That’s right, pinching him!

The word ‘pinch’ is used very well.

In the hands of a tyrant, youth is no different from a rat.


The tyrant directly swiped his hand and grabbed the young man in the palm of his hand.

The young man struggled to use his powers to get rid of the tyrant, but just like just now, he couldn’t summon anything at all.

He panicked.

But after several attempts by the tyrant, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At least for now, the tyrant wants to pinch his iron pimple to death, but he can’t do it.

“Haha… Do you really think this will kill me? Although I don’t know what method you used to make me unable to control the metal thorn, but if you want to kill me, your skills are obviously not enough. ”

You can see his smugness.

Although he can’t get out of trouble, the difficulty of pinching a metal pimple is obviously greater.

Even the tyrant looked at Tang Tian helplessly.

“Well, sorry, I forgot, I’ll deal with it.” Tang Tian scratched his head in embarrassment and said.

After speaking, he directly used the Wushuang Spirit Domain and began to peel off the metalization on the young man’s body.

“Deal, how do you deal with it? Labor funds belong to the body, you…”

The words were not finished.

The young man suddenly found that the gold on his arm began to slowly fade, revealing the color of his original skin.

He panicked, and then looked at the rest of his body, and it was also quickly returning to normal!

“No, don’t, it can’t be like this, it can’t be like this…” the young man shouted in panic.

He tried to regain control of his powers, but he couldn’t.

In Tang Tian’s Peerless Spirit Domain, as long as the level of supernatural energy did not exceed Tang Tian, then everything was Tang Tian’s final say!

“Tang Tian, don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I know it’s wrong…”


The moment the metallized body completely subsided, one of the young man’s legs was pinched off.

What the young man relies on is completely his power, indestructible, unless the level exceeds the E level, it is really difficult to cause too much damage to his body.

The youth has always been proud of abandoning most of the attacks and using a large part of them to strengthen their bodies.

But unexpectedly, today it was in Tang Tian’s hands.

“Tyrant, don’t play, quick victory, by the way, take far, don’t splash my blood.” Tang Tian instructed.

The tyrant then grinned and took the youth in another direction.


It was such a creak that the youth did not even have time to scream, and he was pinched to death.

At this moment, everyone fell silent.

Whether it is the side of the Alliance Army or the side of the Desert Army, they are all like ashes.

Good fellow, that’s an E-class superpower!

Just pinched to death by you!

Then, Tang Tian looked at Li Wei and said, “How is Qin Wuyao?” ”

As soon as the name is spoken.

Li Wei’s face changed first, and another person also suddenly looked up at Tang Tian, that person was the woman on the side of the Desolate Army.

Li Wei gritted his teeth and said, “I’ll send you the information.” ”

“Well, thank you.”

Tang Tian nodded: “What about the corpse core, hand it over to me, and you can leave.” ”

The face of the Union Army sank again.

Transporting corpse nuclei, if the corpse nucleus is robbed, they will bear a lot of responsibility and punishment!

“Li Wei, you should know that you are not my opponent, hand over the corpse core to me, I will not kill you, the person I want to kill is Chu Tianjiao, it has nothing to do with you, but if you block my way and don’t follow my heart, that’s another matter.”

Tang Tian saw that they were hesitating, so he said simply.

Today’s Tang Tian is no longer the indecisive Tang Tian.

In an instant of life and death, if Qin Wuyao hadn’t saved him, he would be gone now.

If anyone does not sin against me, I will not sin, but if anyone sins against me, I will sin!

In the end, Li Wei sighed deeply, gave a color to his subordinates, and took out the box containing the corpse core from the carriage.

The bone girl casually picked up the box, glanced at Tang Tian, and jumped to the tyrant’s arrow.

The convoy of Li Wei and the others turned around in place and drove back.

Seeing that there were still densely packed flame gold ants in front of him, Li Wei turned around and looked at Tang Tian for help.

Just seeing Tang Tian’s simple wave of his hand, the Flame Gold Ant Group immediately obediently separated a path and let Li Wei and the others leave.

“Go back and tell Chu Tianjiao, this… Just getting started. ”

Li Wei was stunned, looking at the flame gold ant colony who obediently gave way, more obedient than his own dog, his expression was very complicated.

In this way, on the avenue, only the group of the barren army remained.

Tang Tian turned his head and glanced at them.

Immediately, everyone’s faces changed.

“You’re going to kill us?” The woman asked through gritted teeth.

Tang Tian did not speak.

“Since you are not from the alliance, it is better to join our desert army, we…”

“Not interested.”

Tang Tian refused unceremoniously.

The woman suffocated suddenly, and suddenly asked, “Then you… Know my sister? ”

“Your sister? Who is it. ”

“My name is Qin Wutong, and my sister’s name is Qin Wuyao.” The woman said.

Tang Tian was stunned, and after taking a closer look, he found that it was true that this girl and Qin Wuyao’s faces were seven points similar.

It’s just that Qin Wuyao’s charm is too heavy, so I didn’t find it just now.

“I do know your sister, I… I owe her a favor, I will not join the deserted army, and I will not kill you, you go, don’t stay here, for your sister’s sake, I advise you, for your stupid way of robbery, it is to send death. ”

Reminding them, Tang Tian did not hesitate and jumped on the tyrant’s shoulder.

With the mighty Flame Gold Ant Swarm, he left the avenue.

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