighed,

“If Lao Lin can make such a tank of sour fish sauce, it must be something like a treasure-he will probably keep it for me as a family heirloom every day.”

Lin Chou’s father does not have his conditions. Even when business is better, he may be able to buy chili and green pepper, but he will not be able to get such rare little guys as anchovies, shibazi, chauding, and willow roots. Luxuriously used as a raw material for fermentation.

Sometimes Lao Lin didn’t even use crucian carp, so he could only use catfish slivers which had a strong smell of soil.

The oil is oily in the pot, and the oil removes the fishy smell. When it is about 60% hot, add some minced garlic and ginger slices, and then pour the fish sauce sour.

As the saying goes, raw onion and cooked garlic are the simplest ultimate taste experience.

The minced garlic cooked in oil removes the sharp taste of garlic, even if it is used to steam vermicelli and baby vegetables without scallops, it can be very delicious, and the condiment only needs a little soy sauce.

The sourness of the fish sauce has evolved from the freshness when it was born to a full-bodied and rich sour fragrance. The addition of garlic will revitalize a pot of red and colorful soup.

Whenever a bubble gushes out from the thick soup with all its strength, the taste and feeling make Lin Chou extremely happy.

Just like the oyster meat that was roasted on the ocean was eaten, the vinegar sauce and garlic still boiled slightly in the oyster shell, and the aroma of the sea breeze diffused.

——Thief chickens are transparent and thieves are active.

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