The next morning, Yang Bin and his companions got up and had some breakfast before heading to the county town.

The town they were in was only about 40 kilometers away from the county town, not very far.

Almost all the zombies along the way had been cleared by them these days, so the car was quite fast.

This time, even Fang Sijie came with them, and the base was handed over to his men.

Anyway, there was nothing big going on in the base now, and with Xiaojuzi and Dahuang there, there would naturally be no problem.

Fang Sijie came with them mainly because there were many things missing in the base that needed to be looted in the county town.

And as he reached the seventh level, his alien space also grew from more than ten cubic meters to twenty cubic meters, which could hold a lot of things.

The car drove along, and because there were many obstacles on the road, it took more than two hours for everyone to finally arrive at the county town.

As soon as they entered the county town, the sound of the car quickly attracted a large group of zombies.

Looking at the dense zombies rushing towards this side, Chen Hao sighed.

"It seems that the county town has been lost."

"Not necessarily, this is the old city area, it is normal for the zombies to fall because they are too dense, and there may be survivors in the new city area."

"Boss, do you want to kill them?" Lao Hei was a little eager to try.

"Don't get entangled with them, let's go down and open the road, Yifei, park the car farther away, don't break it, there are not many cars now."


Everyone got off the car, and one by one took out a huge threaded stick to meet the group of zombies rushing towards them.

Lin Yifei backed the car to a distance.

Now, except for some newly born zombies, the lowest level of the zombies outside is the fourth level, and the fifth level has accounted for half. There are also many sixth-level zombies, and the seventh level can occasionally be encountered.

However, zombies of the same level are actually independent of each other. For example, if several level 6 zombies appear in an area at the same time, they are likely to be independent and have their own forces.

However, if level 7 zombies appear in this area, these level 6 zombies and their forces will be subordinate to the level 7 zombies.

The zombie hierarchy is still quite strict.

More than half of them are level 5 zombies, which makes the current zombie group much more terrifying than before. Even level 6 evolvers dare not run around.

Fortunately, all members of the Xingyue team are level 7, so they are not very scared.

Everyone ran towards the new city area, and occasionally ran into a supermarket on the way and went in to search.

Some seasoning bases are now in short supply, and Fang Sijie's purpose of entering the county this time is these things.

The supplies in the old city area seem to have not been looted much. Everyone searched several supermarkets in succession and found a lot of goods, which is a bargain for them.

Zombies kept rushing towards them along the way, and everyone did not get too entangled, just rushed towards the new city area.

Finally, after more than an hour of breaking through, they finally rushed to the new city area.

It was obvious that the number of zombies was much less near the new city area, and even some communities were free of zombies.

From the bloodstains and some traces of fighting on the ground, it can be seen that it should have been cleaned up. Judging from this situation, there is a high possibility that there are survivors in the new city area.

The crowd dealt with the zombies that caught up with them, and then walked towards a large building materials market.

Fang Sijie had a lot of materials to find there.

As soon as he arrived at the building materials market, he ran into a team of evolvers.

This was a team of about 200 people, all fifth-level evolvers, including two sixth-level evolvers and a sixth-level mutant! ”

It must be said that this team is quite strong.

However, there are many level 6 zombies now. With so many level 5 evolvers and psychics, it is not difficult to get level 6 crystals.

Once a force has a level 6 psychic, it is not difficult to produce a second one.

“You don’t seem to be from the base. Did you escape from the old city?” The level 6 psychic in the lead frowned.

“Yes.” Yang Bin nodded.

“I didn’t expect there were survivors in the old city. Since you can escape from the old city, it means you are quite strong. You should be level 5.” The man guessed.

As for the level 6, he would never think about it. They paid a considerable price when they killed the first level 6 zombie.

There are only a few people on the other side. It is impossible to reach the level 6.

“Uh, right, right. "Yang Bin nodded again.

"In that case, then you can come back to the base with us. The base just needs evolvers, so you don't have to worry about zombies in the base anymore." The man said directly.

They didn't give Yang Bin and the others a chance to refuse.

"Okay, let's go." Yang Bin didn't refuse either. He also wanted to see what the county base was like.

Then, everyone walked towards the distance under the leadership of a large group of people.

Along the way, it can be seen that the zombies here are cleaned up very cleanly. It seems that these people should clean up frequently. After all, the old city is not far from here, and zombies should often come here.

Along the way, Yang Bin was asking about the situation in the base in a roundabout way.

Soon it was learned that there were more than 20,000 survivors in this base, and more than half of them were evolvers, but some of them were of lower level, but there were also 700 to 800 fifth-level evolvers.

And there were three superpowers in the base, all of them were sixth-level, and in addition, there were five sixth-level evolvers.

It can be said that the strength of this base is quite good. If Yang Bin guessed correctly, it should be a base established at the beginning of the apocalypse.

But he was a little confused, why it was not an official base established at the beginning of the apocalypse, but a private base.

Did the Ru County government finish at the beginning?

Yang Bin wanted to find out something else, but the other party didn't say anything. He just kept telling him how powerful the base was, as if he wanted to intimidate Yang Bin and his team and make them follow him wholeheartedly.

After walking for more than half an hour, he finally saw a huge base.

The city wall was five meters high, with spikes all over the outside. There was also a moat outside the city wall, and people were constantly patrolling on the city wall.

Seeing everyone coming, the guard quickly opened the gate..

"The second in command is back."


Entering the base, the scene inside made Yang Bin and others frown.

The situation in this base is very similar to the base where Brother Li was at the beginning. Many people are working there with pale faces and thin bodies, and their eyes are almost shiny.

But what surprised Yang Bin was that the construction plan in the base was very good, and those people's living quarters were not bad.

If the leader of the base was someone like Brother Li, they shouldn't have built such a good house for them.

Or is it that the leader of the base is a good person, but it's just because of the lack of supplies.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the big brother, and then we'll see how the big brother will assign you."

"Okay." Yang Bin nodded.

Then, Yang Bin and others followed the second in command all the way to the depths of the base.

However, just halfway through, they suddenly saw a person walking towards them.

"Second brother, you're back..."

The man greeted the second in command.

Seeing this person, Yang Bin's face suddenly darkened.

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