Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 157 Corrosive Poison Gas

"Dingwu, Dingwu~~~"

The red alarm kept sounding, and the people behind Qin Feng were already panicking. They knew what was going to happen next.

What's more, what Li Tianfang shouted in the glass room.

These two siblings didn't care about their lives at all.

Li Ruohan and the others wanted to kill Qin Feng, and they also wanted to kill them!

"Corrosion?" Qin Feng didn't care about Li Tianfang's shouting at all, but just repeated these two words.

A little girl behind him shouted: "Poison gas, they are going to open the gas valve! We will die here with these zombies!"

There seemed to be a sound of gas being released in the space, hissing.

It should be released from the place where the zombies are stored in this center, and the gas has not yet been transmitted.

The zombies woke up and made a sound of uh uh uh, ho ho ho, and then the zombies were corroded and they roared.

The whole space was instantly filled with the fear of death.

These experimenters quickly put on gas masks and rushed over to open the door of the laboratory.

As a result, the door of the laboratory was locked tightly and could not be opened at all.

Li Ruohan and others had already modified the closing procedure of the entire door! Unless they opened it, this door could not be opened.


"Open the door! Open the door for us!"


These experimenters were furious and even wanted to kick the glass cover open.

However, the glass cover did not move at all. The two people inside were one calm and the other arrogant.

"What's the use?" Li Tianfang looked at the experimenters who were furious and began to smash the glass cover, "Don't move, this glass can't be penetrated by bullets."

Li Tianfang's face was still pale, but his arrogance did not diminish.

"Say less." Li Ruohan said, she turned to look at Qin Feng, and the last shadow of her eyes disappeared.

Qin Feng did not show a trace of dissatisfaction or fear from beginning to end.

Even when Li Tianfang shouted at him, he still had a hint of disdain on his face.

"I'm sorry," Li Ruohan said, "I have to do this for my company and for my brother."

The company was rotten to the roots, and the most effective way was to destroy it and start over.

Qin Feng was unwilling to let Li Tianfang go, so he raised his hand and removed one of his arms. Li Ruohan said that she would not care about this matter.

Her brother was the only child of the Li family, and nothing could happen to him.

She met Qin Feng's ironic eyes, shrank a little, and said: "I have investigated your cemetery before. Are there other people there besides you?"

"You saved my life. I promise you that I will go to your cemetery immediately and save them."

"This is my compensation to you."

Qin Feng couldn't help but sneer. This Li Ruohan is really self-righteous.

He pulled out two black flame golden knives from behind, and the black flames cut through the dark laboratory.

Behind him, the screams of zombies were endless, and the poisonous gas had spread over.

Even the experimenters wearing gas masks couldn't stand it. These other substances were not only dangerous to inhale, but also corrosive to the skin.

The skin of the person closest to the ventilation port had begun to rot, as if a high concentration of sulfuric acid had been poured on him.

"Ah!!!!" A painful scream came, and looking over, the skin of the person exposed to the air had been exposed to flesh and bones bit by bit.

The skin was like burnt rubber, melting away bit by bit, dissolving bit by bit, emitting an extremely fishy smell.

"Uh, puff, ah!" In less than ten seconds, the corroded person began to twitch, spitting green foam from his mouth, and the screams were drowned in the surging green foam.

In the end, he became a rotten corpse, lying on the ground, lifeless.


"Help, let us out!!"

The remaining few people shouted and became a mess.

Li Ruohan sighed, couldn't bear it anymore, and finally looked at Qin Feng.

Turned around and pressed a button.

Li Tiancheng saw it, smiled arrogantly, and waved at Qin Feng: "Let's go, idiot, don't miss me. Hahaha"

The glass plate under their feet slowly rose, and slowly lifted them up in the glass cover.

Seeing that they were about to leave here from bottom to top, Li Tiancheng even arrogantly shook his lower body at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng sneered and called softly: "Blood curtain."

As the voice fell, a thin layer of blood skin wrapped him, and the poisonous gas lingered outside the blood curtain and could not be corroded at all.

The screams of the experimenters were completely isolated outside.

Li Tianfang and Li Ruohan left the 27th floor and were slowly rising without any obstacles.

Because Li Ruohan was shocked and modified all the programs.

At this speed, they could directly press the explosion switch when they reached the seventh floor.

When they got on the helicopter and left, this underground city would just be destroyed.

"Sister," Li Tianfang lay under the glass cover, looking at the experimental center on the 27th floor that was gradually moving away, "Where did you find this idiot? I thought he was really your boyfriend."

"Yeah." Li Ruohan didn't answer much, she felt a little heavy.

"I saw him being so arrogant in that cemetery, and I thought he was so powerful."

"He also said, you can't even beat my woman, and you beat me?"

"Hahaha, I'm happy to think that I will become a pool of pus in a while."

Li Ruohan didn't know what she was thinking. She was staring at the device that was gradually rising up, in a daze.

Suddenly, there was a burst of popping sounds in the air, like a burning arrow piercing through.

Li Tianfang looked at the transparent glass under him, which was a little dirty, so he wiped it.

A black flame pierced through the glass the next second before he could see what was going on.


The glass shattered, and Li Ruohan turned around after hearing the sound, watching the flame directly rushing over Li Tianfang's entire body.

A flame split into three, and the three flames rushed towards Li Tianfang's remaining hands and feet.

One by one, aiming at the joints, and cutting them off directly!

"Ah!!!" Li Tianfang was originally lying on the glass floor, and suddenly he fell to the ground, his hands and feet were broken, and blood spurted out.

"Ah! What." Li Ruohan was startled and fell on the glass wall behind him, watching all this in horror.

Cut off Li Tianfang's hands and feet, the flames automatically retracted, leaving only a hood of blood and the smell of burnt meat.

Below, the green poisonous gas was gradually spreading up, and Li Ruohan had no time to think about what the flames were.

She quickly turned around and adjusted the speed of the elevator's ascent. These poisonous gases would spread up through the hole pierced by the flames.

By then, she and Li Tianfang would both be dead!

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