Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 220 What is a Yin person (1)

The fire wolf's claws are usually as big as half a car, and Qin Feng warmed up the ice fire wolf.

One claw after another, they are all aimed towards death.

Fire Wolf's claws directly hit the bulletproof glass, and the huge force directly shook the glass violently.

Moreover, the fire wolf's claws were burning with flames, the steam was steaming, and the glass was scalded red.

"Wow! It scared me to death!"

"What the hell is this!"

"It's life-threatening!"

"Scare someone to death!"

Several soldiers were so frightened that they squatted on the ground and broke out in cold sweat behind them.

There was a pause for a second, and the next time, Qin Feng leaped up again.

This time, Qin Feng directly blocked another place not far away.

Then, he continued to jump away before the fire wolf attacked him, and then the fire wolf's huge claws continued to greet the glass cover.

The fire wolf's claws burned and became hot.

The glass was smeared red.

But the heat dissipates very quickly, and the area originally attacked by the fire wolf has dimmed and returned to its original appearance.

"What on earth is this man doing?"

"Are you crazy? Are you schizophrenic due to the Ice and Fire Wolf?"

"I'm sick, I'm definitely sick. We can just go to the theater and be fine."

"Ah hahaha, it's just like a lion jumping through hoops in a circus. It's so funny."

"But why did he only provoke the fire wolf? What about the ice wolf? What about the slime monster?"

"I guess it's because he's too low-level. Brother Ice Wolf and Brother Slime don't like him."

"If you say that, you won't be afraid of Fire Wolf being angry."

There were a few shocks at first, but in the end, after the audience got used to it, they started to watch Qin Feng's "performance".

A tall, powerful and handsome "third-class soldier" is using his superb skills to amuse the audience for the audience's enjoyment.

Strong body shape and agile movements.

Not to mention how difficult it is, in terms of viewing ability, it is enough to make people admire.


Fire Wolf attacks in one circle.

There was wind under Qin Feng's feet, and he had five times the strength of an ordinary person plus all kinds of borrowing power from him.

Even if the protective clothing is gone now, the black flame golden sword is gone.

But Qin Feng still relied on his own ability to jump with the ice fire wolf's tall body.

The huge viewing glass of the Colosseum was heated in a circle.

The audience watched with gusto and even looked forward to Qin Feng doing another round!

They talked a lot.

"Oh, it's actually very simple. Just step on the head of the ice wolf or fire wolf when you jump down."

"What you said is simple. The temperature of an ice wolf is said to be equivalent to more than sixty below zero, while the temperature of a fire wolf is about the same as that of molten iron."

"That's right, let alone people, even this iron can melt. But if he hasn't been in contact for a long time, maybe nothing will happen."

"Fart, can this person still survive if he touches molten iron with his foot?"

In fact, when Qin Feng rushed to the center of the Colosseum, he tied the iron knife to his feet.

After breaking it hard, the handle of the iron knife was broken, and several short knives were broken off.

Finally, the iron foot mat is formed.

As long as you stay on the fire wolf for no more than five seconds, you can prevent the iron from melting.

As for whether to perm or not, Qin Feng's body has been trained extremely well. Even if more than half of his abilities are suppressed this time, these are just small problems for him.

But Qin Feng’s purpose is not to entertain these people.

Qin Feng looked back at the burned glass cover and smiled slightly.

His foot speed increased exponentially.

The foot stepped on the fire wolf, and the force that angered it increased again, and the fire wolf was burned with anger.

The flames on his body grew stronger.

The temperature on this body is so high that it can spontaneously ignite as long as you are three meters away from it!

Wherever the fire wolf goes there is a sea of ​​fire.

It chased the extremely fast Qin Feng, burning with flames all the way.

The ice wolf followed and extinguished the flame again.

But the ice wolf was much slower. After all, Qin Feng did not anger it.

Bang bang bang.

Qin Feng kept jumping to the glass wall, and then played with the originally strong and terrifying fire wolf in his hands.

The hard glass that can block cannonballs was baked red.

Because Qin Feng's speed was too fast, the red had not faded away completely and was coated with a new layer.

"Okay!" Someone suddenly stood up and applauded.

Qin Feng's skills, skills, and strength are all amazing.

Those viewers have actually been watching this monster kill people for a month, and without exception, those who enter will die.

Here comes a person who can play with monsters, how can they not be excited.

I jumped up and cheered and clapped, so excited that my mother didn’t even recognize her.

Therefore, almost no one noticed that these glasses were baked too red.

If there is a large iron pillar at this time, if it is hit particularly hard, it may deform.

Qin Feng circled around and around again, stepping back to the starting point and feeling the changes in the glass.

Knowing that the time has come, he stopped avoiding and turned around and stepped on the glass.

"The time has come, you are already dead." Qin Feng murmured softly.

With a strong movement of his feet, the tall figure jumped into the middle and disappeared into the dust and mist.

"Where are the others?"

"Aren't you going to play anymore?"

"Hey, no, he's tired of playing with the fire wolf, and now he's looking for trouble with the ice wolf!"

"This guy is really interesting, hahaha."

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