Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 63: A bit of a headache

Zhuang Chen tore off a corner of his clothes and carefully wrapped the seeds.

He put them in his personal space.

He walked slowly towards some monsters with devilish steps.

And those monsters were forced to retreat again and again by the strong air pressure on his body.

Some monsters in the dark became stronger when they met strong ones.

They took the initiative to attack him.

Zhuang Chen's fist was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

He hit its abdomen hard, forcing them to spit out the contents of their stomachs.

Now Zhuang Chen was like a demon with red eyes.

The arc at the corner of his mouth made the monsters tremble.

But just when he was attacking frantically,

a large number of monsters inside came out of the land of death.

They also kept attacking him, and he didn't seem to find those seeds on the ground.

This should be a very special case.

All the monsters surrounded Zhuang Chen.

They were densely packed, and there was no gap between them.

Zhuang Chen also had a lot of fun fighting.

These monsters, to him, were like meat sandbags.

Based on the monsters he saw in the guard cabin.

He felt that they were very small and not enough to do anything to him.

Although their number was too large.

But Zhuang Chen didn't take them seriously at all.

After beating them, he found that there were no seeds he wanted.

He ignored these monsters and walked into the land of death.

Fortunately, the humanoid guards had a closed system that could isolate the poisonous gas.

He walked into the land of death and could kill some monsters with any step.

Their number was too large, but they couldn't do anything to Zhuang Chen.

They could only avoid and flee.

The current priority is not to focus on these monsters.

Zhuang Chen came to the hole inside.

At this time, the monster's head was still coming out of the hole.

They jumped on the wall and landed directly on the ground.

Just like ants, but its harm cannot be underestimated.

The guard controlled by Zhuang Chen trotted over. Due to its size.

When it ran, the Land of Death had some small tremors.

Zhuang Chen flew over quickly and punched the monster that popped out of its head.

A muffled groan was heard.

The monster was knocked down by him.

And the strong suction inside also sucked them back directly.

The falling monster also blocked the monster behind it.

No monster came out for the time being.

Restored a moment of peace.

Zhuang Chen took out the iron cover he had prepared long ago and wanted to cover it.

Using the suction of the airflow inside, he firmly pulled it to the entrance of the cave.

In this way, those monsters would have no way to come out again.

When he took out the iron cover, it was directly sucked on the entrance of the cave.

There was only some weak airflow, and the poisonous smell that flowed out was also reduced a lot.

This iron cover only covered half of it.

Zhuang Chen pulled the iron cover and pulled it upwards to cover them completely.

But the iron cover with adsorption force was like a rock.

Zhuang Chen couldn't pull it at all.

He moved the guard mechanism, gritted his teeth, and exerted force on it again.

He used all his strength to make the iron cover move slowly upwards.

Until the hole was completely covered.

At the moment of covering, the surroundings suddenly seemed much calmer.

And the airflow became normal, and the hole no longer emitted that trace of yellowish poisonous smell.

The monster inside did not move.

But before he could completely relax, the iron cover at the hole fell directly.

The adsorption force became strong again, and the yellowish smell was emitted.

"Oh my god, what does this mean?"

Zhuang Chen knelt down to pick up the iron cover on the ground and covered the hole neatly.

This time he was very fast, accurate, and ruthless.

The hole was once again covered by the iron cover.

The surroundings returned to calm again.

At this time, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and knew the mystery.

It turned out that when he entered the cave, he had already discovered this strong suction.

It was because the airflow inside was lower than the airflow outside.

So when the airflow outside entered, it became a strong counteraction.

That is to say, a kind of suction was formed.

That is to say, when he used the iron cover to separate this thing.

Naturally, there would be no suction, and the iron cover would not be able to stand at the entrance of the cave.

That is to say, the problem was not fundamentally solved.

"This is really a bit confusing."

But at the same time, he was also very glad that he could quickly react to this principle.

And now what he had to do was to fix this iron cover on the entrance of the cave.

Only then could this problem be completely solved.

Zhuang Chen thought about it.

He took out a screw of the length and thickness of a finger from his personal space.

He punched it into the iron cover.

Let it connect with the entrance of the cave and fix it on it.

When he did all this, he was a little nervous.

He let go of the iron cover in his hand and held his breath.

After making sure it would not fall, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After doing all this, he turned and left.

He didn't know if this method was effective, but it seemed to have a certain effect.

Now he just needed to get rid of all the monsters that escaped.

The end of the world will be peaceful.

But what Zhuang Chen didn't know was that after he left.

There was a bang at the entrance of the cave.

That is, the monster inside smashed the iron cover.

After Zhuang Chen walked out, he found that the surroundings were much calmer.

There was only a faint poisonous gas in the air.

Those monsters scattered and ran to various cities.

Zhuang Chen controlled his guards and crossed the city.

He tried his best to take a shortcut and rush back to the farm.

After returning to the farm, Zhuang Chen walked out of the cabin and asked the guards to patrol the farm.

And he was a little impatient.

Walked towards his farm, wanting to plant all the seeds he found this time.

And he got a bottle of tiger-level potion and wanted to use it.

Let him eat it and see what kind of superpowers it will produce?

Zhuang Chen came to the farm, holding his mini hoe.

He found a piece of vacant land and dug small holes for them.

The distance between the seeds was evenly spaced.

He basically planted it in one hole for one seed.

Then he covered it with the soil by hand.

After doing all this.

Zhuang Chen clapped his hands, stood up, and looked at his masterpiece.

Looking at these picked up seeds, he had some expectations for them.

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