Zhuang Chen, who was sitting on the top floor, watched for a while and made a small discovery about the dark power user in their team.

Discovered that her powers did not mean she was invincible.

As time went by, the black smoke on her hands became less thick than at the beginning and became lighter.

Those corroded monsters cannot be killed immediately.

Although there was burning pain on her skin, the monsters still gritted their teeth and launched an attack on her.

Liu Yuanyuan was caught off guard. She was in a panic, dodging left and right.


Apart from the dark powers, she doesn't seem to have any other blessings of strength or speed.

In other words, she should have obtained the dark power by chance.

Zhuang Chen was also full of disdain for her, and his strength was only so much.

I don't know where her sense of superiority comes from. Anyone in her team can use it to beat her.

And her corrosive ability is only a little overbearing at the beginning, but it is completely insignificant later on.

Liu Yuanyuan escaped in embarrassment and did not leave this predicament until her teammates came to rescue her.

Although she was slightly relieved, she felt that the rescue of her teammates was completely justified.

Even blaming them for being too slow.

Because of Liu Yuanyuan's wanton killing just now, the stench produced by those monsters.

Instead, it attracted more monsters and zombies, gradually surrounding them.

"Brother Li, there is no way we can continue like this!"

Ji Xiaoxiao was inexplicably frightened when she saw this formation.

After hearing her voice, her team members also turned their heads to look at this scene.

Everyone frowned, but did not dare to slack off in their actions.

"Let's get out of this place."

The leader, Brother Li, directly asked the two girls to pull Liu Yuanyuan forward.

He and Zhang Guoxing were at the rear.

Zhang Guoxing gritted his teeth and held the iron piece in his hand as a shield.

The zombies that were approaching were hit several meters away by his shield.

The monsters that hit were also directly bounced by this piece of iron, causing them to become dizzy.

The two of them cooperated with each other, whipping these monsters while retreating back.

But the number of those monsters was huge enough, and it was completely impossible to deal with them just by the two of them.

Zhuang Chen also stood up directly from the top floor. He knew that this moment was his best opportunity to appear.

He jumped directly over the tall buildings and landed in front of the two people, isolating the monster from them.

Both of them were startled by the sudden appearance of Zhuang Chen.

When he saw his appearance clearly, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Why are you here?"

"Don't ask so many questions first, run away first, I will give you the rear."

Both of them noticed at the same time that the bandage on Zhuang Chen's shoulder no longer existed.

Even the scabbed wounds only had some scars left.

Their eyes met for a while, and they realized that there seemed to be something not simple about Zhuang Chen.

Under Zhuang Chen's repeated urging, the two of them quickly retreated back.

Zhuang Chen did not delay with these monsters, but directly used his powerful mental ability to control their bodies.

Continuously throwing perfect parabolas in the air, throwing them far away like garbage.

In a short while, the distance between them was widened.

Zhuang Chen also took the opportunity to take steps to look for this small team.

"Hey! We're here."

Just when Zhuang Chen was about to pass them, Brother Li stopped him with a slight voice.

Zhuang Chen stepped on the wall, jumped to the window, and jumped in directly.

"It's actually you? You are really a lucky person."

"Yuanyuan, it was this young gentleman who saved us just now. Don't talk like this."


Liu Yuanyuan put on her high profile again, with her hands folded across her chest, full of disdain for Zhuang Chen.

She couldn't help but raise her voice and question his words.

Everyone seemed accustomed to her attitude.

Even if he tried to stop her with his eyes, it would not have much effect at all.

They couldn't help but sigh lightly and ignored her, and walked directly towards Zhuang Chen.

Liu Yuanyuan looked at them all with disdain.

Completely forgetting how he had just escaped in embarrassment, he turned his head and looked towards the window.

"Thank you for your rescue just now."

"It should be said that we are even. You just saved me."

Zhuang Chen chuckled, waved his hand, and said to them.

"The situation just now was far more dangerous than what we are in now. Does this make it even?"

"Sister Yuan, can't you just say a few words?"

Ji Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but angrily yelled at her.

Zhuang Chen didn't pay any attention to such a person's malicious intentions.

He also knew why this woman was so malicious to everyone.

Because some of the information he saw was that she was full of arrogance and looked down on everyone.

Maybe she was a spoiled young lady before the end of the world, and after the end of the world, she always felt that someone would follow her.

That's why she dared to be so unscrupulous.

Facing such a person, just ignore her directly. If you go too far.

She will definitely be retaliated and get the fate she deserves.

"I was very interested in the small piece of iron you used at the beginning. Can you tell me something?"

Hearing what Zhuang Chen said, Zhang Guoxing raised his hand shield directly.

There was a little pride between his eyebrows.

"Before the end of the world, I was a blacksmith. After the end of the world, I accidentally stimulated a kind of supernatural power and had such a high sensitivity to iron."

This also confirmed Zhuang Chen's guess that he could extract some of this special iron element from some special substances.

He found that it was not only very strong.

And it also had a slight elasticity, very subtle, but he could feel it.

But the only thing that made him feel a little regretful was that the extraction of such iron elements was also very cumbersome and complicated.

And the materials for finding it were also very scarce.

"Can you tell me what kind of material can be used to extract such iron?

I would like to invite you to help me refine it, but I will give you a certain reward."

After hearing Zhuang Chen's words, they all fell into silence.

After all, this iron element has become their foothold in the end times.

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