Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 61: Preemptive Strike

"Uncle Zhu, what kind of existence is this person? Not only does he have such an attractive machine, he also has such a generous move.

Zhao Xian waved the tomato in his hand, his face full of curiosity.

Career has deep admiration for Zhuang Chen.

And Uncle Zhu didn't know how to answer him. What about this?

Just looking at the tomato in my hand, I felt a little dazed.

“I feel like there’s something unusual about this person, because I can’t sense any weaknesses in him at all?

His energy in my perception is full in every aspect.

In other words, he is far superior to me. "

As Ju Anan said this, everyone admired Zhuang Chen even more.

“But if we can make friends with such people, they will definitely be of great benefit to us.

Everyone must remember not to offend such people. "

Hen Dali said, and the other people nodded in agreement.

Several of them looked at the tomatoes in their hands, and some couldn't put them down.

Carefully put it into your mouth.

Gently biting down the sweet and sour juice, it exploded and filled their mouths.

They felt a gentle force slowly pass through their throats.

It entered their bodies, passed through their internal organs, and spread to their limbs.

The five people's eyes widened at the same time, and their gazes taught each other.

She was completely reluctant to open her mouth to speak, for fear of evaporating the sweet and sour breath in her mouth into the air.

They put the rest directly into their mouths.

Chew slowly to enjoy this delicious food and feel the changes it brings to your body.

"This one is just amazing. I can actually feel the power of this tomato."

"I feel like there's a slight change in my body, but it's hard to describe."


Several of them sensed this change at the same time.

I didn’t expect that a small tomato could have such great effects.

They didn't know if they hadn't eaten such delicious food for too long.

That’s why some people exaggerate, saying that it brings its own effects.

However, they still have some perceptions in their hearts and believe in the effects such things bring to them.

Looking at Zhuang Chen's leaving figure, he thought how great it would be if he could make friends with such a person.

They were also very happy.

When he was fighting the monster just now, he extended a helping hand.

Without a car, this is a means of transportation.

Zhuang Chen could only control the machinery, crossing and crossing high-rise buildings in the streets and alleys.

When he came to the edge of the city shrouded in the place of death.

That faint yellowish aura filled the void.

Some of the scenery I saw was covered in hazy yellow.

However, this situation.

There are also some patterns that continue to spread outside.

The place here is obviously twice the size of the place reported yesterday.

Seeing this appearance, Zhuang Chen could only walk out of the machine.

Receive the humanoid guard into your own personal space.

Wearing his homemade protective suit.

Zhuang Chen walked slowly and entered this environment.

He wanted to take advantage of the newly arrived smoke to find some survivors.

Try the isatis root you planted to see if it has any suppressive effect on the poisonous gas?

Even purge.

He jumped between the houses.

Looking for those who survived.

Since this place is close to the land of death, there are also a large number of monsters nearby.

And they are still crawling out from inside.

In order to avoid being caught by these monsters, he was slowed down.

Zhuang Chen could only climb to the roof and shuttle back and forth on the roof.

Checking to see if there is anyone in these empty rooms.

Because according to his understanding, the monsters here were wreaking havoc and disrupting the progress of the rescue.

So there must be some people nearby.

But just as he was running on the roof.


But he was suddenly knocked down by a lizard-like reptile hiding in the dark.

Zhuang Chen groaned in pain.

He directly stretched out his foot and kicked the monster down.

When he stood up, he could see his face clearly.

The limbs are like human palms, and the nails are very sharp and cling to the ground.

The head is very big, like a bulging football.

And its mouth is long, like a crocodile's mouth?

Its eyes were as wide as copper bells, standing on the top of its head.

The long tail behind him swayed from side to side, baring its sharp teeth.

It moved its body slowly, sizing up Zhuang Chen and preparing to move towards him.

But Zhuang Chen would not give it such a chance.

He pounced directly and preemptively.

A punch hit its bulging eyeball.

Because he wanted to resolve this battle as quickly as possible, he used all his strength.

He punched out the eyes of the monster in front of him.

It howled in pain and rolled on the ground.

Zhuang Chen was afraid of its posture.

It would attract more monsters, so he turned around and left without continuing the fight with it.

Just when he was trying to escape.

At this time, his sensitive ears heard a person's weak and low cry for help.

Zhuang Chen froze in place and pricked up his ears.

Confirming that the sound was not his hallucination.

After determining the direction, he took his own steps and rushed to this place.

He came to a small building, where the weak voice came from.

He ran in directly.

However, the door was locked here.

"Is it Auntie? Don't be afraid, I will come to save you soon."

Zhuang Chen patted the door heavily.

He used his voice to soothe the emotions of the people inside.

He looked at the door anxiously.

Without saying a word, he kicked the iron door down.

He called out to the aunt loudly and determined her direction.

He rushed over directly, but found that the aunt was at the corner of the second floor.

When he arrived here.

The body of the aunt was lying on the stairs.

It seemed that she wanted to climb out.

But it didn't work.

The face of the old lady in front of him was pale.

She was gradually losing consciousness, and she kept muttering "Save my grandson".

When Zhuang Chen heard her voice, he hugged her directly in his arms.

Walking to the inner room of the second floor, he saw a three-year-old baby on a big bed.

Judging from his slightly rising and falling chest, he could be sure that he had fainted.

Knowing that he was still alive, Zhuang Chen was slightly relieved.

He shook the old lady's body and tried to stand her up a little.

He freed his other hand and grabbed the clothes of the three-year-old child.

He took a step and rushed out of this room with them.

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